How to use the compile function from pug
Find comprehensive JavaScript pug.compile code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
pug.compile compiles a Pug template into a JavaScript function that can be executed to generate HTML markup.
GitHub: pugjs/pug-en
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~ The name of the template function. Only applies to `compileClient` functions. Defaults to `'template'`. ``` ## Methods ### pug.compile(source, ?options) Compile a Pug template to a function, which can be rendered multiple times with different locals. ```parameter-list
+ 3 other calls in file
GitHub: aMarCruz/pugjs-brunch
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options.pretty = 'staticPretty' in config ? config.staticPretty : config.pretty } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { const fn = pug.compile(data, options) let html = fn(locals) if (!asset) { html = this._export(null, JSON.stringify(html))
How does pug.compile work?
pug.compile is a function provided by the Pug templating engine that compiles a Pug template into a JavaScript function that can be used to render HTML. The function takes a Pug template string as input and returns a compiled function that can be called with data to generate an HTML output. During the compilation process, the Pug template string is transformed into a JavaScript function that returns a string of HTML. This function can then be called with data to produce the final rendered output.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 = 'pug' exports.inputFormats = ['pug', 'jade'] exports.outputFormat = 'html' exports.compile = function (source, options) { const fn = pug.compile(source, options) return { fn, dependencies: fn.dependencies }
GitHub: mrvautin/squido
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const compile = (data) => { if(process.config.templateEngine === 'ejs'){ return ejs.compile(data, process.config.templateConfig); } if(process.config.templateEngine === 'pug'){ return pug.compile(data, process.config.templateConfig); } return handlebars.compile(data); };
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Ai Example
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const pug = require("pug"); const template = `div h1 Hello #{name}!`; const compiledFunction = pug.compile(template); const result = compiledFunction({ name: "John" }); console.log(result); // Outputs: ' Hello John! '
In this example, a Pug template is defined as a string with an interpolated variable name. The pug.compile function is called with this template, and the resulting compiled function is stored in the compiledFunction variable. This function can then be called with an object containing the variable to be interpolated, resulting in the compiled template with the variable replaced with its value. Finally, the result is logged to the console.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 = 'pug'; exports.outputFormat = 'html'; exports.compile = function (source, options) { var fn = pug.compile(source, options); return {fn: fn, dependencies: fn.dependencies} }; exports.compileClient = function (source, options) { return pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(source, options);
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filename: path.join(basePath, 'templates/static', filename), basedir: basePath } ); const outFn = pug.compile(contents, { filename: path.join(basePath, 'templates/static', filename), basedir: basePath });
GitHub: fret2buzz/guide
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if (exampleArray.length >= 1) { return exampleMarkupArray; } else if (language === 'html_example') { return exampleMarkup; } else if (language === 'pug_example') { let pugFn = pug.compile(code, {pretty: true}); let pugCompiled = pugFn().trim(); const re = new RegExp('{lorem', 'i'); while (re.test(pugCompiled)) {
+ 9 other calls in file
pug.compileFile is the most popular function in pug (496 examples)