How to use the warn function from log4js

Find comprehensive JavaScript log4js.warn code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.

log4js.warn is a function provided by the log4js library that logs a warning message to the console or a file, depending on the configuration.


/** Get current market quote coin to check if shit coin is enough for selling to grand quote minNotional volume */
const [, quote] = possibleMarket.split('/');
const quoteConfig = this.settings.getQuoteBySymbol(quote);
if (typeof quoteConfig === 'undefined') {
    logger.warn(`min notional config not found for ${quote}`);

/** @var float Quote volume be obtained after shit coin sell */
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How does log4js.warn work?

log4js.warn is a function provided by the log4js library that logs a warning message to the console or a file, depending on the configuration. When called, log4js.warn creates a new log event with the WARN level, and appends the provided message to the log event. The log event is then sent to the appenders defined in the log4js configuration. By default, log4js will log warning messages to the console using the console.warn method. However, the behavior of log4js can be customized by creating a configuration file and specifying different appenders and log levels. Overall, log4js.warn provides a convenient way to log warning messages to the console or a file in a Node.js application.

Ai Example

const log4js = require("log4js");

const logger = log4js.getLogger();

logger.warn("This is a warning message");

In this example, we use log4js.warn to log a warning message to the console. We first import the log4js library using the require function and assign it to the variable log4js. We then call log4js.getLogger to get a logger instance. By default, this logger will use the console as its appender and will log messages with a level of INFO or higher. We call logger.warn and pass in a string message as the argument. This creates a new log event with the WARN level and appends the message to the log event. The log event is then sent to the console appender, which logs the message to the console with a warning level. Note that in order to use log4js.warn, you need to have the log4js library installed and imported in your application, and you may also need to create a log4js configuration file to specify custom appenders and log levels.