How to use the moveCursor function from readline
Find comprehensive JavaScript readline.moveCursor code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
readline.moveCursor is a function in Node.js that moves the cursor on a readline interface a specified number of rows and columns.
GitHub: BuilderIO/qwik-build
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f.emitKeypressEvents(t, s), t.isTTY && t.setRawMode(true); const C2 = (D2, { name: i }) => { if (String(D2) === "" && process.exit(0), !F2) return; let E2 = i === "return" ? 0 : -1, a2 = i === "return" ? -1 : 0; f.moveCursor(u2, E2, a2, () => { f.clearLine(u2, 1, () => { t.once("keypress", C2); }); });
+ 3 other calls in file
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if (editor.last_exit_status !== 0) { process.stderr.write("WARN: The editor exited with a non-zero status\n\n") } if (response.length === 0) { readline.moveCursor(process.stdout, 0, -1); process.stdout.write('Your message was empty, please try again. (press enter to launch your preferred editor)'); } else { process.stdout.write('Your Message:\n'); process.stdout.write(response);
How does readline.moveCursor work?
readline.moveCursor is a Node.js function that moves the cursor position in the current output stream by a specified number of columns and rows. It does not modify the text currently displayed in the console.
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assert.deepStrictEqual(, set[2]); }); // Verify that moveCursor() throws on invalid callback. assert.throws(() => { readline.moveCursor(writable, 1, 1, null); }, /ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK/); // Verify that moveCursor() does not throw on null or undefined stream. assert.strictEqual(readline.moveCursor(null, 1, 1), true);
+ 11 other calls in file
GitHub: akirco/nc
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// process.stdout.write(prefix + depKey + "\t" + dependencies[key][depKey] + "\n"); // }); // }; const printDependencies = () => { readline.moveCursor(process.stdout, 0, -1000); // 将光标移动到屏幕最上方 readline.clearScreenDown(process.stdout); // 清除屏幕 const key = keys[currentKeyIndex]; console.log(key.toUpperCase() + ":"); const depKeys = Object.keys(dependencies[key]);
+ 3 other calls in file
Ai Example
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const readline = require("readline"); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); // Move the cursor up 2 lines and to the left 5 columns rl.output.write("Hello\nWorld!\n"); readline.moveCursor(rl.output, -5, -2);
In this example, the readline.moveCursor method is used to move the cursor position of the output stream of the readline interface. It is used to move the cursor up 2 lines and to the left 5 columns after writing the strings 'Hello' and 'World!' to the output stream.
readline.createInterface is the most popular function in readline (187 examples)