How to use the locale function from moment-timezone
Find comprehensive JavaScript moment-timezone.locale code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
moment-timezone.locale sets or gets the current language locale used by moment-timezone for formatting dates in a specific timezone.
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}); } function getMomentLocale(languageFinal) { return fetch('node_modules/moment/locale/' + languageFinal + '.js').then(function(response) { moment.locale(languageFinal); }).catch(function(err) { }); }
+ 2 other calls in file
How does moment-timezone.locale work?
moment-timezone.locale is a function that allows you to set or retrieve the timezone-specific configuration for Moment.js, which includes information such as the names and abbreviations of months and days of the week, the week numbering system, and the formatting of date and time strings, among other things. It is used to customize Moment.js for different regions or languages.
Ai Example
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// Load the moment and moment-timezone libraries const moment = require("moment-timezone"); // Set the default locale and timezone moment.locale("en");"America/New_York"); // Use moment to create a date object const date = moment(); // Output the date in the default format for the locale and timezone console.log(date.format("LLL"));
In this example, moment.locale is used to set the default locale to 'en', and is used to set the default timezone to 'America/New_York'. These settings will be used by all subsequent calls to moment and moment-timezone functions. Then, a moment object is created using the current date and time, and its format method is used to output the date in the default format for the locale and timezone. is the most popular function in moment-timezone (1000 examples)