How to use the configure function from nunjucks
Find comprehensive JavaScript nunjucks.configure code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
nunjucks.configure is a function in the Nunjucks library that sets the configuration options for rendering templates.
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const { renderTemplate } = require('../../lib/jest-helpers') describe('Template', () => { describe('with default nunjucks configuration', () => { it('should not have any whitespace before the doctype', () => { nunjucks.configure(join(paths.src, 'govuk')) const output = nunjucks.render('./template.njk') expect(output.charAt(0)).toEqual('<') }) })
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const Cookies = require("js-cookie"); const nunjucks = require("nunjucks"); class CustomerDataPage extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { nunjucks.configure({ autoescape: true }); this.innerHTML = this.template('Ricci') this.get('/customer/data').then(d=>{ const template = $('#customer-data').textContent; console.log(template)
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How does nunjucks.configure work?
nunjucks.configure is a method in the Nunjucks templating engine that sets up the environment with the specified options, such as the location of the templates, the syntax, and custom filters and functions. It takes an object as an argument, which can have properties such as autoescape, tags, watch, and filters, among others. Once configured, the environment can be used to render templates.
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), pathNormalizer(siteConfiguration.dir.input), normalize(path.normalize(".")), ]; console.log("nunjucksFileSystem", nunjucksFileSystem); let nunjucksEnvironment = Nunjucks.configure( new Nunjucks.FileSystemLoader(nunjucksFileSystem), { throwOnUndefined: throwOnUndefinedSetting, autoescape: true,
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* hexo-renderer-nunjucks * @param {import('hexo')} hexo */ function rendererNunjucks(hexo) { const themeDir = path.join(__dirname, '../themes', hexo.config.theme); const env = nunjucks.configure([themeDir, path.join(themeDir, 'layout')], { noCache: true, autoescape: false, throwOnUndefined: false, trimBlocks: false,
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Ai Example
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const nunjucks = require("nunjucks"); // Set up the views directory and the templating engine nunjucks.configure("views", { autoescape: true, express: app, });
In this example, nunjucks.configure() is used to set up the views directory and the templating engine for an Express app. The first argument is the path to the views directory, and the second argument is an object containing configuration options. In this case, autoescape is set to true, which means that all output will be automatically escaped to prevent XSS attacks. The express option is also set to app, which is the instance of the Express app that will be using Nunjucks as its templating engine.
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* hexo-renderer-nunjucks * @param {import('hexo')} hexo */ function rendererNunjucks(hexo) { var themeDir = path.join(__dirname, '../themes', hexo.config.theme); var env = nunjucks.configure([themeDir, path.join(themeDir, 'layout')], { noCache: true, autoescape: false, throwOnUndefined: false, trimBlocks: false,
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watch: NODE_ENV !== 'production', // Reload templates when they are changed (server-side). To use watch, make sure optional dependency chokidar is installed noCache: NODE_ENV !== 'production', // Never use a cache and recompile templates each time (server-side) } // Initialise nunjucks environment const nunjucksEnvironment = configure(APP_VIEWS, nunjucksConfiguration) // add custom date formatters nunjucksEnvironment.addFilter('date', dateFilter) nunjucksEnvironment.addFilter('mojDate', mojDate)
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GitHub: ikemnkur/IOTA
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// Set EJS as templating engine app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); // Configure nunjucks template engine const env = nunjucks.configure('viewsNunjucks', { autoescape: true, express: app });
GitHub: cutecwc/Elaina2
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} }; function njkCompile(data) { const templateDir = path.dirname(data.path); const env = nunjucks.configure(templateDir, { autoescape: false, throwOnUndefined: false, trimBlocks: false, lstripBlocks: false
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} }); // Initialize express const app = express(); // Configure nunjucks template engine const env = nunjucks.configure('views', { autoescape: true, express: app }); env.addFilter('formatNumber', num => String(num).replace(/(.)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g,'$1,'));
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function njkCompile(data) { let env; if (data.path) { env = nunjucks.configure(dirname(data.path), nunjucksCfg); } else { env = nunjucks.configure(nunjucksCfg); } nunjucksAddFilter(env); const text = 'text' in data ? data.text : readFileSync(data.path);
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static set_app_element(selector) { View.get().app_element = document.querySelector(selector); } static get() { if (View.instance == undefined || View.instance == null) { nunjcks.configure("./../templates", { autoescape: false }); View.instance = new View(); } return View.instance; }
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class View { constructor() { } static get() { if (View.instance == undefined || View.instance == null) { View.instance = new View; nunjucks.configure("../Templates", { autoescape: false }); } return View.instance; } get_app_element(selector) {
205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214`question type ${token.qtype} not match!`) return '' } } const { configure } = require('nunjucks') let env = configure(path.join(__dirname, '../templates/snipets/qas/')) env.addFilter('trans', trans) var res = env.render(template, { qa: token
nunjucks.configure is the most popular function in nunjucks (144 examples)