How to use the notify function from node-notifier
Find comprehensive JavaScript node-notifier.notify code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
node-notifier.notify is a function in the Node-notifier library that sends notifications to the user's operating system using the notification center or system tray.
GitHub: mingdaocom/pd-openweb
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? path.join(require.resolve('gulp-notify'), '..', 'assets', 'gulp-error.png') : path.join(require.resolve('gulp-notify'), '..', 'assets', 'gulp.png'), title: title, message: message.slice(0, 100), }); notifier.notify(options); if (isError) { $.util.log($, 1000))); } }
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GitHub: RoderickQiu/wnr
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} // possible funcs: normal, hide-or-show function notificationSolution(title, body, func) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "portable" || !Notification.isSupported()) { notifier.notify({ sound: true, timeout: 5, title: title, message: body,
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How does node-notifier.notify work?
The node-notifier.notify function is a part of the Node-notifier library, which is a Node.js module that provides a way to send notifications to the user's operating system. When you call the node-notifier.notify function, you pass in an options object that defines the content and appearance of the notification. This includes the title, message, icon, sound, and other settings. The library supports various notification delivery mechanisms on different operating systems, including the notification center on macOS, the system tray on Windows, and other notification systems on Linux and other Unix-based systems. The library uses the operating system's native notification mechanism to display the notification, ensuring that it looks and behaves like other notifications on the user's system. For example, you can use the node-notifier.notify function to send a notification to the user when a long-running process has completed: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const notifier = require('node-notifier'); notifier.notify({ title: 'Task Complete', message: 'Your task has completed successfully!' }); In this example, we first require the node-notifier module in our Node.js application. We then use the node-notifier.notify function to send a notification to the user with a title "Task Complete" and a message "Your task has completed successfully!". The library automatically detects the user's operating system and uses the appropriate notification mechanism to display the notification. Overall, the node-notifier.notify function provides a simple way to send notifications to the user's operating system in a Node.js application, helping to keep the user informed and improving the overall user experience.
GitHub: solisoft/fasty
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}) } request.patch(params, function optionalCallback(_err, _httpResponse, body) { console.log( if (body.indexOf("Saved! ") == 1) { notifier.notify("Fasty :: " + body) if (webhook) { var payload = { "text": fullname + " :: " + dirname + body }{
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GitHub: kibalabs/build-js
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compiler.hooks.done.tap('webpackUtil', (stats) => { const messages = formatWebpackMessages(stats); if (messages.errors.length > 0) { console.log([0])); if (showNotifications) { notifier.notify({ title:, message: 'Error compiling!' }); } process.exitCode = 1; return; }
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Ai Example
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const notifier = require("node-notifier"); notifier.notify({ title: "New Message", message: "You have a new message from John Doe!", icon: "path/to/icon.png", sound: true, wait: true, });
In this example, we first require the node-notifier module in our Node.js application. We then use the node-notifier.notify function to send a notification to the user with a title "New Message" and a message "You have a new message from John Doe!". We also specify an icon to display with the notification, enable a sound to play when the notification is displayed, and set the wait option to true so that the notification does not automatically close and requires user interaction to close. The library automatically detects the user's operating system and uses the appropriate notification mechanism to display the notification. Overall, this example demonstrates how to use node-notifier.notify to send a notification to the user's operating system in a Node.js application, including customizing the appearance and behavior of the notification.
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var icon = (os.platform() === 'win32' || os.platform() === 'linux') ? contentImage : undefined; notifier.notify(Object.assign( {}, this.options, { title,
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// ipcMain.on('restart_app', () => { // autoUpdater.quitAndInstall(); // }); autoUpdater.on('update-downloaded', () => { notifier.notify( { title: 'ITAM Version 1.0.5 Released. Click to Restart Application.', //put version number of future release. not current. message: 'ITAM will be Updated on Application Restart.', icon: path.join(app.getAppPath(), '/images/fav-icon.png'),
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const id = parseInt(; let Query = `select * from wishlist where email = '${email}' AND id = ${id}` connection.query(Query,(err,result)=>{ if(result && result.length) { notify.notify("Added to Wishlist"); res.redirect('/viewgamesuser'); } else {
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var msg = this.compileMessage(stats); if (msg) { var contentImage = ('contentImage' in this.options) ? this.options.contentImage : DEFAULT_LOGO; notifier.notify(objectAssign({ title: 'Webpack', message: msg, contentImage: contentImage, icon: (os.platform() === 'win32' || os.platform() === 'linux') ? contentImage : undefined
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node-notifier.notify is the most popular function in node-notifier (414 examples)