How to use the load function from protobufjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript protobufjs.load code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
protobufjs.load is a function that loads a .proto file and generates corresponding JavaScript code.
GitHub: chyingp/blog

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var protobuf = require('protobufjs'); protobuf.parse.defaults.keepCase = true; function run () { protobuf.load('./Thoth.UnitedMessage.proto') .then(loaded5) .catch(function(e){ console.log(e.message); });
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GitHub: koush/push-receiver

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loadProtoFile() .then(r => (root = r)) .catch(console.error); function loadProtoFile() { return protobuf.load( path.join(__dirname, '..', 'src', 'protos', 'checkin.proto') ); }
How does protobufjs.load work?
protobufjs.load is a function in the Protobuf.js library that loads a protobuf file from a given file path or URL and creates a root object containing all the messages and enums defined in the file, which can then be used to encode and decode data according to the protocol buffer specification. When called, it sends a request to the specified path or URL to retrieve the contents of the protobuf file, parses it and returns a promise that resolves with the root object.
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PeerInfo.create((err, peerInfo) => { if (err) throw new Error(err) // Load your .proto file protobuf.load(path.join(__dirname, './protocol.proto')).then((root) => { // Create Node const node = new Node(peerInfo, root, config)
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this.protoFile = protoFile this.typeName = typeName } async init () { this.protoRoot = await protobuf.load(path.join(__dirname, '../proto/', this.protoFile)) this.type = this.protoRoot.lookupType(this.typeName) return this }
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Ai Example
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const protobuf = require("protobufjs"); protobuf.load("myProtoFile.proto", function (err, root) { if (err) throw err; // Access the types defined in the proto file const MyMessage = root.lookupType("package.MyMessage"); // Create a new message const message = MyMessage.create({ foo: "bar" }); // Encode the message as bytes const buffer = MyMessage.encode(message).finish(); console.log(buffer); });
In this example, we use protobuf.load to load a Protocol Buffers schema from a file (myProtoFile.proto). Once the schema is loaded, we use the root object to access the message types defined in the schema. We then create a new instance of the MyMessage type, set a field value (foo) on the message, and encode the message as bytes using the MyMessage.encode method. Finally, we log the resulting buffer to the console.
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this.loadProtos(); } async loadProtos(): Promise<any> { // alt protos for Android const load = await protobuf.load('protos/Alternate.Signature.proto'); this.altProtos = load.POGOProtos; } async decodeRequest(session: string, requestId: string, force = false): Promise<any> {
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const protos = {} const loadProtos = (filename, protoNames) => { const protoPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../protos', filename) return protobuf.load(protoPath) .then(root => { protoNames.forEach(name => { protos[name] = root.lookupType(name) })
GitHub: SiarheiFedartsou/mama

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setTimeout(polling, POLLING_INTERVAL); }); } function startPolling() { protobuf.load("gtfs.proto", function(err, root) { if (err) { throw error; } FeedMessage = root.lookupType("transit_realtime.FeedMessage");
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curl.perform() }) } async function main() { const root = await protobuf.load(protoPath) const RequestGreet = root.lookup('RequestGreet') const ResponseGreet = root.lookup('ResponseGreet')
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var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var protobuf = require('protobufjs'); var protoPath = path.join(__dirname, 'protos', 'rs.proto'); // var builder = protobuf.load(protoPath, function (err, root) { // console.log(err, root); // }); var content = fs.readFileSync(protoPath, 'utf-8');
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module.exports = class Parser extends EventEmitter { static async init() { if (proto) { return; } proto = await load(path.resolve(__dirname, 'mcs.proto')); } constructor(socket) { super();
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root.resolvePath = function (origin, file) { var str = this.options.root + "/" + file; // console.log(`Origin: "${origin}"; String: "${str}"`); return str; }; pb.load([ "tbui/tbcharacter.proto", "tbmatch/event.proto", "tbmatch/match.proto", "tbportal/portal.proto",
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const imFile = "../public/IMClientParams.proto"; const imEnumFile = "../public/IMClientEnum.proto"; function start_websocket() { (async () => { const imContent = await protobuf.load(imFile); const imEnum = await protobuf.load(imEnumFile); // 生成解析器 const imContentParser = imContent.lookupType("com.example.mylibrary.IMClientParams");
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async function run() { const ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); const root = await protobuf.load("protobuf/Messages.proto"); const Req = root.lookupType("FoDoMustProto.RequestMessage"); const Resp = root.lookupType("FoDoMustProto.ResponseMessage"); var connection;
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GitHub: matsy/Distributed-Systems
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app.set('prod',; /* encode the JSON message into protobuf async function encodeMessage(payload, messageName) { const root = await protobuf.load("buyer.proto"); const testMessage = root.lookupType(messageName); const message = testMessage.create(payload); return testMessage.encode(message).finish(); }*/
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GitHub: titansys/push-receiver
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async function loadProtoFile() { if (root) { return; } root = await protobuf.load(path.join(process.cwd(), 'storage', 'gcm', 'checkin.proto')); return root; } function getCheckinRequest(androidId, securityToken) {
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async function loadProtoFile() { if (root) { return; } root = await protobuf.load(path.join(__dirname, 'checkin.proto')); return root; } function getCheckinRequest(androidId, securityToken) {
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let self = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // TODO: Use new Protobuf.js API protobuf.load('node_modules/wire-webapp-protocol-messaging/proto/messages.proto') .then((root) => { self.protocolBuffer.GenericMessage = root.lookup('GenericMessage'); self.protocolBuffer.Text = root.lookup('Text'); return self.service.user.login();
protobufjs.load is the most popular function in protobufjs (282 examples)