How to use the defer function from q
Find comprehensive JavaScript q.defer code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
q.defer is a function provided by the q library in Node.js that defers the execution of a function until the call stack has cleared, allowing other code to run in the meantime.
GitHub: namshi/roger
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* Tags "branch" off the latest imageId. * * @return promise */ docker.tag = function(imageId, buildId, branch) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var image = docker.client.getImage(imageId + ':' + branch); image.tag({repo: imageId, tag: branch}, function() { deferred.resolve(docker.client.getImage(imageId));
GitHub: beatfreaker/subdownloader
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}; var getFileList = function () { var fileList; var counter = 1; var defered = Q.defer(); fs.readdir(p, function (err, files) { if (err) { throw err; }
How does q.defer work?
works by creating a deferred promise that is not actually created until a function is ready to create it.
This allows you to set up a promise chain before you have all of the data or resources needed to create the promise, which can then be created on-demand once the chain is ready.
The deferred promise is represented as an object that has a promise
property and a resolve
When the promise is finally created, the resolve
method can be called with a value or a rejected promise, which will then resolve the deferred promise and allow the promise chain to continue.
This makes it useful for situations where you need to set up a promise chain in advance, but don't have all of the data or resources you need to create the promise until later.
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stop, }; }; const prepare = () => { const deferred = Q.defer(); jetpack.remove(path); console.log('Testing scattered-store performance: '
+ 11 other calls in file
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return deferred.promise; function makeDir(newDir) { return function(){ var deferred = q.defer(); fs.mkdir(path.join(config.project.home, newDir), '775', function(err){ if(err){ deferred.reject(err);
+ 5 other calls in file
Ai Example
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const Q = require("q"); // Define a deferred promise that will eventually be resolved with a value function deferredPromise() { console.log("Creating deferred promise..."); const deferred = Q.defer(); setTimeout(() => { console.log("Resolving promise..."); deferred.resolve("Hello, world!"); }, 1000); return deferred.promise; } // Use the deferred promise in a promise chain deferredPromise() .then((result) => { console.log(`Promise resolved with: ${result}`); return `${result} (again!)`; }) .then((result) => { console.log(`Promise resolved with: ${result}`); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(`Promise rejected with: ${error.message}`); });
In this example, we first define a deferredPromise function that will eventually resolve a promise with a value after a 1-second delay. We use console.log to log messages indicating when the deferred promise is being created and when it is being resolved. We then use Q.defer to create a deferred promise that will be created on-demand when the promise chain is ready to consume it. We use the deferredPromise function to create a promise, which is resolved with a value of Hello, world! after a 1-second delay. In the promise chain, we use the .then() method to attach a callback that will be executed when the promise is resolved, and log the result to the console. We then chain another .then() method that modifies the result and logs it again. Finally, we use the .catch() method to attach a callback that will be executed if the promise is rejected, and log the error message to the console. When the code is run, the output will be: arduino Copy code
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var file = tmp.tmpNameSync({ dir: downloadPath, postfix: '.tar.gz' }); var operation; var response; var deferred = Q.defer(); var progressDelay = 8000; if (config === undefined) { config = {};