How to use the pathToRegexp function from path-to-regexp
Find comprehensive JavaScript path-to-regexp.pathToRegexp code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
path-to-regexp.pathToRegexp is a function that generates a regular expression from a path string, which can be used to match and extract values from URLs.
GitHub: wingbotai/wingbot
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if (typeof reducer === 'string' || path) { const usePath = path || reducer; resolverPath = this._normalizePath(usePath); resolverPath = resolverPath.replace(/\*/g, '(.*)'); const pathMatch = pathToRegexp(resolverPath, [], { end: resolverPath === '' }); reduce = (req, res, relativePostBack, pathContext, action) => { const actionMatches = action && (resolverPath === '/*' || pathMatch.exec(action));
GitHub: qudou/miot-local
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
if (client == undefined) return; let p, r, l; switch (packet.topic) { case "to-parts": p = JSON.parse(packet.payload + ''); r = pathToRegexp(p.targets, [], {}); l = await; for (let i in l) r.exec(l[i].path) && this.notify("to-part", [l[i].id, {topic: p.topic, pid:, body: p.body}]); break;
How does path-to-regexp.pathToRegexp work?
is a function that takes a path string and returns a regular expression that can be used to match the path with optional parameters, which can be extracted as key-value pairs from the resulting match object. It supports named parameters, optional parameters, and wildcards.
GitHub: kshitijwohlig/api
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// Express const express = require('express'); // const cron = require("node-cron"); // const { pathToRegexp, match, parse, compile } = require("path-to-regexp"); // pathToRegexp(path, keys?, options?) // match(path) // parse(path) // compile(path)
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function parseAndAddRouteParameters(endpoints) { endpoints .filter(r => !r.path.includes('*')) .forEach(route => { const keys = [] pathToRegexp(route.path, keys) route.addRouteParams(keys) keys.forEach(arg => route.path = route.path.replace(`:${}`, `{${}}`)) }) }
Ai Example
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const pathToRegexp = require("path-to-regexp"); const path = "/users/:id"; // Generate a regular expression pattern const pattern = pathToRegexp.pathToRegexp(path, [], { sensitive: true }); // Test the pattern against a URL path const urlPath = "/users/123"; const isMatch = pattern.test(urlPath); console.log(isMatch); // Output: true
In this example, pathToRegexp.pathToRegexp() is used to generate a regular expression pattern based on the /users/:id path. The resulting pattern is then used to test if the URL path /users/123 matches the pattern.
GitHub: valdesguefa/AshHome
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let result = 'public' const isMatch = regepx => { return regepx instanceof RegExp ? regepx.test(pathname) : pathToRegexp(regepx).exec(pathname) } for (const item of layouts) { let include = false
GitHub: saumyatalwani/blogBack
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`${methods.toString()} \`${ || path}\`: \`middleware\` must be a function, not \`${type}\`` ); } this.path = path; this.regexp = pathToRegexp(path, this.paramNames, this.opts); }; /** * Returns whether request `path` matches route.
+ 7 other calls in file
path-to-regexp.pathToRegexp is the most popular function in path-to-regexp (37 examples)