How to use the serialize function from parse5
Find comprehensive JavaScript parse5.serialize code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
parse5.serialize is a function that converts an HTML document, represented as an abstract syntax tree (AST), into a string of HTML markup.
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return node; }; let questionHtml = ''; try { const res = await visitNode(parse5.parseFragment(html)); questionHtml = parse5.serialize(res); } catch (e) { courseIssues.push(e); }
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// Work out whether the component is a petite-vue component (since petite-vue exports a function instead of an object). var isPetiteVue = contents.includes('export default function'); fragment.childNodes.forEach(function(node) { if (node.tagName == 'style') { var style = parse5.serialize(node), lang = getAttribute(node, 'lang'), href = getAttribute(node, 'href'); if (lang == 'less') {
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How does parse5.serialize work?
parse5.serialize is a function in the Parse5 library that serializes a parsed HTML document back into a string representation. It takes a document object and an optional options object as arguments and returns a string. The options object can be used to configure serialization settings such as whether or not to collapse empty tags or include self-closing tags.
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"src/app/product-description/product-description.component.html" ); const productPageNodes = helpers.parseFile(productPageFile); const productPageMain = helpers.getHtmlTag("div", productPageNodes); const productPageContent = parse5.serialize(productPageMain[0]); let $ = cheerio.load(productPageContent); let img = $("img"); helpers.readFile(
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GitHub: Pacharoth/node-smis
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function processTemplate (node, filePath, id, hasScopedStyle, fullSource) { var lang = checkLang(node) var template = checkSrc(node, filePath) || ( lang ? getRawTemplate(node, fullSource) // custom template, extract as raw string : parse5.serialize(node.content) // normal HTML, use serialization ) template = deindent(template) if (!lang) { var warnings = validateTemplate(node.content, fullSource)
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Ai Example
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const parse5 = require("parse5"); const document = parse5.parse(" My title Hello World! "); const serializedDocument = parse5.serialize(document); console.log(serializedDocument);
In this example, parse5.serialize() is used to serialize a parsed HTML document and return it as a string. The serialized document is then logged to the console.
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if (!baseElement) { baseElement = treeAdapter.createElement('base', undefined, [ { name: 'href', value: params.baseHref }, ]); treeAdapter.appendChild(baseFragment, baseElement); indexSource.insert(headElement.__location.startTag.endOffset, parse5.serialize(baseFragment, { treeAdapter })); } else { let hrefAttribute; for (const attribute of baseElement.attrs) {
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htmlElement.attrs.push({ name: 'lang', value: params.lang }); } // we want only openning tag htmlElement.childNodes = []; treeAdapter.appendChild(htmlFragment, htmlElement); indexSource.replace(htmlElement.__location.startTag.startOffset, htmlElement.__location.startTag.endOffset - 1, parse5.serialize(htmlFragment, { treeAdapter }).replace('</html>', '')); } return indexSource.source(); } exports.augmentIndexHtml = augmentIndexHtml;
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namespace: ? : '', version: pkg?.version, ...(pkg?.mybricks || {}) }) }) let handledHomePageStr = parse5.serialize(handledHomePageDom) fs.writeFileSync(srcHomePage, handledHomePageStr, 'utf-8') } console.log(`【install】: 资源准备完毕 ${npmPkg}`) }
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* Serialize a Document to an HTML String * @param {HTMLDocument} document A Document, such as one created via `createDocument()` */ function serializeDocument(document) { return parse5.serialize(document, PARSE5_OPTS); } /** @typedef {treeAdapter.Document & typeof ElementExtensions} HTMLDocument */ /**
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GitHub: kimooamigo/webproxy
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if (node.tagName == 'head') { node.childNodes.unshift(...this.injectHead(config.base)); }; }); }; return parse5.serialize(ast); }; source(processed, config = {}) { const ast = parse5[config.document ? 'parse' : 'parseFragment'](processed); iterate(ast, node => {
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node.tagName === "TEMPLATE" ) { node = node.content; } return parse5.serialize(node, { treeAdapter }); } module.exports.fragmentSerialization = (node, { requireWellFormed, globalObject }) => { const contextDocument =
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if (template.length == 0) { assert(false, "The BookList component does not contain a template tag") } const content = parse5.serialize(template[0].content); const dom = new JSDOM(content, { includeNodeLocations: true }); const document = dom.window.document; // Test for booklist in the app div
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if (value) { attribute.value = value; } }; let htmlTree = traverseHtml(file.contents.toString(), nodeCallback, attributeCallback, isFragment); return parse5.serialize(htmlTree); }; const generateLocalizedHtmlFiles = () => { return es.through(function (file) {
parse5.parse is the most popular function in parse5 (397 examples)