How to use the warn function from loglevel
Find comprehensive JavaScript loglevel.warn code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
loglevel.warn is a function provided by the loglevel library that logs a warning message to the console.
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### AMD (e.g. RequireJS) ```javascript define(['loglevel'], function(log) { log.warn("dangerously convenient"); }); ``` ### Directly in your web page:
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ltype.pattern.push(curr.value); curr =; break; case 0: log.debug('}'); if(length > 0 && length !== ltype.pattern.length) log.warn('lengths do not match on LTYPE pattern'); ltypes[ltypeName] = ltype; ltype = {}; log.debug('LType {'); curr =;
How does loglevel.warn work?
is a method in the loglevel library that is used to log a warning message to the console with a warning icon. It takes a string or an object as an argument and logs it with a prefix of the word "WARN". The warning message is printed to the console only if the logging level is set to "warn" or lower.
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### AMD ```javascript define(['loglevel', 'loglevel-plugin-remote'], function(log, remote) { remote.apply(log); log.warn('message'); }); ``` ## Example
GitHub: cxw42/TabFern
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let val; try { val = JSON.parse(String(obj[key])); } catch(e) { let m = `Non-JSON value for ${key} - skipping`; log.warn(m); stash(m); ok = false; continue; }
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Ai Example
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import log from "loglevel"; log.setLevel("warn"); log.warn("This is a warning message");
In this example, we first import the loglevel library and set the log level to 'warn' using the setLevel method. We then call the warn method on the log object to log a warning message.
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* Client video stream error handler. * * @param {Error} error Camera stream error. */ onVideoStreamError(error) { log.warn('Can\'t start client video stream', error); } /** * Stop client webcam video stream.
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this.phoneTesseract = await this.createTesseractWorker(4, 'eng', this.phoneTimeTesseractOptions); } async initializeTimeRemainingTesseract() { if (!!this.timeRemainingTesseract) { log.warn('Reinitializing time remaining tesseract worker...'); await this.timeRemainingTesseract.terminate(); } this.timeRemainingTesseract = await this.createTesseractWorker(4, 'eng', this.timeRemainingTesseractOptions);
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// Unmount volume root execFileSync('umount', [volume_root]) } catch (err) { // Failure log.warn(`Couldn't unmount volume root '${volume_root}': ${err.toString()}`) } } }
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dxf.tables = parseTables(); log.debug('<'); } else if(curr.value === 'EOF') { log.debug('EOF'); } else { log.warn('Skipping section \'%s\'', curr.value); } } else { curr =; }
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'content-changed': function contentChanged() {'[WDS] Content base changed. Reloading...'); self.location.reload(); }, warnings: function warnings(_warnings) { log.warn('[WDS] Warnings while compiling.'); var strippedWarnings = (warning) { return stripAnsi(warning); }); sendMsg('Warnings', strippedWarnings);
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/** * @param {number} distance in meters (> 0) */ Hexapod.prototype.goForward = function(distance){ if(distance > 0) this.pushCmd({name:'goForward', args:[distance]}); else log.warn("goForward: argument must be greater than zero!") } /** * @param {number} distance in meters (> 0)
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const logger = require('loglevel') const { green, red, yellow } = require('kleur') let logLevel = process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'info' if (!['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'].includes(logLevel)) { logger.warn(`Invalid loglevel specified (${logLevel}). Defaulting to 'info'.`) logLevel = 'info' } const originalFactory = logger.methodFactory
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log.setLevel(0) log.trace('trace') log.debug('debug')'info') log.warn('warn', 'kjhgfbdcxz') log.error('error') console.log(log.getLevel()) console.log(log.levels)
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.map((tip) => (u.isObject(tip) ? tip.msg : tip)) .map((tip) => `[require-extension-vue: compiler tip] ${tip}`) .filter(templateCompilerTipMessageFilter); if (tips.length > 0) { log.warn(`[require-extension-vue] compiler tips in file: ${filename}`); } tips.forEach((tip) => log.warn(tip)); };
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loglevel.setLevel(parseInt(process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 0)); const trace = loglevel.trace; const debug = loglevel.debug; const info =; const warn = loglevel.warn; const error = loglevel.error; loglevel.trace = function (a, b) { trace(b === undefined ? a : a + ' | ' + b);
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let questDirectoryParent = path.join(this.questDirectory, '..') cd(questDirectoryParent); if (test('-d', this.questDirectory)) { log.warn(`Remove existing directory: ${this.questDirectory}`) rm('-rf', this.questDirectory); } mkdir(this.questDirectory); }
GitHub: PHaroZ/rika-mqtt
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try { status = await stove.getStatus() log.trace(status) } catch (e) { log.warn('fail to get status') log.warn(e) } try { await mqtt.publish(conf.mqtt.topicOut, JSON.stringify(status)) log.trace(`message published to ${conf.mqtt.topicOut}`)
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loglevel.debug is the most popular function in loglevel (1470 examples)