How to use the describe function from mocha
Find comprehensive JavaScript mocha.describe code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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after(function() { testHelper.remove(); }); describe('equality', function() { it('returns false when comparing different types', function () { expect(utils.equals(null, undefined)).to.equal(false); expect(utils.equals(1, 'a string')).to.equal(false); expect(utils.equals([1, 2, 3], {one: 'value'})).to.equal(false);
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const result = await cache.aggregate([val345, val456], agg) assert.equal(Number(result), 400.5) }) }) describe('Min Aggregator', () => { const agg = Aggregators.min('str') it('should aggregate all entries', async () => { const result = await cache.aggregate(agg)
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afterEach(function () { config.github.token = null; }); describe('#ScalingoClient.getInstance', () => { it('should return the Scalingo client instance for recette', async () => { // given const clientStub = { clientFromToken: async () => {
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let sandbox; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); }); afterEach(() => sandbox.restore()); describe('index.js', () => { describe('LoginClient', () => { describe('constructor', () => { const tests = {}; tests[Symbol.iterator] = function* () { yield {
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it('set sub key', () => { const test = {Hello:{Name:'Paul',World:'World'}}; assert.deepEqual(ObjectFactory.Set(test, 'Hello.Name', 'Sabrina'), {Hello:{Name:'Sabrina',World:'World'}}); }); }); describe('[Method]: Equal', () => { it('should compare number', () => { assert.isTrue(ObjectFactory.Equal(1, 1)); assert.isFalse(ObjectFactory.Equal(1, 2)); });
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it(param, () => { assert.notStrictEqual(process.env[param], undefined, `${param} is not specified`); }); }; => describe(config.title, () => { => testEnvParam(param)); }));
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it('O objeto tem as propriedades "id", "name"', async () => { const result = await productModel.getById(); expect(result).to.include.all.keys('id', 'name'); }); }); describe('Caso não exisa o produto buscado', () => { before(() => { const executeResult = [[], []]; sinon.stub(connection, 'execute').resolves(executeResult); });
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it('Test 3: Random limit range', () => { expect(rgbToHexColor(145, 97, 143)).to.equal('#91618F'); }); }); describe('Invalid Limits', () => { it('Test 4: If one or more elements are outside the upper limit', () => { expect(rgbToHexColor(256, 256, 256)); expect(rgbToHexColor(256, 0, 0));
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expect(http.createServer.callCount); expect(api.createServer.getCall(0).args[1]); }); }); describe("/Routes", () => { before(() => { const instance = new App(); api = {
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expect(arr.capacity).to.equal(capacity); expect(arr.length).to.equal(0); expect(arr.items); }); describe('Testing isFull method', () => { it('should return true when array is full', () => { arr.length = capacity; expect(arr.isFull); });
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.expect(200) assert.strictEqual(response.text, 'contact us page') }) }) describe('/login:post', () => { it('should request the login and return HTTP Status 200', async () => { const response = await supertest(app) .post('/login') .send({username:"erickwendel", password:"123"})
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const { describe, it } = require('mocha'); const bcrypt = require('bcrypt') // Define the test suite describe('MySQL tests', function() { // Define the test case for add_user describe('add_user', function() { // Define the test case for when the phone number is invalid it('should return false when the phone number is invalid', function() { // Call the add_user function with an invalid phone number const result = mysql.add_user('John', '', 'password', '123456789');
mocha.utils is the most popular function in mocha (4328 examples)