How to use the v1 function from node-uuid
Find comprehensive JavaScript node-uuid.v1 code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
node-uuid.v1 is a function that generates a version 1 UUID, which is a 128-bit identifier that includes a timestamp and a unique MAC address.
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}).catch((e) => { console.log(e) }) }, getUuid() { return uuid.v1() }, fetchTest() { // fetch原本方法的写法 fetch(url, {
GitHub: kattt999/AGR
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code: 1, msg: "添加失败!" }) } if (_data == undefined) { _vo.nbkey = uuid.v1().replace(/\-/g, "") _vo.httpUrl = '' _vo.mqttUrl = 'mqtt://' _vo.status = 1 StallNb.create(_vo).exec(function (err, _data) {
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How does node-uuid.v1 work?
node-uuid.v1 is a function provided by the node-uuid library that generates a version 1 UUID. A version 1 UUID consists of a timestamp (in 100-nanosecond intervals since October 15, 1582) and a unique MAC address. The node-uuid.v1 function retrieves the current timestamp and MAC address of the machine it is running on, and combines them to create a unique identifier. If the MAC address cannot be retrieved, the function uses a randomly generated 48-bit node identifier instead. The resulting UUID is a string representation of the 128-bit identifier in hexadecimal format, separated by hyphens into five groups with 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12 hexadecimal digits, respectively. This format is compatible with the UUID standard defined by RFC 4122, which specifies how UUIDs should be represented and used in software systems.
GitHub: passion3304/demeter
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function initializeCommands(commands) { _.forEach(commands, (command) => { let commandDefaults = { id: uuid.v1() } _.defaults(command, commandDefaults) _.assign(command, command.command) // move the module commands one level up so you don't // have to keep using command.command
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GitHub: hyy199308/gamefor3.x
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uuidv4: function () { var uuid = Uuid.v4(); return uuid; }, uuidv1: function () { var uuid = Uuid.v1(); return uuid; } }; // 参考论坛帖子 :
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Ai Example
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const uuid = require("node-uuid"); const id = uuid.v1(); console.log(id);
In this example, we use the node-uuid library to generate a version 1 UUID using the uuid.v1() function. The resulting id variable is a string that represents a unique identifier based on the current timestamp and MAC address of the machine. The format of the UUID will look something like this: Copy code
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_.forEach(components, category => { function initialize(component) { let componentDefaults = { id: uuid.v1(), visible: true, active: false } _.defaults(component, componentDefaults)
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* @param {*} filename * @param {*} callback */ writeStream(stream, outpath, filename, callback) { let ext = mime.extension(mime.lookup(filename)); let filepath = outpath + uuidGen.v1() + '.' + ext; let writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(filepath, { highWaterMark: 102400 * 5 }); stream.pipe(writeStream); writeStream.on('close', () => {
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return; } let filterString = "[1:v] scale=-2:" + stlHeight +"[logo]; [logo]format=rgba,colorchannelmixer=aa=1[fg]; [fg]rotate="+stlAngle+"*PI/180:c=none:ow=rotw("+stlAngle+"*PI/180):oh=roth("+-stlAngle+"*PI/180)[rot]; [0:v][rot] overlay="+stlX+":"+stlY+":enable='between(t," + startTime + "," + endTime + ")'[out]"; let newFilePath = serverConfig.downloadPath + uuidGen.v1() + '.mp4'; shell.exec('ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -i ' + videoPath + ' -i ' + stlPath + ' -filter_complex "' + filterString + '" -map "[out]" -map 0:a? -c:v libx264 -c:a? copy ' + newFilePath, (code) => { if (code != 0) { responseHelper.onError('error: mergeOverlay2Video' + code, callback);
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/** * @private * @method generateSessionString */ function generateSessionString() { return uuid.v1().replace(/-/g, '') + uuid.v4().replace(/-/g, ''); } /** * @private
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var uploadFile = req.file('uploadFile'); // console.log(uploadFile); uploadFile.upload({ dirname: '../../assets/uploads/profile', saveAs: function (file, cb) { file.filename = uuid.v1(file.filename) + path.extname(file.filename); cb(null, file.filename); } }, function onUploadComplete(err, files) { // Files will be uploaded to .tmp/uploads
node-uuid.v1 is the most popular function in node-uuid (151 examples)