How to use the createClient function from redis
Find comprehensive JavaScript redis.createClient code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
redis.createClient is a function in the Redis client library that creates a new client instance for connecting to a Redis server.
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t.end() }) // Simulate a redis client error with `enable_offline_queue: false` and a // quick `.set()` before the client connection ready. var client = redis.createClient({ host: process.env.REDIS_HOST, port: '6379', enable_offline_queue: false })
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GitHub: wearrrrr/HaiKei
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const zoro = new ANIME.Zoro(); let redisClient; (async () => { redisClient = redis.createClient({ url: process.env.REDIS_URL, }); redisClient.on("error", (error) => console.error(`Error : ${error}`));
How does redis.createClient work?
is a function provided by the Redis client library for Node.js that creates a new client instance for connecting to a Redis server.
When called, redis.createClient
establishes a new connection to the Redis server and returns a new RedisClient
instance that can be used to send commands to the server. The function takes an optional configuration object as its argument, which can be used to set options such as the Redis server host and port, the client's authentication credentials, and other parameters.
Once a RedisClient
instance has been created using redis.createClient
, developers can use the client's methods to send commands to the Redis server. For example, to set a key-value pair in the Redis server, developers can call the set
method on the client:
javascriptconst redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient();
client.set('mykey', 'myvalue', (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
In this example, we create a new Redis client using redis.createClient
with the default options. We then call the client's set
method to set a key-value pair in the Redis server with the key "mykey" and the value "myvalue". The set
method takes a callback function as its last argument, which is called with an error or result depending on the success of the operation.
By using redis.createClient
and other methods provided by the Redis client library, developers can easily interact with Redis servers from their Node.js applications, making it a valuable tool for many server-side projects.
GitHub: synle/sqlui-native

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const { createClient, RedisClientType } = require('redis'); async function _doWork(){ try { const db = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const client = createClient(${JSON.stringify(clientOptions)}); client.connect(); client.on('ready', () => resolve(client)); client.on('error', (err) => reject(err)); });
Ai Example
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const redis = require("redis"); const client = redis.createClient(); client.on("error", (error) => { console.error(error); }); client.set("mykey", "myvalue", (error, result) => { if (error) { console.error(error); } else { console.log(result); } }); client.quit();
In this example, we create a new Redis client using redis.createClient with the default options. We then set up an error listener on the client using the on method, which logs any errors that occur during communication with the Redis server. Next, we call the client's set method to set a key-value pair in the Redis server with the key "mykey" and the value "myvalue". The set method takes a callback function as its last argument, which is called with an error or result depending on the success of the operation. Finally, we call the client's quit method to gracefully shut down the connection to the Redis server. By using redis.createClient and other methods provided by the Redis client library, developers can easily interact with Redis servers from their Node.js applications, making it a valuable tool for many server-side projects.
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} var self = this; var deferred = getDefer(); var port = this.config.redis_port || '6379'; var host = this.config.redis_host || ''; var connection = redis.createClient(port, host, this.config); if (this.config.redis_password) { connection.auth(this.config.redis_password, function () { }); }
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GitHub: ligb888/huya-danmu

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const redis = require('redis'); const config = require('./config.json').redis; const redisKey = require('./redisKey'); const log = require('./log4jsUtil'); const redisUtil = {}; const client = redis.createClient(config.port,, {auth_pass: config.password}); client.on('error',function (err) { log.error('redis error:'+err); });
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npm 包 [redis]( 能满足我们的全部需求。先看连接数据库: ```js const redis = require('redis'); const client = redis.createClient(); client.on('ready', function () { console.log('Redis 连接成功:'); }); ```
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GitHub: damienlsq/tiancai_open

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// connect to Redis server function* _connectRedisServer(dConfig) { const password = dConfig.password || 'thepasswordisme'; const db_id =; let db = redis.createClient(dConfig.port,, {}); db.on("error", (err) => { mbgGame.logError(`[REDIS <${db_id}> ][Error] `, err); });
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tronWeb.setHeader({"TRON-PRO-API-KEY": tronWebAPiKey}); const redis = require('redis'); var redisClient = redis.createClient(redis_port,redis_host); if(redis_pass){ redisClient.auth(redis_pass); };
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let client; exports.connectToRedis = async function () { const { redis } = getConfig(); client = createClient(redis); await client.connect(); };
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} = require('../utils/helper-ee'); const {createAdapter} = require(""); const {createClient} = require("redis"); const wsRouter = express.Router(); const REDIS_URL = (process.env.REDIS_URL || "localhost:6379").replace(/((^\w+:|^)\/\/|^)/, 'redis://'); const pubClient = createClient({url: REDIS_URL}); const subClient = pubClient.duplicate(); console.log(`Using Redis: ${REDIS_URL}`); let io; const debug = process.env.debug === "1";
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} }) } function connectRedis() { redis_client = redis.createClient({ host: REDIS_HOST, port: REDIS_PORT, password: REDIS_PASSWORD });
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GitHub: SOHU-Co/2048

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var token = md5.digest('hex'); console.log('tokenGame: ',token); var clientGame = redis.createClient(8359, ''), clientDashboard = redis.createClient(8359, ''); clientGame.auth(optionsGame[0]+':'+optionsGame[1]); clientDashboard.auth(optionsDashboard[0]+':'+optionsDashboard[1]); clientGame.subscribe('@');
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```javascript const redis = require('redis'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); Promise.promisifyAll(redis.RedisClient.prototype); let client = redis.createClient({ url: 'redis://' }); client.randomkeyAsync() .then(key => {
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GitHub: KTH/kth-node-redis
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const log = logger.child({ redis: name }) // let isReady = false const defaultConfig = _getDefaultRedisOptions(name) const config = { ...defaultConfig, ...options } const client = redis.createClient(config) const callbackOnce = _once(callback) Global.clients[name] = client Global.clients[name].log = log
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}); }); } // connect to Redis var redisClient = redis.createClient({ host: redisHost }); redisClient.on('error', (e) => {
redis.createClient is the most popular function in redis (1230 examples)