How to use the get function from prompt
Find comprehensive JavaScript prompt.get code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
prompt.get is a function in the prompt library that allows you to prompt the user for input in a Node.js command-line application.
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return amounts; } async function getSigner() { const keyring = new Keyring({ type: "sr25519" }); const { privateKey } = await prompt.get({ properties: { privateKey: { hidden: true, },
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// Main // ============================================================================= const main = async (name, url, proxy) => { console.log("Install bzBond server microbond"); if (!name || !url) { ({ name, url } = await prompt.get(["name", "url"])); } if (!name || !url) return; const microbondsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../microbonds.js");
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How does prompt.get work?
When you use prompt.get in your Node.js application, you are calling a function in the prompt library that prompts the user for input in the command-line interface. To use prompt.get, you first require the prompt module and create a schema object that defines the input fields you want to prompt the user for. You can then call the get method on the prompt object and pass in the schema object as an argument to prompt the user for input. Here's an example of using prompt.get to prompt the user for a name and an email address: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const prompt = require('prompt'); const schema = { properties: { name: { message: 'Enter your name', required: true }, email: { message: 'Enter your email address', required: true } } }; prompt.get(schema, (err, result) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } console.log(`Hello, ${} (${})`); }); In this example, we're requiring the prompt module and defining a schema object that specifies the fields we want to prompt the user for: a name and an email address. We're then calling the get method on the prompt object and passing in the schema object as an argument. When the user enters their name and email address, the callback function is called with an object containing the values entered by the user. The resulting output will be something like this: less Copy code {{{{{{{ class="!whitespace-pre hljs language-less">Enter your name: John Enter your email address: Hello, John ( This demonstrates how prompt.get can be used to prompt the user for input in a Node.js command-line application, allowing you to create interactive applications that respond to user input.
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}, Promise.resolve()); } function prompt_for(items) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { promptLib.get(items, (err, result) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(result);
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GitHub: malcolmocean/beeminderjs
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exec(open + '', function () { console.log("A browser window has opened that will show you your auth_token.\nCopy that and paste it here.") prompt.start() prompt.get('auth_token', function (err, result) { if (err) {return onErr(err)} fs.writeFile(rc_path, "[account]\nauth_token: "+result.auth_token+"\n", function (errf) { if (errf) {return onErr(errf)} console.log("Successfully wrote auth_token to ~/.bmndrrc")
Ai Example
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const prompt = require("prompt"); const schema = { properties: { name: { message: "Enter your name", required: true, }, email: { message: "Enter your email address", required: true, }, }, }; prompt.get(schema, (err, result) => { if (err) { console.error(err); return; } console.log(`Hello, ${} (${})`); });
In this example, we're requiring the prompt module and defining a schema object that specifies the fields we want to prompt the user for: a name and an email address. We're then calling the get method on the prompt object and passing in the schema object as an argument. When the user enters their name and email address, the callback function is called with an object containing the values entered by the user. The resulting output will be something like this: less Copy code
GitHub: SpQuyt/amela-rn-cli
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const promptGetListQuestionPromise = async (listQuestions) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { prompt.message = colors.white(''); prompt.delimiter = colors.white(':'); prompt.start(); prompt.get(listQuestions, (err, result) => { if (err) { console.log('❗❗❗ Prompt questions list err: ', err); reject(err); } else {
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tokenEntry.token, schema ) } prompt.get(schema, async function (err, answer) { if (answer[tokenEntry.token] === '') { if (newObjectResult[tokenEntry.token] === undefined) { answer[tokenEntry.token] = tokenEntry.default } else {
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prompt.delimiter ='> '); prompt.message ='Login'); prompt.start(); prompt.get([{ 'name': 'email', 'required': true, 'description': colors.yellow('Email') }, {
GitHub: danikaze/js-base
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}).run(); } function confirmSuiteExecution(suite) { if(interactiveRun) { prompt.get({ name: 'run', message: 'Run test ' + + '? [' + 'Y'.yellow + 'es'.white + '|' + 'N'.white + 'o|' + 'E'.white + 'xit]', validator: /y(es)?|n(o)?|e(xit)?/i, }, (err, result) => {
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} else { config[] = undefined; } }); } else { config = await prompt.get(questions.main); } await configureDatabases(config); await completeConfigSetup(config); }
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// programe to calculate numbers function calculate(){ prompt.get(['action'], function (err, result) { const action = result.action; if(action != undefined){ // Switch case
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message: 'Cannot leave ' + token + ' empty! Please enter a value', required: emptyChoice } } }; prompt.get(schema, function(err, answer) { if (answer[token] === "") answer[token] = newObjectResult[token]; var input = token + '=' + answer[token]; config.push(input);
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} }) program.command('configure').action(() => { prompt.start() prompt.get({ description: 'Enter absolute path for directory of converts.', type: 'string', required: true, name: 'path' }, (err, res) => { if (err) throw err const absolutePath = path.resolve(res.path) if (!fs.existsSync(absolutePath)) return console.log('Path bad formatted') if (!fs.statSync(absolutePath).isDirectory()) return console.log('Path must be directory.')
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} prompt.start(); function AddCustomer() { prompt.get(['fullname', 'email', 'phone', 'address', 'website'], (err, customer) => { // console.log(customer) // create obj from model const customerObj = new Customer(customer) isCustomerExist(customer.fullname)
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prompt.get is the most popular function in prompt (358 examples)