How to use the get function from needle
Find comprehensive JavaScript needle.get code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
needle.get is a function provided by the Needle library that sends an HTTP GET request to a specified URL and returns the response.
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for (const filenameOrUrl of filenamesOrUrls) { filenameForOutput = filenameOrUrl; let baseUrl = ''; if (/https?:/.test(filenameOrUrl)) { stream = needle.get(filenameOrUrl); stream.on('error', onError); stream.on('response', onResponse); try { // extract baseUrl from supplied URL const parsed = url.parse(filenameOrUrl);
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const streamURL = + config.filtered_stream.path + config.filtered_stream.tweet_fields + config.filtered_stream.user_fields + config.filtered_stream.expansions + config.filtered_stream.media_fields + config.filtered_stream.place_fields + config.filtered_stream.poll_fields; const stream = needle.get(streamURL, { headers: { Authorization: config.twitter_bearer_token } }, options);
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How does needle.get work?
needle.get is a function provided by the Needle library that sends an HTTP GET request to a specified URL and returns the response. The function takes in two arguments: the URL to which the request should be sent, and an optional options object that can be used to customize the request, such as by specifying headers, query parameters, or authentication credentials. When the function is called, it sends an HTTP GET request to the specified URL using the options provided. The response returned by the server is then passed to a callback function provided as an argument to the get function. The response object returned by the callback function contains information about the response, such as the response status code, headers, and body content. The body content of the response is typically represented as a Buffer or a string, depending on the encoding of the response. Overall, needle.get provides a simple and convenient way to send HTTP GET requests to remote servers and receive responses in a Node.js application, without the need for low-level network programming.
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CLIENTS["BOT"].say(target, rankinfo); break; case "uptime": let utime; await needle.get( ``, function (error, response) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) utime = response.body; CLIENTS["BOT"].say(
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response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/'+mime}); response.write('<h1>Welcome to sethsec\'s SSRF demo.</h1>\n\n'); response.write('<h2>I am an application. I want to be useful, so give me a URL to requested for you\n</h2><br><br>\n\n\n'); response.end(); } else { // If the URL is set, then we will try to request it. needle.get(url, { timeout: 3000 }, function(error, response1) { // If the request is successful, then we will return the response to the user. if (!error && response1.statusCode == 200) { response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/'+mime}); response.write('<h1>Welcome to sethsec\'s SSRF demo.</h1>\n\n');
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Ai Example
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const needle = require("needle"); const url = ""; needle.get(url, function (error, response) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { console.log(response.body); } });
In this example, we use needle.get to send an HTTP GET request to the URL ''. The function takes in a callback function that will be called with the response from the server. If the request is successful (i.e., the status code is 200), we log the response body to the console. Note that in order to use needle.get, you need to have the Needle library installed and imported in your application.
GitHub: adamxp12/FeedBay
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} // Actually contact ebay and generate an RSS feed from the scraped results // This is dumb. but eBay are dumb and I hope their developers get fired for removing such a basic and useful feature function getFeed(url, callback) { needle.get(url, function(error, response) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) response.body = response.body.split('srp-river-answer--REWRITE_START')[0]; // Remove any international or "results with less words" bullshit var $ = cheerio.load(response.body);
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if ('agent' in options) { if (options.agent !== null) { opts = Object.assign(opts, {agent: options.agent}); } } return needle.get(url, opts); }
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GitHub: afc163/fanyi
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const endcodedWord = encodeURIComponent(word); // iciba isTrueOrUndefined(iciba) && needle.get(SOURCE.iciba.replace('${word}', endcodedWord), { parse: false }, function (error, response) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { const body = response.body; parseString(body, function (err, result) { if (err) {
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GitHub: ajbutt1/ajb
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// enforcing result is required t.equal(value.result, expected, `result: "${domain}" should be match "${expected}"`) } function loadRemoteJson (url, cb) { needle.get(url, (err, res) => { if (err) return cb(new Error(`Trouble loading list at "${url}":\n${err.stack}`)) if (res.statusCode !== 200) { return cb(new Error(`Trouble loading list at "${url}":\n${res.body}`)) }
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_loginUser (user_info, cb) { const URL_AUTH = '/api/oauth/authorize?response_type=token&scope=all&client_id=' + this.client_id + '&redirect_uri=http://localhost:43532'; needle.get(this.BASE_URI + URL_AUTH, (err, res) => { if (err) return cb(err); var cookie = res.cookies;
GitHub: Eholguin05/trello
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callback(null, null); }}; }); expect(trello.makeRequest.bind(trello, 'GET', 'somePath', {}, function () {})).to.not.throw(Error); restler.get.restore(); done(); }); it('should not throw error if a method passed is PUT', function (done) {
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const needle = require("needle"); const forecast = (long,lat,callback) =>{ const lat_long = encodeURIComponent(lat+','+long) const weather_url = ''+lat_long+'&aqi=no' needle.get(weather_url,(res_error,{body:{error,current},statusCode}) =>{ if(error){ callback("unable to find weather location",undefined) }
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} else{ console.log("app location configuration error") } needle.get(geo_url,(error,response)=>{ if(!error && response.body.total_results == 0){ callback("unable to find location, try another search",undefined) }
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c : () =>{ return 'c' }, checkConnectionApplication : (request , response , next) =>{ let urlRequest = "" needle.get(urlRequest , (err , response) => { if(err) this.checkConnectionApplications // si aucune connexion intenet detectée if(response == undefined) {
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GitHub: technomancy7/athena3
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get(subreddit, type, cb){ if(type == undefined) type = "new"; let url = `${subreddit}/${type}/.rss` //xml = ""; //GET FROM URL DATA needle.get(url,function(error, data){ let outf = []; for(let post of data.body.children){ if( == 'entry'){ let n = {author: "", category: "", id: "", thumbnail: "", link: "", updated: "", published: "", title: ""};
GitHub: technomancy7/athena3
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group: "animals", aliases: [], execute: async function(ctx) { const h = {"x-api-key": "dca2da26-0ed8-406b-a99d-b8e86d165c99"}; needle.get('', h, (error, response) => { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) ctx.reply(response.body[0]['url']); }); }
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needle.get is the most popular function in needle (263 examples)