How to use the compileClient function from pug
Find comprehensive JavaScript pug.compileClient code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
pug.compileClient is a function in the Pug templating engine that compiles a Pug template into a JavaScript function that can be run on the client side.
GitHub: pugjs/pug-en
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// Render the function var html = fn(locals); // => '<string>of pug</string>' ``` ### pug.compileClient(source, ?options) Compile a Pug template to a string of JavaScript, which can be used client side. ```parameter-list
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return HASHES; } // PUBG templates if (path.extname(file) === '.pug') { source = pug.compileClient(source); babelExtractPhrases(HASHES, source, relativeFile, options); return HASHES; }
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How does pug.compileClient work?
In the Pug templating engine, pug.compileClient is a function that takes a Pug template as input and returns a JavaScript function that can be run on the client side. The returned function can be used to render the Pug template into HTML by passing it an object with variables to be used in the template. The pug.compileClient function works by parsing the Pug template and transforming it into JavaScript code that can be run in a client-side environment such as a web browser. This code includes a function that takes an object of variables as input and returns the rendered HTML. Here's an example implementation of pug.compileClient that demonstrates how the function works: javascript Copy code {{{{{{{ const pug = require('pug'); const template = 'div\n h1= title\n p= message'; const compiledFunction = pug.compileClient(template, { name: 'myTemplate', pretty: true }); console.log(compiledFunction.toString()); In this example, we first import the pug library. We then define a Pug template that includes a div element with an h1 and p tag inside. The h1 tag displays a title variable, and the p tag displays a message variable. We then call pug.compileClient with our template and some options. The name option sets the name of the compiled function to myTemplate, and the pretty option makes the generated JavaScript code easier to read. Finally, we log the compiled function to the console using the toString method. Overall, pug.compileClient provides a way to compile Pug templates into client-side JavaScript functions that can be used to render HTML on the client side. This can be useful for building web applications that need to render dynamic content in the browser.
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try { const templateFunc = pugRuntimeWrap(compiled, "tmp"); return templateFunc(locals || {}); } catch (err) { try { const compiledDebug = pug.compileClient(newSrc, { name: "tmp", externalRuntime: true, filename: filename, compileDebug: true,
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Ai Example
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const pug = require("pug"); const template = "div\n h1= title\n p= message"; const compiledFunction = pug.compileClient(template, { name: "myTemplate", pretty: true, }); const data = { title: "My Title", message: "This is a message", }; const html = eval(compiledFunction)(data); console.log(html);
In this example, we first import the pug library. We then define a Pug template that includes a div element with an h1 and p tag inside. The h1 tag displays a title variable, and the p tag displays a message variable. We then call pug.compileClient with our template and some options. The name option sets the name of the compiled function to myTemplate, and the pretty option makes the generated JavaScript code easier to read. We then create an object called data with title and message properties. This object will be used as the input to the compiled function. To run the compiled function, we use the eval function to execute the generated JavaScript code. We pass the data object to the compiled function as input. Finally, we log the rendered HTML to the console. Overall, pug.compileClient provides a simple way to compile Pug templates into client-side JavaScript functions that can be used to render HTML on the client side.
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