How to use the constants function from os
Find comprehensive JavaScript os.constants code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
os.constants is an object containing commonly used operating system-specific constants for Node.js operating system module.
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standard } }; }; var findSignalByNumber = function(number, signals) { const signal = signals.find(({ name }) => import_node_os2.constants.signals[name] === number); if (signal !== void 0) { return signal; } return signals.find((signalA) => signalA.number === number);
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const shouldForceKill = (signal, {forceKillAfterTimeout}, killResult) => { return isSigterm(signal) && forceKillAfterTimeout !== false && killResult; }; const isSigterm = signal => { return signal === os.constants.signals.SIGTERM || (typeof signal === 'string' && signal.toUpperCase() === 'SIGTERM'); }; const getForceKillAfterTimeout = ({forceKillAfterTimeout = true}) => {
How does os.constants work?
os.constants is a built-in Node.js module that provides commonly used operating system-specific constants for Node.js operating system module. This module contains a list of properties which are the constant values that are defined by the operating system on which the Node.js process is running. These constants can be used for various purposes such as to determine the size of a system's page file or to get the maximum number of file descriptors that can be opened by the process. The constants are available under different categories, including file system, signals, error codes, priority levels, process flags, and many more. These constants can be accessed using the dot notation, for example, os.constants.signals.SIGTERM. This module can be useful in scenarios where an application needs to work with the specific operating system's low-level details.
Ai Example
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const os = require("os"); const UV_UDP_REUSEADDR = os.constants.UV_UDP_REUSEADDR; console.log(UV_UDP_REUSEADDR);
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