How to use the MongoClient function from mongodb
Find comprehensive JavaScript mongodb.MongoClient code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
mongodb.MongoClient is a class used to create a client object to connect to a MongoDB server instance.
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## Use ```js const mongo = require('mongodb'); const client = new mongo.MongoClient(uri); await client.connect(); // get a collection const collection = client.collection('artists');
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complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', clear: true }); const client = new MongoClient(uri); (async function main() { try { await client.connect();
How does mongodb.MongoClient work?
is a class in the MongoDB Node.js driver that represents a client for connecting to a MongoDB deployment, allowing you to establish a connection to a MongoDB database server and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on a database using JavaScript. When you call MongoClient.connect()
method with the required URL and options, it returns a Promise
that resolves to a connected MongoClient
instance that can be used to interact with the database. The MongoClient
class also provides several other methods and properties to manage database connections and configurations.
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origin: ```js var mongo = require('mongodb'); var Db = mongo.Db; var Server = mongo.Server; var MongoClient = mongo.MongoClient; var ReplSetServers = mongo.ReplSetServers; ... ```
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GitHub: saifalfalah/tvdl-2
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exports.logError = async (logData) => { const options = { useUnifiedTopology: true, useNewUrlParser: true, }; const client = new MongoClient(process.env.DBSTRING, options); await client.connect(); await client .db("errors") .collection("bugs")
Ai Example
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const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb"); // Connection URL const url = "mongodb://localhost:27017"; // Database Name const dbName = "myproject"; // Use connect method to connect to the server MongoClient.connect(url, function (err, client) { console.log("Connected successfully to server"); const db = client.db(dbName); client.close(); });
In this example, we're connecting to a MongoDB database running on the local machine using the mongodb protocol and port number 27017. Once the connection is established, we get a reference to the myproject database and then close the connection using client.close().
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if ( config.database.replicaSet ) url += `/?replicaSet=${config.database.replicaSet}&w=majority`; config.debug.extend && debug('MongoDB Connect: ', url ); const client = new MongoClient( url, { readPreference: ReadPref.NEAREST, w: 'majority'
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}; /* --- Store Shopify data in database --- */ const insertDB = function (key, data, collection = MONGO_COLLECTION) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { mongo.MongoClient.connect(MONGO_URL).then(function (db) { //console.log(`insertDB Connected: ${MONGO_URL}`); var dbo = db.db(MONGO_DB_NAME); console.log(`insertDB Used: ${MONGO_DB_NAME} - ${collection}`); console.log(`insertDB insertOne, _id:${key}`);
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// end-datakeyopts async function run() { // start-create-index const uri = credentials.MONGODB_URI; const keyVaultClient = new MongoClient(uri); await keyVaultClient.connect(); const keyVaultDB = keyVaultClient.db(keyVaultDatabase); // Drop the Key Vault Collection in case you created this collection // in a previous run of this application.
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// end-kmsproviders async function run() { // start-schema const uri = credentials.MONGODB_URI; const unencryptedClient = new MongoClient(uri); await unencryptedClient.connect(); const keyVaultClient = unencryptedClient.db(eDB).collection(eKV); const dek1 = await keyVaultClient.findOne({ keyAltNames: "dataKey1" });
GitHub: refugies-info/karfur
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const { MongoClient, ObjectId } = require("mongodb"); const himalaya = require("himalaya"); const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid"); const dbPath = "mongodb://"; const client = new MongoClient(dbPath); const dbName = "heroku_wbj38s57"; const removeHTML = (input) => { return input.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "");
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GitHub: Selmer-Bot/SelmerBot
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const mongouri = bot.mongouri; //Error Checking (unlikely, but just in case) if (!id) { console.log('....What? How?'); return interaction.editReply("Uh oh, something happened with the Stripe Discord ID check, please contact support!"); } // const client = new MongoClient(mongouri, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, serverApi: ServerApiVersion.v1 }); new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) { bot.mongoconnection.then(async (client) => { // if (err) { return console.log(err); }
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GitHub: Selmer-Bot/SelmerBot
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} else { mongouritemp = require('./config.json').mongooseURI; } const mongouri = mongouritemp; bot.mongouri = mongouri; const client = new MongoClient(mongouri, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, serverApi: ServerApiVersion.v1 }); bot.mongoconnection = client.connect(); //Error stuff var preverr = "";
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const selector = { 'csgostatsData': {} }; // Empty data due to a tímeout // This can be used to manually update fields int the database const updateCsgoStats = async () => { const client = new MongoClient(process.env.DBURL); try { // Connect to the MongoDB cluster await client.connect(); const collection = client.db("cache").collection("playerCache");
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const needle = require("needle"); const tmi = require("tmi.js"); const LeagueJS = require("leaguejs"); const chalk = require("chalk"); const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb"); const MongoDBclient = new MongoClient(process.env.DATABASEURL); const Bot = require("./auth/thebrightcandle.json"); const Dino = require("./auth/dinoosaaw.json"); const moment = require("moment"); const { EmbedBuilder, WebhookClient } = require("discord.js");
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GitHub: fininimini/fini8
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app.use((req, res) => res.status(404).redirect("/404")); app.listen(port, async () => { console.log('Server running on port ' + port); try {const mongo = new MongoClient(process.env.MONGODB_URI); mongo.connect(); mongoClient = mongo.db("Website").collection('Users')} catch (error) {logging.error(error)} }, );
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app.use(express.json()); // আমরা যদি কখনো কিছু পাঠায় json ফরমেট এ তাহলে তা access করতে পারবো const uri = `mongodb+srv://${process.env.DB_USER}:${process.env.DB_PASS}`; console.log(uri) const client = new MongoClient(uri, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, serverApi: ServerApiVersion.v1 }); async function run(){ try{
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throw Error('Database not configured. Set environment variables'); } const url = `mongodb+srv://${userName}:${password}@${hostname}`; const client = new MongoClient(url); const userCollection = client.db('darling').collection('user'); const dateIdeasCollection = client.db('darling').collection('dateIdeas'); function getUser(email) {
GitHub: l0ku/angela-yu-course
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const express = require('express'); const { UUID } = require('bson'); const uri = 'mongodb://'; const client = new MongoClient(uri, { pkFactory: { createPk: () => new UUID().toBinary() }, }); async function run() {
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// Create a database variable outside of the // database connection callback to reuse the connection pool in the app. var db; var client; try { client = await mongodb.MongoClient.connect(mongouri, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }) } catch(error) { logger.error("(Chat21-http) An error occurred during connection to MongoDB:", error); process.exit(1);
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mongodb.ObjectId is the most popular function in mongodb (5685 examples)