How to use the ObjectId function from mongodb
Find comprehensive JavaScript mongodb.ObjectId code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
mongodb.ObjectId is a data type that represents a 12-byte MongoDB Object ID.
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} if (bandId == null) { throw new Error('BandId is required'); } try { bandId = new ObjectId(bandId); } catch (error) { throw new Error('Invalid ObjectId'); } ```
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GitHub: refugies-info/karfur
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await usersColl.updateOne( { _id: user._id }, { $set: { favorites: (user.cookies?.dispositifsPinned || []).map((fav) => ({ dispositifId: new ObjectId(fav._id), created_at: fav.datePin ? new Date(fav.datePin) : new Date(), })), }, $unset: { cookies: "" },
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How does mongodb.ObjectId work?
The mongodb.ObjectId is a class in the MongoDB Node.js driver that generates unique identifier strings with a specific structure consisting of 12 bytes, which are based on the timestamp, a machine identifier, a process identifier, and a random number, and is used as the primary key for MongoDB documents. When using the constructor function of the ObjectId class, you can pass in a 24-character hexadecimal string, and it will return an instance of ObjectId with the corresponding byte structure.
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batchSize: this.readBatchSize, sort: { _id: 1 }, }; // If _idAbove is provided fetch all documents having _id greater than this._idAbove const query = this._idAbove ? { _id: { $gt: new ObjectId(this._idAbove) } } : {}; // Projection is used so that we don't fetch _id. Thus preventing it from being updated while updating document. // Returns a list of documents from sourceDatabaseCollection collection with specified batch size const cursor = sourceDatabaseCollection.find(query, cursorOptions);
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let publisherId = newPublisher._id.toString(); // 10. Create the team let team = new TeamModel(); team._id = ObjectId(publisherId); team.type = 'publisher'; for (let manager of teamManagers) { await getManagerInfo(, teamManagerIds, recipients);
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Ai Example
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const { ObjectId } = require("mongodb"); const id = new ObjectId(); console.log(id);
In this example, we first import the ObjectId constructor from the mongodb package. We then create a new ObjectId instance by calling the constructor with no arguments, which generates a new, unique identifier. Finally, we log the generated ObjectId to the console.
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city: city, }; } static findById(userId) { const uid = new mongodb.ObjectId(userId); return db .getDb() .collection('users')
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lightIntensity: data.lightIntensity, flickerFrequency: data.flickerFrequency, flickerAmount: data.flickerAmount, pulseInterval: data.pulseInterval, pulseAmount: data.pulseAmount, image: ObjectId(data.image), position: data.position, enabled: data.enabled, health: 0, elevation: "0 ft",
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end: moment .utc(req.body.dayString) .set({ hour: hour, minute: minute, second: 0, millisecond: 0 }) .add(sessionTime, 'm'), title: req.body.title, courtId: ObjectId(_id), userId: ObjectId(adminFixed._id), }); try {
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disconnect() { return connection.close().then(() => connection = undefined) }, ObjectId: mongodb.ObjectId }
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...station, fields: normalizeFields(station.fields), })); if (sessionId) APP.db.collection("sessions") .findOne({ _id: ObjectId(sessionId) }) .then(sessionInfo => { APP.sessionInfo = sessionInfo; }) .then(() => {
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}) describe('_trySendInviteNotification', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.invite = { _id: ObjectId(), token: 'some_token', sendingUserId: ObjectId(), projectId: this.project_id, targetEmail: '',
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}) }) describe('getUsers', function () { it('should get users with array of userIds', function (done) { const query = [new ObjectId()] const projection = { email: 1 } this.UserGetter.getUsers(query, projection, (error, users) => { expect(error).to.not.exist this.find.should.have.been.calledWithMatch(
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const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') describe('TokenAccessHandler', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.token = 'abcdefabcdef' this.projectId = ObjectId() this.project = { _id: this.projectId, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', owner_ref: ObjectId(),
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} async function main() { if (PROJECT_ID) { await waitForDb() const project = await db.projects.findOne({ _id: ObjectId(PROJECT_ID) }) await processProject(project) } else { const projection = { _id: 1,
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describe('EditorController', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.project_id = 'test-project-id' this.source = 'dropbox' this.user_id = new ObjectId() this.doc = { _id: (this.doc_id = 'test-doc-id') } this.docName = 'doc.tex' this.docLines = ['1234', 'dskl']
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if (clearReports) updateDoc['$unset'] = { reports: 1 }; if (type === 'tossup') { return await tossups.updateOne({ _id: ObjectId(_id) }, updateDoc); } if (type === 'bonus') { return await bonuses.updateOne({ _id: ObjectId(_id) }, updateDoc);
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return comment; } async findById(id) { return await this.Comment.findOne({ _id: ObjectId.isValid(id) ? new ObjectId(id) : null }) } async findMyComments(UserID) {
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}) } async findByFriendsList(idUser, name) { return await this.find({ _id: ObjectId.isValid(idUser) ? new ObjectId(idUser) : null, 'name.fullname': { $regex: new RegExp(name), $options: "i" } }); }
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GitHub: mehtasoham214/team21
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}; const getProjectByid = async (id) => { validator.validateId(id); if (typeof id == "string") { id = new ObjectId(id); } const projectCollection = await project(); const projectinfo = await projectCollection.findOne({ _id: id }); if (!projectinfo) {
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addressId !== undefined ) { //creates new order await Orders.create({ cid: new mongodb.ObjectId(customerID), itid: new mongodb.ObjectId(itemId), qty: qty, aid: new mongodb.ObjectId(addressId), status: 0,//pending ts:
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* Funcion que borra un usuario de la base de datos * @param userId: _id del usuario que queremos borrar * @param res */ function deleteUser(userId, res) { usersRepository.deleteUser({_id: ObjectId(userId)}, {}).then(result => { if (result == null || result.deletedCount == 0) { infoLogger.error("Ha habido un error al eliminar el usuario '" + userId + "'"); res.write("No se ha podido eliminar el registro"); }
mongodb.ObjectId is the most popular function in mongodb (5685 examples)