How to use the parse function from recast
Find comprehensive JavaScript recast.parse code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The recast.parse function is used to parse a string of JavaScript code into an abstract syntax tree (AST).
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return result; } const parseOptions = { parser: { parse(src) { return flowParser.parse(src, { // Comments can't cause UI strings to appear in the app; ignore them. all_comments: false, comments: false,
GitHub: uber/piranha
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describe('refactor', () => { describe('#flagAPIToLiteral', () => { it('should introduce the createdByPiranha property on the literals', () => { const code = 'isFlagTreated(testFlag)'; let ast = recast.parse(code).program; const engine = new refactor.RefactorEngine(ast, properties, treated, flagname); engine.flagAPIToLiteral(); assert(ast.body[0].expression.createdByPiranha !== undefined);
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How does recast.parse work?
The recast.parse function is a part of the Recast library and is used to parse a string of JavaScript code into an abstract syntax tree (AST). To accomplish this, the function accepts a single argument, which is the code to be parsed. The function uses the Acorn parser to convert the code into an AST that can be traversed and manipulated programmatically. The resulting AST can be used to analyze or transform the code in various ways. If the code is not valid JavaScript, an error will be thrown. By using the recast.parse function, developers can programmatically parse JavaScript code into an AST, which can be useful in scenarios where they need to analyze or manipulate the code. This can include tasks such as code formatting, linting, and refactoring.
GitHub: uber/piranha
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describe('piranha', () => { describe('#sample.js', () => { it('featureFlag treated', () => { const code = fs.readFileSync('./test/input/sample.js', 'utf-8'); const ast = recast.parse(code).program; const flagname = 'featureFlag'; const behaviour = true; const expected_code = fs.readFileSync('./test/treated-expected/sample-featureFlag.js', 'utf-8');
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GitHub: esnext/es6-class
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var recastOptions = { sourceFileName: filename, sourceMapName: filename + '.map' }; var ast = recast.parse(source, recastOptions); ast = es6defaultParams.transform(es6restParams.transform(es6class.transform(ast))); var result = recast.print(ast, recastOptions); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(RESULTS, testName + '.js'), result.code, 'utf8');
Ai Example
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const recast = require("recast"); const code = ` function square(x) { return x * x; } `; const ast = recast.parse(code); console.log(ast);
In this example, we're using the recast.parse function to parse a simple JavaScript function into an AST. We define a code variable that contains a simple function definition. We use the recast.parse function to parse the function code into an AST and store it in an ast variable. We log the ast variable to the console, which will output the following: yaml Copy code
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/** change the file key to load in different source code */ // const fileKey = "mapstd_src"; const fileKey = "xkcd_src"; const scriptString = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, `./temp/updated_${fileKey}.js`)).toString(); const scriptArr = scriptString.split("\n"); const ast = recast.parse(scriptString, { range: true }); /* referenced: Creating a list of scopes where 0th item in each scope list is the function name or null if function is anonymous. Initialized with global 'Program' scope. TEMP OBJECT used to track CURRENT program scopes AS YOU TRAVERSE. @TODO: update for clarity */ let scopeChain = [["Program"]];
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transform(code, id) { var transformed = false if (micromatch.isMatch(id, includes) && !micromatch.isMatch(id, excludes)) { const hasPureAnnotation = comments => comments && comments.length === 1 && (comments[0]|| {}).value === PURE_ANNO const ast = recast.parse(code, { parser: require("recast/parsers/babylon") }); const b =;
GitHub: wangrui233/my-js
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// AST var code = `function add(a,b){ return a + b }` const ast = recast.parse(code) const add = ast.program.body[0].type log(add) const add = ast.program.body.BlockStatement.body[0] log(add)
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GitHub: thesam/ng-d2c
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} } function visitCode(code, shouldConvert) { var ast = recast.parse(code); var errors = []; var hasDirective = false;
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; // Let us transform the order of the parameters and convert it in a functionExpression // Parse the code using an interface similar to require("esprima").parse. const ast = recast.parse(code, { parser: require("espree")}); const add = ast.program.body[0]; // Notice how it is pretty printed back to the original code. console.log(`input code:\n${recast.prettyPrint(ast, { tabWidth: 2 }).code}`);
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GitHub: dayuy/ast-auto-generate
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const kind = KIND[process.argv[2]] || KIND.pod; const k8scr = K8SCR[process.argv[2]] || K8SCR.pod; const filename = `${kind.toLocaleLowerCase()}.service.ts`; const ast = parse(getCode(kind, k8scr), { parser: require("recast/parsers/typescript") }); def("File")
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GitHub: saagaar/uptrendly
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// Include the runtime by modifying the AST rather than by concatenating // strings. This technique will allow for more accurate source mapping. var runtimePath = require("..").runtime.path; var runtime = fs.readFileSync(runtimePath, "utf8"); var runtimeBody = recast.parse(runtime, { sourceFileName: runtimePath }).program.body; var body = program.body;
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GitHub: hackbg/toolbox
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'ExportNamedDeclaration' ] for (const file of packageJson.files.filter(x=>x.endsWith(distDtsExt))) {' Patching', file) const source = readFileSync(file, 'utf8') const parsed = recast.parse(source, { parser: recastTS }) let modified = false for (const declaration of parsed.program.body) { if (!declarationsToPatch.includes(declaration.type) || !declaration.source?.value) continue const oldValue = declaration.source.value
recast.parse is the most popular function in recast (1784 examples)