How to use the it function from mocha
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const { describe, it } = require('mocha'); const { check, gen } = require('mocha-testcheck'); const { expect } = require('chai'); describe('MySpec', () => { it('accepts an int', check(, x => { expect(x)'number'); }); }); ```
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const { describe, it } = require('mocha') const { expect } = require('chai') describe('decodeHtmlEntity function', function () { it('null throws error', async () => { const value = null await decodeHtmlEntity(value) .catch(function (err) { expect(function () {
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expect(utils.equals({first: 1, second: 'both'}, {first: 1, second: 'both'})).to.equal(true); expect(utils.equals({first: 1, second: 'both'}, {second: 'both', first: 1})).to.equal(true); expect(utils.equals({first: {nest: 1}, second: 'both'}, {second: 'both', first: {nest: 1}})).to.equal(true); }); it('returns true when comparing unequal arrays', function () { expect(utils.equals([1, 2, 3], [3, 1, 2])).to.equal(false); expect(utils.equals([{age: 12, height: 50}], [{age: 12, height: 60}])).to.equal(false); });
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> chai.use(chaiHttp); > describe('site', function () { // Describe what you are testing it('Should have home page', function (done) { // Describe what should happen // In this case we test that the home page loads agent .get('/')
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it('should aggregate all entries', async () => { const result = await cache.aggregate(agg) assert.equal(Number(result), 289.5) }) it('should aggregate filtered entries', async () => { const filter = Filters.between('id', 123, 456) const result = await cache.aggregate(filter, agg) assert.equal(Number(result), 289.5) })
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beforeEach(() => { tags.splice(0, tags.length) }) it('expect a EDOCKERIMAGEPUSH error', async () => { try { const pluginConfig = createConfig() const ctx = createContext() await publish(pluginConfig, ctx)
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before(() => { mock('dockerode', DockerMock) verify = require('../src/verify') }) it('expect a ENOBASEIMAGENAME error', async () => { try { await verify(pluginConfig, { env }) } catch (errs) { const err = errs._errors[0]
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expect('SemanticReleaseError') expect(err.code).to.equal('EDOCKERIMAGETAG') } }) it('expect success prepare', async () => { const pluginConfig = createConfig() const ctx = createContext() pluginConfig.registries[0].imageName = '' pluginConfig.additionalTags = ['beta']
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} catch (e) { expect(e.message).to.equal('No application to deploy.'); } }); it('should not deploy without a release tag given', async () => { try { await scalingoClient.deployFromArchive('pix-app', null);'Should throw an error when no release tag given'); } catch (e) {
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expectedBaseUrl: '', expectedError: 'Missing required property "authressLoginHostUrl" in LoginClient constructor. Custom Authress Domain Host is required.' }; }; for (let test of tests) { it(, () => { try { const loginClient = new LoginClient({ authressLoginHostUrl: test.url, skipBackgroundCredentialsCheck: true }); expect(loginClient.httpClient.client.defaults.baseURL).to.eql(test.expectedBaseUrl); expect(test.expectedError).to.eql(undefined);
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}) }) afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore() }) it('handles unconventional commit', async () => { const addLabels = sandbox.stub(api, 'addLabels').resolves(undefined) sandbox.stub(process.env, 'GITHUB_EVENT_PATH').value('./test/fixtures/unconventional.json') await api.main() sandbox.assert.notCalled(addLabels)
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//mocha requires const assert = require("assert"); const mocha = require("mocha"); const describe = mocha.describe; const it =; const beforeEach = mocha.beforeEach; //test requires const s2sMS = require("../src/index");
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const obj3 = combined; combined.t3 = obj3; assert.isTrue(ObjectFactory.IsCircular(combined)); assert.isFalse(ObjectFactory.IsCircular(obj1)); }); it('show Circular References Info', () => { const obj1 = {hello:'world',c:null}; const obj2 = {test:'me',c:obj1}; obj1.c = obj2; const combined = {t1:obj1,t2:obj2,t3:null};
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const allConfig = [ environmentConfig, ]; const testEnvParam = (param) => { it(param, () => { assert.notStrictEqual(process.env[param], undefined, `${param} is not specified`); }); };
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GitHub: ssz360/Hike-Tracker
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var agent = chai.request.agent(app); describe('filtering huts apis', () => { it('no filters',done=>{'/api/huts/list').then(res=>{ res.should.have.status(200); expect(res.body.length).equal(1); done();
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}); const merchant = await getMerchant(namespace.merchantGlobalDataId); assert(merchant === null); }); it('should be possible deactivate place and merchant by deactivating product', async () => { await activateStore(namespace.firstPlaceJson); await activateStore(namespace.secondPlaceJson); let agreement = await getAgreement(namespace.merchantGlobalDataId);
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assert.strictEqual(event[0].returnValues[1], accounts[0]); assert.strictEqual(event[0].returnValues[2], inheritanceAddress); assert.strictEqual(Number(event[0].returnValues[3]), 1); }); it("returns the number of deployed inheritances", async () => { const count = await factory.methods.getDeployedInheritancesCount().call(); assert.strictEqual(Number(count), 1); });
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api.createServer(); expect(api.createServer.getCall(0).args[0]); }); it("should start the server on createServer method", () => { const api = new App(); const portTest = 6000; sandbox.spy(api);
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afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it('should return client by id', async () => { const id = "1f671f49-0e3f-442e-b764-f0a4222b5a3e"; const expected = mocks.validClient; const result = await clientService.getClientById(id);
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mocha.utils is the most popular function in mocha (4328 examples)