How to use the Server function from node-static
Find comprehensive JavaScript node-static.Server code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
node-static.Server is a Node.js module that serves static files such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images over HTTP.
GitHub: LibreTexts/Libretext
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// devtools: true, }).then( async (browser) => { const server = http.createServer(handler); const localServer = http.createServer(handler); const staticFileServer = new nodeStatic.Server('./public'); const dbClient = new MongoClient(process.env.MONGODB_URI); const database = dbClient.db(process.env.MONGODB_DB_NAME); const downloadEvents = database.collection('download-events'); let port = 3001;
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responseStatus = 404; responseMessage = Configuration.getStringTableEntry('Resource not found', {url: action}); } else if (configuration.staticFilePath != null) { // serve static assets requests from the local folder. if (staticFileServer == null) { staticFileServer = new nodeStatic.Server(configuration.staticFilePath); } if (staticFileServer != null) { staticFileServer.serve(request, response); }
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How does node-static.Server work?
When you create a new instance of node-static.Server in your Node.js code, you specify a directory where your static files are stored. When a client makes a request for a file, the server checks if the file exists in the specified directory. If the file exists, the server sets the appropriate MIME type for the file and sends it back to the client as the response to the request. If the file doesn't exist, the server sends a "404 Not Found" error response to the client. The server also handles other HTTP methods such as POST, PUT, and DELETE by sending "405 Method Not Allowed" responses. The server can also handle Range requests for large files, which enables clients to request only a portion of the file, making it possible to download large files more efficiently. Node-static.Server also supports a caching mechanism to improve performance by caching frequently requested files in memory. When a client requests a file that has been cached, the server sends the cached version of the file instead of reading it from disk again. Overall, node-static.Server simplifies the task of serving static files in Node.js by handling many of the details of the HTTP protocol and file system interactions for you.
GitHub: brandon15811/MapViewer
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//UDP udpserver.bind(9614); function handler(req, res) { var file = new node_static.Server(path.join(__dirname, '/web/'), {cache: 1}); file.serve(req, res, function(err, result) { res.writeHead(404); return res.end('File not found');
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const http = require("http"); const static = require("node-static"); const port = 8888; const staticFiles = new static.Server(`${__dirname}/test-sites/`); const httpServer = http.createServer((req, res) => { if (req.method == "GET") { // Every GET request is simply served as static file.
Ai Example
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const static = require("node-static"); // Create a new instance of node-static.Server const fileServer = new static.Server("./public"); // Serve the files in the 'public' directory over HTTP require("http") .createServer(function (request, response) { request .addListener("end", function () { // Serve files using node-static.Server fileServer.serve(request, response); }) .resume(); }) .listen(8080);
In this example, we first require the node-static module and create a new instance of node-static.Server, specifying the directory where our static files are stored (./public). Next, we create an HTTP server using Node.js' built-in http module, which listens for incoming requests on port 8080. When a request is received, we use fileServer.serve to serve the requested file using node-static.Server. The addListener method is used to ensure that the request body is fully consumed before attempting to serve the file. Finally, we call the listen method on the HTTP server to start listening for incoming requests. When we run this code, any files in the ./public directory will be served over HTTP on port 8080.
GitHub: theriex/digger
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const readline = require("readline"); try { db.init(function (conf) { //Not specifying any header options here, default caching is one hour. var fileserver = new nodestatic.Server(path.join(db.appdir(), "docroot")); var websrv = {}; function params2Obj (str) { var po = {};
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GitHub: chrisp234/Reversi
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port = 8080; directory = './public'; } /* Set up static file web server to deliver files from the file system */ let file = new static.Server(directory); let app = http.createServer( function(request, response) { request.addListener('end',
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GitHub: Jedle707/Tuyul70
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}); } function startStaticServer(port) { const fileServer = new statics.Server(`${__dirname}/data`); http.Server((req, res) => { req.addListener('end', () => { fileServer.serve(req, res); }).resume();
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* Starts the GoAPI server. * @returns {void} */ module.exports = function () { const server = new httpz.Server(); const file = new static.Server(path.join(__dirname, "../server"), { cache: 2 }); server // add middlewares .add(reqBody)
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GitHub: jonathonwalz/cribbage
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const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid'); const dogNames = require('dog-names'); const shuffle = require('knuth-shuffle-seeded'); const { getScore } = require('./score'); const fileServer = new staticServer.Server(path.join(__dirname, '../../build')); const sockjsOpts = { sockjs_url: '', prefix: '/api',
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node-static.Server is the most popular function in node-static (103 examples)