How to use the drain function from pull-stream
Find comprehensive JavaScript pull-stream.drain code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
pull-stream.drain is a function that pulls all data from a Readable Stream, discards it, and calls an optional callback function upon completion.
GitHub: ssbc/jitdb
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}) ) ), toPullStream() ), (drainer = pull.drain((msg) => {'should not drain yet') })) ) })
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GitHub: ssbc/ssb-db2
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getMsgByOffset(latest.value.offset, (err, kvt) => { if (err) cb(err) else cb(null, kvt) }) }, 8), pull.drain( (kvt) => { state.updateFromKVT(PrivateIndex.reEncrypt(kvt)) }, (err) => {
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How does pull-stream.drain work?
pull-stream.drain is a helper function used to consume a stream and discard all of its data, while still ensuring that the stream is completely consumed, without backpressure issues or memory leaks. It takes a callback function that is called for each chunk of data in the stream until it is completely consumed, and it can also take an optional error handler callback to handle any errors that may occur during consumption of the stream.
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groupMemberId, })) ) ), pull.flatten(), (groupMemberStream = pull.drain(({ groupMemberId, groupSecret }) => { requestManager.addGroupMember(groupMemberId, groupSecret) })) ) }
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GitHub: elavoie/ssb-tokens
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if (err) return cb(null, null) return cb(null, msg_.value) }) }), pull.filter( (x) => x !== null ), pull.drain(function (msgValue) { var author = var op = msgValue.content var tokenType = op.tokenType
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Ai Example
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const pull = require("pull-stream"); const values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // Create a readable stream from an array of values const readable = pull.values(values); // Use drain to consume the stream pull( readable, pull.drain( (value) => { console.log(`Received value: ${value}`); }, (err) => { console.error(`Error: ${err}`); }, () => { console.log("Stream ended"); } ) );
In this example, pull.values is used to create a readable stream from an array of values. The pull.drain function is used to consume the stream, which takes three arguments: A function to call for each value received from the stream A function to call if an error occurs A function to call when the stream ends The first function simply logs each value to the console, while the second and third functions log an error or a message when the stream ends, respectively.
GitHub: elavoie/ssb-tokens
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var print = null if (args['only-id']) { print = pull.drain((obj) => console.log(, cb) } else if (args.csv) { print = pull.drain((obj) => console.log(( ? [,] : []).join(',')), cb) } else if (typeof args.json === "undefined" || args.json) { print = pull.drain((obj) => console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)), cb) } else { return cb(new Error("Invalid printing option"))
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GitHub: elavoie/ssb-tokens
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
var util = require('./util')(ssb) if (args['graph-easy']) { pull( pull.values(keys), pull.drain(function (k) { if (Object.keys(tangle[k]).length > 0) Object.keys(tangle[k]).forEach(function (k2) { var label = tangle[k][k2] || 'source' console.log("[" + prefix(k) + "] - " + label + " -> " + "[ " + prefix(k2) + "]")
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GitHub: juliangruber/munich-js
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}), pw.recent(opts.windowSize, opts.windowTime), pull.asyncMap(function (batch, cb) { db.batch(batch, cb) }), pull.drain(null, done) ) }
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pull.through(null, function() { queue = createQueue(); readyState = RS_DISCONNECTED; signaller('disconnected'); }), pull.drain(signaller._process) ); // pass the queue to the sink pull(queue, sink);
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GitHub: ssbc/ssb-db2
381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389,, pull.asyncMap(writeToNewLog), (drainAborter = config.db2.maxCpu ? drainGently(tooHotOpts(config), op, opDone) : pull.drain(op, opDone)) ) }) }
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function fetchBottomBy (amt) { var lastmsg var renderedKeys = [] pull( opts.feed({ reverse: true, limit: amt||30, lt: cursor(botcursor) }), pull.drain(function (msg) { lastmsg = msg // filter if (opts.filter && !opts.filter(msg))
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module.exports = { createPersistentLonpgollStream: createPersistentLonpgollStream, init(api, rp) { const sink = new EventEmitter(); const drain = pull.drain(function(data) { sink.emit('data', data); }); pull( createPersistentLonpgollStream(api, rp),
GitHub: ssbc/ssb-db2
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pull.filter((progress) => { console.log(progress) return progress === 1 }), pull.take(1), pull.drain(async () => { endMeasure(t, 'migrate (+db1)') await sleep(2000) // wait for new log FS writes to finalize sbot.close(true, () => ended.resolve()) })
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GitHub: Ahau-NZ/Ahau
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queue, pullParaMap( (continuable, done) => continuable(done), 10 // width of parallel processing ), pull.drain() ) export default function (apollo) { const state = {
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} } pull( sbot.metafeeds.branchStream({ old: false, live: true }), pull.drain((branch) => { const dentalFeed = branch.find((feed) => feed.purpose === 'dental') if (!dentalFeed) return t.equal(dentalFeed.purpose, 'dental', 'finds encrypted feed (live)')
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pull.filter(m => ( === m.value.content.about && m.value.content.image )), pull.asyncMap((m, cb) => ssb.aboutSelf.get(, cb)), pull.drain(about => { if (about.image) { ssb.blobs.has(about.image, (err, hasBlob) => { if (err) return console.warn(err)
GitHub: DiegoT2k/provasocial
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old: true, dest: rootMessage.key, useBlocksFrom:, types: ['post', 'about'] })), pull.drain(msg => { if (msg.sync) { // actually add container to DOM when we get sync on thread sync = true result.set(container)
+ 5 other calls in file
pull-stream.asyncMap is the most popular function in pull-stream (1458 examples)