How to use the Component function from react
Find comprehensive JavaScript react.Component code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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{ if (Component.prototype && typeof Component.prototype.render === 'function') { var componentName = getComponentNameFromType(Component) || 'Unknown'; if (!didWarnAboutBadClass[componentName]) { error("The <%s /> component appears to have a render method, but doesn't extend React.Component. " + 'This is likely to cause errors. Change %s to extend React.Component instead.', componentName, componentName); didWarnAboutBadClass[componentName] = true; } }
GitHub: nbezi/stimulus
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
this._sensor = sensor; this._stimulusId = sensor.getNextId(); this._sharedStates = []; } var parent = new React.Component(); StimulusComponent.prototype = parent; StimulusComponent.prototype.super = parent.constructor; StimulusComponent.prototype.constructor = StimulusComponent;
react.default is the most popular function in react (505 examples)