How to use the default function from postcss
Find comprehensive JavaScript postcss.default code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
postcss.default is a tool that transforms CSS stylesheets with JavaScript plugins.
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}, (err, result) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(result))); } async function buildScssModulesJS(scssFullPath, options) { const css = (await buildScss(scssFullPath, options.scssOptions)).css; let cssModulesJSON = {}; const result = await postcss_1.default([ postcssModules.default({ localsConvention: options.localsConvention, generateScopedName: options.generateScopedName, getJSON(cssSourceFile, json) {
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"var(--tw-backdrop-saturate)", "var(--tw-backdrop-sepia)" ].join(" "); let corePlugins = { preflight: ({ addBase })=>{ let preflightStyles = _postcss.default.parse(_fs.default.readFileSync(_path.join(__dirname, "./css/preflight.css"), "utf8")); addBase([ _postcss.default.comment({ text: `! tailwindcss v${_packageJson.version} | MIT License |` }),
How does postcss.default work?
PostCSS is a JavaScript tool for transforming CSS styles using plugins. It reads CSS code as input, applies transformations through plugins, and outputs the transformed CSS. The transformations can include things like adding vendor prefixes, resolving imports, and minifying the code. PostCSS is highly customizable and can be used with a wide variety of plugins to fit specific needs.
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isArbitrary: options.type === Symbol.for("MATCH_VARIANT"), values: Object.keys((_values = options.values) !== null && _values !== void 0 ? _values : {}), hasDash: name !== "@", selectors ({ modifier , value } = {}) { let candidate = "__TAILWIND_PLACEHOLDER__"; let rule = _postcss.default.rule({ selector: `.${candidate}` }); let container = _postcss.default.root({ nodes: [
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return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function responsive(rules) { return _postcss.default.atRule({ name: "responsive" }).append((0, _cloneNodes.default)(Array.isArray(rules) ? rules : [ rules ]));
Ai Example
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const postcss = require("postcss"); const css = "a { color: black; }"; const plugins = [ // list of PostCSS plugins to use ]; postcss(plugins) .process(css) .then((result) => { console.log(result.css); });
This example defines a css variable with a basic CSS code, creates an empty array of plugins, and passes them to the postcss() function. It then calls the process() method on the resulting PostCSS object, passing in the css code as a parameter. The then() method is called on the returned Promise to log the transformed CSS code to the console. Note that the plugins array can contain a list of PostCSS plugins to be used, such as autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes to CSS properties or cssnano to minify CSS code.
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if (selectorGroups.size === 0) { universal.remove(); continue; } for (let [, selectors1] of selectorGroups){ let universalRule = _postcss.default.rule({ source: universal.source }); universalRule.selectors = [ ...selectors1
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// So we short-circuit here by checking if the custom property looks like a url if (looksLikeUri(`${property}:${value}`)) { return false; } try { _postcss.default.parse(`a{${property}:${value}}`).toResult(); return true; } catch (err) { return false; }
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postcss.plugin is the most popular function in postcss (94 examples)