How to use needle.request:
GitHub: tigera/docs
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
if (url.includes(URL_CHECK_DEBUG)) console.log(msg); } function doGet(normUrl, callback, calls, delay, ctx) { let endDone = false; const get = needle.request('get', normUrl, null, needleOpts); get.on('header', (code, headers) => { debugLog(normUrl, `IN get header EVENT: ${normUrl}`); ctx.statusCode = code;
How to use needle.delete:
GitHub: Eholguin05/trello
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
callback(null, null); }}; }); expect(trello.makeRequest.bind(trello, 'DELETE', 'somePath', {}, function () {})).to.not.throw(Error); restler.delete.restore(); done(); }); it('should not mutate passed options object', function (done) {
How to use needle.patch:
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const data = args.slice(1).join(' ') const BodyData = { title: data } headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + Token needle.patch(`${broadcaster_id}`, BodyData, {headers: headers}, function(error, response) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 204) { CLIENTS["BOT"].say(target, `The new title is: ${data}`) } else { CLIENTS["BOT"].say(target, response.statusCode + " : " + response.body.message)
How to use needle.put:
GitHub: Eholguin05/trello
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
callback(null, null); }}; }); expect(trello.makeRequest.bind(trello, 'PUT', 'somePath', {}, function () {})).to.not.throw(Error); restler.put.restore(); done(); }); it('should not throw error if a method passed is DELETE', function (done) {
How to use
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_registerUser (opts, cb) { const data = Object.assign(opts, { password_confirmation: opts.password, accept_terms: true }) + '/api/oauth/register', data, { json: true, headers: { 'X-Register-Provider': 'pm2-register', 'x-client-id': this.client_id
How to use needle.get:
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
for (const filenameOrUrl of filenamesOrUrls) { filenameForOutput = filenameOrUrl; let baseUrl = ''; if (/https?:/.test(filenameOrUrl)) { stream = needle.get(filenameOrUrl); stream.on('error', onError); stream.on('response', onResponse); try { // extract baseUrl from supplied URL const parsed = url.parse(filenameOrUrl);
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