How to use the isValid function from mongodb
Find comprehensive JavaScript mongodb.isValid code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The mongodb.isValid function is used to determine if a given string is a valid MongoDB ObjectId.
GitHub: nodemailer/wildduck
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} let permission; let ownOnly = false; permission = roles.can(req.role).readAny('userlisting'); if (!permission.granted && req.user && ObjectId.isValid(req.user)) { permission = roles.can(req.role).readOwn('userlisting'); if (permission.granted) { ownOnly = true; }
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isException, isHmeAudit, isImgAudit, isIoniqAudit, isElectricAudit, photo, saleCriterion, hmesComment, imageUrl, imageComment, hmeCode, exceptions } = request.body let criterion_abbreviation = null let errors = [] if(id && ObjectId.isValid(id)){ const existId = await Criterion.findOne({_id: id}) .catch(error => {return response.status(400).json({code: 500, msg: 'error id', detail: error.message
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How does mongodb.isValid work?
The mongodb.isValid function is a utility function provided by the official MongoDB Node.js driver, which is used to determine whether a given string is a valid MongoDB ObjectId. When called, mongodb.isValid takes a single argument: objectId: The string to be checked for validity. The function returns a boolean value indicating whether the string is a valid MongoDB ObjectId or not. If the string is a valid ObjectId, the function returns true. If the string is not a valid ObjectId, the function returns false. Under the hood, mongodb.isValid uses regular expressions to check if the input string matches the format of a MongoDB ObjectId. A valid ObjectId must be a 24-character hexadecimal string consisting of lowercase letters and digits, such as "5f7a4e019cc4d42af4d98d8c". Overall, mongodb.isValid provides a simple and reliable way to check whether a given string is a valid MongoDB ObjectId. This can be useful when working with MongoDB data and performing operations such as querying or updating documents.
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}); // ObjectId ajv.addFormat('objectid', { validate: (objId) => { return ObjectId.isValid(objId); } }); ajv.addKeyword('isNotEmpty', {
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let existAudit = null if(audit_id === "last"){ let audit = null if(dealership_id && ObjectId.isValid(dealership_id)){ const auditsInstallations = await AuditInstallation.find({dealership_id: dealership_id}) let audit_ids = [] if(auditsInstallations){ let auditsForDealership = []
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Ai Example
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const mongodb = require("mongodb"); const validObjectId = "5f7a4e019cc4d42af4d98d8c"; const invalidObjectId = "foo"; console.log(mongodb.isValid(validObjectId)); // true console.log(mongodb.isValid(invalidObjectId)); // false
In this example, we have imported the mongodb module and defined two strings: validObjectId and invalidObjectId. We then call mongodb.isValid with the two strings as arguments and output the results to the console using console.log. When executed, this code will output the following to the console: arduino Copy code
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// router.get('/:id', async function (req, res, next) { // // Validate // const validationSchema = yup.object().shape({ // params: yup.object({ // id: yup.string().test('Validate ObjectID', '${path} is not valid ObjectID', (value) => { // return ObjectId.isValid(value); // }), // }), // });
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(key === '_id') || (key === 'form') || (key === 'owner') ) && (typeof value === 'string') && ObjectID.isValid(value) ) { const bsonId = Utils.idToBson(value); if (bsonId) { data[key] = bsonId;
+ 3 other calls in file
mongodb.ObjectId is the most popular function in mongodb (5685 examples)