How to use the compileClientWithDependenciesTracked function from pug
Find comprehensive JavaScript pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked compiles a Pug template to a JavaScript function, tracking its dependencies for efficient caching, and returns the code as a string.
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// Render the function var html = fn(locals); // => 'function template(locals) { return "<string>of pug</string>"; }' ``` ### pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(source, ?options) Same as <code>[compileClient]</code> except that this method returns an object of the form: ```js
GitHub: sidorares/pugify
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function compile(file, template, options) { options.filename = file; = "template"; var result; result = pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(template, options); if (options.compileDebug) result.body = withSourceMap(template, result.body, file); var PREFIX = "var pug = require('"+(options.runtimePath === undefined ? "pug-runtime" : options.runtimePath)+"');\nmodule.exports=template;";
How does pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked work?
pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked is a method in the Pug templating engine library for Node.js that compiles a Pug template into a JavaScript function with dependencies tracked. The resulting JavaScript function can be used to render the template on the client-side in a web browser.
GitHub: aMarCruz/pugjs-brunch
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const dbg = options.compileDebug if (config.sourceMap) { options.compileDebug = true } const res = pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(data, options) this._setDeps(path, res) let result = this._export(path, res.body)
GitHub: webdiscus/pug-loader
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watchFiles: loaderOptions.watchFiles, }); try { /** @type {{body: string, dependencies: []}} */ compileResult = pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(content, compilerOptions).body; // Note: don't use compileResult.dependencies because it is not available by compile error. // The Pug loader tracks all dependencies during compilation and stores them in `Dependency` instance. } catch (error) {
Ai Example
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const pug = require("pug"); const templateString = "div Hello, #{name}!"; const options = { pretty: true }; const { body, dependencies } = pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked( templateString, options ); console.log("Compiled function:", body); console.log("Dependencies:", dependencies);
In this example, the pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked function is used to compile a Pug template string into a JavaScript function. The options parameter is used to configure the output format of the generated JavaScript code. The function returns an object with two properties: body: The generated JavaScript function as a string. dependencies: An array of file paths that the generated JavaScript function depends on, such as Pug mixins or included templates. The generated function can be used on the client-side to render the template with data.
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dependencies: fn.dependencies } } exports.compileClient = function (source, options) { return pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(source, options) } exports.compileFile = function (path, options) { const fn = pug.compileFile(path, options)
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function compilePugToModule(code, filename) { const optionsForFile = assign( create(null), { filename }, config); const { body } = compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(code, optionsForFile); let name = `${ || 'template' }`; if (!/^\w+$/.test(name)) { name = 'template'; = name;
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exports.compile = function (source, options) { var fn = pug.compile(source, options); return {fn: fn, dependencies: fn.dependencies} }; exports.compileClient = function (source, options) { return pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(source, options); }; exports.compileFile = function (path, options) { var fn = pug.compileFile(path, options); return {fn: fn, dependencies: fn.dependencies}
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const compile = function(contents, locals, filename, cb) { // console.log "Compile", filename, basePath let str; const outFile = filename.replace(/.static.pug$/, '.html'); // console.log {outFile, filename, basePath} let out = pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(contents, { filename: path.join(basePath, 'templates/static', filename), basedir: basePath } );
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return filename.replace(/(?:\.min)?\.(html|htm)$/i, '.pug'); } compile(filename, data, map, options) { return new Promise((resolved, rejected) => { var fn = pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(data.toString(), { filename: filename, cache: false, pretty: /\.min\.(html|html)$/i.test(filename) });
pug.compileFile is the most popular function in pug (496 examples)