How to use the print function from recast
Find comprehensive JavaScript recast.print code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
recast.print is a method in the Recast library that returns a pretty-printed version of a given abstract syntax tree (AST) node.
GitHub: esnext/es6-class
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sourceMapName: filename + '.map' }; var ast = recast.parse(source, recastOptions); ast = es6defaultParams.transform(es6restParams.transform(es6class.transform(ast))); var result = recast.print(ast, recastOptions); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(RESULTS, testName + '.js'), result.code, 'utf8'); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(RESULTS, testName + ''), JSON.stringify(, 'utf8'); return result.code;
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}) return false } }) return transformed ? recast.print(ast).code : code; } return null; }, generateBundle(_opts, bundles) {
How does recast.print work?
recast.print is a function in the Recast library for printing a given abstract syntax tree (AST) node or array of nodes back into a JavaScript code string, while preserving the original formatting and comments. It walks the given AST node or array of nodes, and invokes the corresponding AST printing handler function for each node, which in turn returns a string representation of the node. These string fragments are then concatenated together, with proper whitespace and comment tokens inserted to recreate the original code formatting. The final output is a JavaScript code string.
GitHub: uber/piranha
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max_cleanup_steps, false, true, ); engine.refactorPipeline(); const refactored_code = recast.print(ast).code; assert(!checkForPiranhaLiterals(ast)); assert( expected_code === refactored_code, `\nEXPECTED : ${JSON.stringify(expected_code)}\nREFACTORED : ${JSON.stringify(refactored_code)}`,
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.filter(this.filterEmptyTrees); this.visitProjectTrees(trees,visitOptions) .forEach(function(tree) { if (tree) { var printed = recast.print(tree.ast).code; if (!options.dryRun) { fs.writeFileSync(tree.dest, printed); } ui.writeLine(' updating file ') + tree.dest);
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Ai Example
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const recast = require("recast"); const { variableDeclaration, variableDeclarator, identifier } =; const ast = variableDeclaration("const", [ variableDeclarator(identifier("x"), identifier("y")), ]); const output = recast.print(ast).code; console.log(output); // logs 'const x = y;'
In this example, we create an AST representing the statement const x = y; using the module. We then pass this AST to recast.print() to generate the output code as a string, which is assigned to the output variable. Finally, we log the output string to the console.
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// console.log("in enter"); if (isCorrectNodeType(node)) { let updateStartStr = "/* autogen added */"; let updateEndStr = "/* autogen added */"; let nodeStr = recast.print(node).code; const startLoc = node.loc.start; const endLoc = node.loc.end; /** Adding this to avoid adding an empty comment if no
+ 4 other calls in file
GitHub: thesam/ng-d2c
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} ); var output = undefined; if (hasDirective && errors.length === 0 && shouldConvert) { output = recast.print(ast).code; } return { generatedJs: output, errors: errors,
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toSource(options) { if (this._parent) { return this._parent.toSource(options); } if (this.__paths.length === 1) { return recast.print(this.__paths[0], options).code; } else { return => recast.print(p, options).code); } }
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} return false } }) let code = recast.print(ast).code // console.log('=============') // console.log(code) return code }
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]); // Switch the parameters order: add.params.push(add.params.shift()); const output = recast.print(ast).code; console.log(`output code:\n${output}`);
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GitHub: dayuy/ast-auto-generate
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}), d.source); }); const service_ts = b.file(filename, b.program(imports.concat(ast.program.body[0]))) const result = print(service_ts); fs.readdir(path.join(__dirname, '../dist'), function(err) { if (err) { fs.mkdir(path.join(__dirname, '../dist'), { recursive: true }, function(err) { if (err) {
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GitHub: hackbg/toolbox
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} else {' ', oldValue, 'left as is') } } if (modified) { writeFileSync(file, recast.print(parsed).code, 'utf8') } } }
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return !['-r','--rewrite','-h','--help'].includes(item) }) let filename = clearFileArg[0] const writeASTFile = function(ast,filename,rewriteMode){ const newCode = recast.print(ast).code //非覆盖模式下 if(!rewriteMode){ filename = filename.split('.').slice(0,-1).concat(['export','js']).join('.') }
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path.node.source =`/__modules/${source}`) } this.traverse(path) }, }) return recast.print(ast).code } exports.transformModuleImports = transformModuleImports
GitHub: xuan085/zzx-monorepo
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ast.program.body[0] = variableDeclaration('const', [ variableDeclarator(, functionExpression(null, add.params, add.body)), ]) // 将AST对象重新转回可以阅读的代码 const output = recast.print(ast).code console.log(output) // const add = function(a, b) { // return a + b // };
recast.parse is the most popular function in recast (1784 examples)