How to use the join function from path
Find comprehensive JavaScript path.join code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
In Node.js, the path.join function is used to join two or more path segments together, using the platform-specific separator as a delimiter.
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function specModule(filePath) { const rootPath = path.dirname(filePath); function newPath(p1) { if (p1.startsWith('.')) { return path.join(rootPath, p1); } else { return p1; } }
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var endpoint; var endpointToken; var reverse = 1; var ARGV; const configDir = process.env.MORGUE_CONFIG_DIR || path.join(os.homedir(), ".morgue"); const configFile = path.join(configDir, "current.json"); bt.initialize({ timeout: 5000,
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How does path.join work?
is a method in the Node.js path
module that takes one or more path segments as arguments and returns a new string representing the concatenated path segments using the appropriate platform-specific separator (i.e., /
for Unix-based systems or \
for Windows-based systems).
If the input path segments contain a leading separator, the resulting concatenated path will begin with that separator. Otherwise, the resulting path will be relative to the current working directory of the Node.js process.
The path.join
method also normalizes the resulting path by resolving any .
or ..
segments in the path, and by converting all path separators to the appropriate platform-specific separator.
By using path.join
, developers can safely and easily construct file paths in their Node.js applications, regardless of the underlying platform on which the application is running.
GitHub: borisdiakur/n_
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}) const n_ = wrapRepl( _.defaults( { replServer: instrumentedRepl, historyPath: path.join(TMP_FOLDER, `.n_history-${}`), }, args ), c
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GitHub: dynatrace-oss/unguard
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autoescape: true, express: app }).addGlobal('extendURL', extendURL) app.use(sassMiddleware({ src: path.join(__dirname, 'styles'), dest: path.join(__dirname, 'public'), indentedSyntax: true, // true = .sass and false = .scss sourceMap: true, prefix: process.env.FRONTEND_BASE_PATH
Ai Example
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const path = require("path"); // Joining two path segments const joinedPath = path.join("/Users/john", "Documents", "example.txt"); console.log(joinedPath); // Outputs: /Users/john/Documents/example.txt // Joining multiple path segments const joinedPaths = path.join( "/Users/john", "Documents", "folder", "subfolder", "example.txt" ); console.log(joinedPaths); // Outputs: /Users/john/Documents/folder/subfolder/example.txt
In this example, we're using path.join to construct two file paths. The first example joins two path segments (/Users/john and Documents) into a single path, and then appends the filename example.txt. The resulting file path is /Users/john/Documents/example.txt. The second example joins multiple path segments (/Users/john, Documents, folder, subfolder, and example.txt) into a single path. The resulting file path is /Users/john/Documents/folder/subfolder/example.txt. Notice how path.join automatically inserts the appropriate platform-specific separator between each path segment, and normalizes the resulting path to use that separator consistently. This ensures that the resulting path is valid and can be used reliably on any platform.
GitHub: porterhq/porter
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}, }, bundle: { async exists(bundle) { const { app } = bundle; const fpath = path.join(app.output.path, bundle.outputPath); return await fs.access(fpath).then(() => true).catch(() => false); } }, cache: { clean: true },
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await porter.compileAll({ entries: ['home.css', 'home.js', 'test/suite.js', 'stylesheets/app.css'] }); entries = await glob('public/**/*.{css,js,map}', { cwd: root }); const fpath = path.join(root, 'manifest.json'); await assert.doesNotReject(async function() { await fs.access(fpath); }); manifest = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(fpath, 'utf-8'));
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return [{ entry: { main: ['./js/app.js', './scss/app.scss'], }, output: { path: path.join(__dirname, outputDir), filename: 'js/[name].js', }, module: { rules: [
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// Check if TypeScript is setup const useTypeScript = fs.existsSync(paths.appTsConfig); // Check if Tailwind config exists const useTailwind = fs.existsSync( path.join(paths.appPath, 'tailwind.config.js') ); // Get the path to the uncompiled service worker (if it exists). const swSrc = paths.swSrc;
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} return templateManager.apply(filename, context); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('ifexists', function(options) { const filename = path.join(process.cwd(), replaceParams(options.hash.filename, options.hash)); const exists = fs.existsSync(filename); if (exists) { return options.fn(this); } else {
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// Check if TypeScript is setup const useTypeScript = fs.existsSync(paths.appTsConfig); // Check if Tailwind config exists const useTailwind = fs.existsSync( path.join(paths.appPath, "tailwind.config.js") ); // Get the path to the uncompiled service worker (if it exists). const swSrc = paths.swSrc;
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app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // Directing Resource Requests app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "front-end"))); app.set("views", path.join(__dirname, "front-end")); // Data Variables let players = {};
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GitHub: lebalz/ofi-blog
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try { fs.mkdirSync(folder, { recursive: true }) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } const categoryPath = path.join(folder, '_category_.json'); console.log('---------- CAT', categoryPath) gitignore.push(categoryPath.replace(classDir, '')); let category = { collapsible: true,
GitHub: lukaspollak/zephyr
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Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.main = void 0; const datas = require("./data"); // get parent dir name of node modules const path = require("path"); const parent_dirname = path.join(__dirname, "../../.."); // get config from parent dir of node modules, so config.json should be placed there const configZephyr = require("/" + parent_dirname + "/configZephyr.json"); async function main() {"Reporting from: " + parent_dirname + "/reports");
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module.exports.ts_config = function(set_to) { const ts_config = require("../tsconfig.json"); ts_config.compilerOptions.paths["@code/*"] = [`${set_to}/*`]; fs.writeFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "..", "tsconfig.json"), JSON.stringify(ts_config, null, 4)); } module.exports.jest = function(set_to) {
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], devServer: { // contentBase: './dist', // publicPath: '', static: { directory: path.join(__dirname, ''), }, compress: true, // port: 9000 }
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fs.mkdirSync(vscodePath); fs.writeFileSync(settingsPath, settings); } // make a file .env.development in the current workspace let envPath = path.join(workspacePath, ".env.development"); // add BROWSER=chrome to .env.development if(!fs.existsSync(envPath)){ fs.writeFileSync(envPath, "BROWSER=chrome"); }
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let App = express(); let cors = require("cors"); let UserSchema = require("./DB/UserSchema"); let PORT = process.env.PORT || 3500; let Path = require("path"); let DIR = Path.join(__dirname, "/Public/Uploads"); let DIR2 = Path.join(__dirname, "/Public/PostsImages"); var jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); let FS = require("fs"); let PostSchema = require("./DB/PostSchema");
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GitHub: Jaseelshalu/shopping-cart
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var fileUpload = require('express-fileupload') //new var db = require('./config/connection') //new var session = require('express-session') //new // view engine setup app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views')); app.set('view engine', 'hbs'); app.engine('hbs', hbs.engine({ extname: 'hbs', defaultLayout: 'layout', layoutsDir: __dirname + '/views/layout/', partialsDir: __dirname + '/views/partials/' })) //new
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const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin') const FriendlyErrorsPlugin = require('friendly-errors-webpack-plugin') const portfinder = require('portfinder') function resolve(dir) { return path.join(__dirname, '..', dir) } const HOST = process.env.HOST const PORT = process.env.PORT && Number(process.env.PORT)
GitHub: Uzairakra/Secktoer
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//if (!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) throw new TypeError('Result is not a buffer') let type = await FileType.fromBuffer(data) || { mime: 'application/octet-stream', ext: '.bin' } let filename = path.join(__filename, __dirname + new Date * 1 + '.' + type.ext) if (data && save) fs.promises.writeFile(filename, data) return { res, filename,
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