How to use the verbose function from npmlog
Find comprehensive JavaScript npmlog.verbose code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
npmlog.verbose is a method provided by the npmlog package that is used to log verbose-level messages during a Node.js process.
GitHub: wesbos/mailtrain
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
if (req.body.Message.complaint) { campaigns.updateMessage(message, 'complained', true, (err, updated) => { if (err) { log.error('AWS', 'Failed updating message: %s', err.stack); } else if (updated) { log.verbose('AWS', 'Marked message %s as complaint', req.body.Message.mail.messageId); } }); } break;
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GitHub: cloudron-io/mailtrain
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
let tmp = config.www.tmpdir || os.tmpdir(); let dir = pathlib.join(tmp, 'mailtrain'); mkdirp(dir, err => { if (err) { log.error('Upload', err); log.verbose('Upload', 'Storing upload to <%s>', tmp); return callback(null, tmp); } log.verbose('Upload', 'Storing upload to <%s>', dir); callback(null, dir);
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How does npmlog.verbose work?
npmlog.verbose() is a function provided by the npmlog package that logs messages with a verbosity level of "verbose". When the verbosity level is set to "verbose" using the npmlog.level property or the --verbose command line option, the messages logged with npmlog.verbose() will be displayed along with messages logged at the default log level. If the verbosity level is set to a lower level than "verbose", the messages logged with npmlog.verbose() will be ignored. The npmlog.verbose() function takes a message string and an optional set of arguments, and logs the message with the prefix "[verbose]". The message string can contain placeholders that will be replaced with the argument values, using the same syntax as console.log().
GitHub: siuying/jxcore
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
mapToRegistry(name, npm.config, function (er, uri, auth) { if (er) return done(er) var key = 'registry:' + uri next = inflight(key, next) if (!next) return log.verbose(from, key, 'already in flight; waiting') else log.verbose(from, key, 'not in flight; fetching') npm.registry.get(uri, { auth: auth }, pulseTillDone('fetchRegistry', fixName)) })
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GitHub: siuying/jxcore
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
function addRemoteGit (uri, _cb) { assert(typeof uri === 'string', 'must have git URL') assert(typeof _cb === 'function', 'must have callback') var cb = dezalgo(_cb) log.verbose('addRemoteGit', 'caching', uri) // the URL comes in exactly as it was passed on the command line, or as // normalized by normalize-package-data / read-package-json / read-installed, // so figure out what to do with it using hosted-git-info
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Ai Example
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const npmlog = require("npmlog"); npmlog.level = "verbose"; function foo() { // Do something npmlog.verbose("Additional Info", "This is some additional information"); // Do something else } foo();
In this example, the npmlog.verbose() call logs the message "This is some additional information" with the prefix "Additional Info" at the verbose log level. This message will only be logged if the npmlog level is set to verbose.
GitHub: nodemailer/wildduck
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
} } plugins.init('receiver'); plugins.handler.load(() => { log.verbose('Plugins', 'Plugins loaded'); plugins.handler.runHooks('init', [], () => {'App', 'All servers started, ready to process some mail'); }); });
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GitHub: nodemailer/wildduck
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
if (!hasFeatureFlag) { log.silly('Indexer', `Feature flag not set, skipping user=%s command=%s message=%s`, entry.user, entry.command, entry.message); return; } else { log.verbose('Indexer', `Feature flag set, processing user=%s command=%s message=%s`, entry.user, entry.command, entry.message); } await liveIndexingQueue.add('journal', payload, { removeOnComplete: 100,
GitHub: Mondego/pyreco
260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269
## log\[level](prefix, message, ...) For example, * log.silly(prefix, message, ...) * log.verbose(prefix, message, ...) *, message, ...) * log.http(prefix, message, ...) * log.warn(prefix, message, ...) * log.error(prefix, message, ...)
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var $ = require('preconditions').singleton(); var _ = require('lodash'); var async = require('async'); var log = require('npmlog'); log.debug = log.verbose; var BlockchainExplorer = require('./blockchainexplorer'); var Storage = require('./storage'); var MessageBroker = require('./messagebroker');
GitHub: bcgov/metadata-curator
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
} }); } logger.verbose('user ' + decodedJWT.jwt + ' authenticated successfully'); cb(null, decodedJWT); } ));
GitHub: ddmck/hoodie
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
if (error) { var stack = new Error().stack.split('\n').slice(2).join('\n') return log.error('app', 'Failed to initialise:\n' + stack, error) } log.verbose('app', 'Starting') server.start(function () { console.log((useEmoji ? emoji.get('dog') + ' ' : '') + 'Your Hoodie app has started on ' + url.format({ protocol: 'http',
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function exit (code, noLog) { exitCode = exitCode || process.exitCode || code var doExit = npm.config ? npm.config.get('_exit') : true log.verbose('exit', [code, doExit]) if (log.level === 'silent') noLog = true if (rollbacks.length) { chain( (f) {
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module.exports = getPublishConfig function getPublishConfig (publishConfig, defaultConfig, defaultClient) { var config = defaultConfig var client = defaultClient log.verbose('getPublishConfig', publishConfig) if (publishConfig) { config = new Conf(defaultConfig) =
GitHub: wvbe/node-schematron
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
}); let npmlogItem = null; let timeStartAnalysis = null; events.on('start', () => { npmlog.verbose('init', '%s files located in %s milliseconds', stats.files, - timeStartGlob); npmlog.enableProgress();'init', `Starting validation`); npmlogItem = npmlog.newItem('0 of ' + stats.files, stats.files);
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GitHub: zone-eu/zone-mta
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
mapParams: true }) ); this.server.pre((request, response, next) => { log.verbose('HTTP', request.url); next(); }); this.setupRoutes();
GitHub: LinusU/packard
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48'unpack', 'no archives to process! CU L8R SAILOR') log.disableProgress() process.exit(0) } log.verbose('unpack', 'processing', files) files.forEach(f => groups.set(f, log.newGroup('process: ' + f))) return files, f => extractRelease(f, tmpdir, covers, groups),
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GitHub: NewsUKArchive/dextrose
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22`[${fileName}] :`, textToLog); }, verbose: (fileName, textToLog) => { = process.stdout; log.prefixStyle = { fg: 'blue' }; log.verbose(`[${fileName}] :`, textToLog); }, error: (fileName, textToError) => { = process.stderr; log.prefixStyle = { fg: 'red' };
GitHub: yingziwu/mastodon
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log.silly(`Adding listener for ${channel}`); subs[channel] = subs[channel] || []; if (subs[channel].length === 0) { log.verbose(`Subscribe ${channel}`); redisSubscribeClient.subscribe(channel, onRedisMessage); } subs[channel].push(callback);
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GitHub: adryd325/yelm
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
log.verbose('yelm', 'Started watcher') scraper.watchFor(config.watchFor) // Watch for new builds. scraper.on('build', async(build) => { if (build.env === config.patchFor) { // only patch if it's the release channel is that specified in the config log.verbose('yelm', 'Received build details. Beginning patch procedure.') patcher.patch(build) // Send build details to patch function. } })
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GitHub: LinusU/packard
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
}, [] // don't want rc interpreting argv ) function saveConfig (argv) { log.verbose('saveConfig', 'saving to', configPath) // JSON.parse(JSON.Stringify()) is an easy way to clear out undefined values, // which ini will go ahead and save as the string "undefined", which is not // what I want. const toSave = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({
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.then(utils.parseAndCheckLogin(ctx, defaultFuncs)) .then(function(resData) { if (resData.error) { throw resData; } log.verbose("getThreadList", JSON.stringify(resData.payload.threads)); return callback( null, (resData.payload.threads || []).map(utils.formatThread) );
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npmlog.verbose is the most popular function in npmlog (7425 examples)