How to use the observable function from mobx
Find comprehensive JavaScript mobx.observable code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
mobx.observable creates a new observable object or array.
GitHub: erobwen/causality

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let obj = { name: "Bert", birth: new Date(1980,5,5), hobby: ['causality', 'muffins'], }; let xobj = mobx.observable(obj); mylist.push(xobj); mobx.autorun(function(){ count += xobj.hobby.length;
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How does mobx.observable work?
mobx.observable is a function that creates a new observable object. An observable object is an object that can be tracked for changes, and any changes to its properties can automatically trigger updates in any computed values or reactions that depend on it. When a property is accessed, MobX automatically sets up a subscription that tracks any changes to that property and re-renders the UI when necessary.
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/** It wraps getting and setting object properties by setting path expression (dotted path - e.g. "Data.Person.FirstName", "Data.Person.LastName") */ var MobxPathObjectBinder = (function () { function MobxPathObjectBinder(root, source) { this.root = mobx_1.observable(root); this.source = source === undefined ? this.root : source; } MobxPathObjectBinder.prototype.createNew = function (path, newItem) { //var item = followRef(this.root,newItem || this.getValue(path))
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# __MobX__ code ```javascript const { observable, autorun } = require('mobx'); const okComputer = observable({ title: "OK Computer", year: 1997, playCount: 0 });
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Ai Example
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import { observable } from "mobx"; const person = observable({ firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", age: 30, get fullName() { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; }, setAge(age) { this.age = age; }, }); person.setAge(35); console.log(person.age); // Output: 35
In the above example, mobx.observable is used to create an observable object named person with properties such as firstName, lastName, age, and a computed property fullName. The setAge method of the person object is used to update the age property.
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}) const sqsMessageGroupID = '' const sqsURL = process.env.AWS_SQS_EVENTS_URL const state = observable({ active: false, successCount: 0, errorCount: 0 //errors: observable.shallowArray([])
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const refObjectToFix = observable({}) referencesToResolve.push([ value.refId, refObjectToFix ]) return refObjectToFix } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return observable( } return value }
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function Folder(parent, name) { this.parent = parent; m.extendObservable(this, { name: name, children: m.observable.shallow([]), }); } function DisplayFolder(folder, state) {
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}; Router.propTypes = RouterPropTypes; Router.defaultProps = RouterDefaultProps; Router.contextType = RouterContext; tslib.__decorate([ mobx.observable ], Router.prototype, "show", void 0); tslib.__decorate([ mobx.observable ], Router.prototype, "childRouterCount", void 0);
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require("./index.less") const awsPath = __STAGE__ === "DEVELOPMENT" ? "" : "" const countryCodes = [ "AFG", "ALA", "ALB", "DZA", "ASM", "AND", "AGO", "AIA", "ATA", "ATG", "ARG", "ARM", "ABW", "AUS", "AUT", "AZE", "BHS", "BHR", "BGD", "BRB", "BLR", "BEL", "BLZ", "BEN", "BMU", "BTN", "BOL", "BES", "BIH", "BWA", "BVT", "BRA", "IOT", "BRN", "BGR", "BFA", "BDI", "KHM", "CMR", "CAN", "CPV", "CYM", "CAF", "TCD", "CHL", "CHN", "CXR", "CCK", "COL", "COM", "COG", "COD", "COK", "CRI", "CIV", "HRV", "CUB", "CUW", "CYP", "CZE", "DNK", "DJI", "DMA", "DOM", "ECU", "EGY", "SLV", "GNQ", "ERI", "EST", "ETH", "FLK", "FRO", "FJI", "FIN", "FRA", "GUF", "PYF", "ATF", "GAB", "GMB", "GEO", "DEU", "GHA", "GIB", "GRC", "GRL", "GRD", "GLP", "GUM", "GTM", "GGY", "GIN", "GNB", "GUY", "HTI", "HMD", "VAT", "HND", "HKG", "HUN", "ISL", "IND", "IDN", "IRN", "IRQ", "IRL", "IMN", "ISR", "ITA", "JAM", "JPN", "JEY", "JOR", "KAZ", "KEN", "KIR", "PRK", "KOR", "XKX", "KWT", "KGZ", "LAO", "LVA", "LBN", "LSO", "LBR", "LBY", "LIE", "LTU", "LUX", "MAC", "MKD", "MDG", "MWI", "MYS", "MDV", "MLI", "MLT", "MHL", "MTQ", "MRT", "MUS", "MYT", "MEX", "FSM", "MDA", "MCO", "MNG", "MNE", "MSR", "MAR", "MOZ", "MMR", "NAM", "NRU", "NPL", "NLD", "NCL", "NZL", "NIC", "NER", "NGA", "NIU", "NFK", "MNP", "NOR", "OMN", "PAK", "PLW", "PSE", "PAN", "PNG", "PRY", "PER", "PHL", "PCN", "POL", "PRT", "PRI", "QAT", "SRB", "REU", "ROU", "RUS", "RWA", "BLM", "SHN", "KNA", "LCA", "MAF", "SPM", "VCT", "WSM", "SMR", "STP", "SAU", "SEN", "SYC", "SLE", "SGP", "SXM", "SVK", "SVN", "SLB", "SOM", "ZAF", "SGS", "SSD", "ESP", "LKA", "SDN", "SUR", "SJM", "SWZ", "SWE", "CHE", "SYR", "TWN", "TJK", "TZA", "THA", "TLS", "TGO", "TKL", "TON", "TTO", "TUN", "TUR", "XTX", "TKM", "TCA", "TUV", "UGA", "UKR", "ARE", "GBR", "USA", "UMI", "URY", "UZB", "VUT", "VEN", "VNM", "VGB", "VIR", "WLF", "ESH", "YEM", "ZMB", "ZWE" ] let allData = Mobx.observable({ playerData: {} }) function validateKey(value) {
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} function useObservable(initialValue) { var observableRef = React.useRef(null); if (!observableRef.current) { observableRef.current = mobx.observable(initialValue); } return observableRef.current; }
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Model.primaryKey = 'id'; Model.fileFields = []; Model.pickFields = undefined; Model.omitFields = []; __decorate([ mobx_1.observable ], Model.prototype, "__pendingRequestCount", void 0); __decorate([ mobx_1.observable ], Model.prototype, "__fetchParams", void 0);
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GitHub: formegusto/study-reactjs
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}); mobx_1.autorun(function () { console.log(message.likes.join(", ")); }); message.likes.push("Jennifer"); var twitterUrls ={ Joe: "", }); mobx_1.autorun(function () { console.log(twitterUrls.get("Sara"));
mobx.runInAction is the most popular function in mobx (1598 examples)