How to use the applyMiddleware function from redux
Find comprehensive JavaScript redux.applyMiddleware code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
redux.applyMiddleware is a higher-order function in Redux that applies middleware to the store's dispatch function.
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const { middleware } = createMiddleware() const store = createStore( reducer, initialState, applyMiddleware(middleware) ) store.dispatch({ type: SET_COUNTER, value: 1 }) store.dispatch({ type: SET_COUNTER, value: 2 })
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// const reduxLogger = require('redux-logger') const createStore = redux.createStore; const bindActionCreators = redux.bindActionCreators; const combineReducers = redux.combineReducers; // const applyMiddleware = redux.applyMiddleware // const logger = reduxLogger.createLogger() const CAKE_ORDERED = "CAKE_ORDERED"; const CAKE_RESTOCKED = "CAKE_RESTOCKED";
How does redux.applyMiddleware work?
is a higher-order function that takes one or more middleware functions and returns a new function that enhances the dispatch function of a Redux store, allowing for additional functionality to be added to the dispatch process, such as logging or async operations.
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const rootReducer = combineReducers({ cake: cakeReducer, iceCream: iceCreamReducer }) const store = createStore(rootReducer, applyMiddleware(logger)); console.log('Initial state', store.getState()); const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() =>{}) // store.dispatch(orderCake())
Ai Example
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import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from "redux"; import thunkMiddleware from "redux-thunk"; import loggerMiddleware from "redux-logger"; import rootReducer from "./reducers"; const store = createStore( rootReducer, applyMiddleware(thunkMiddleware, loggerMiddleware) );
In this example, applyMiddleware is used to apply two middleware functions, thunkMiddleware and loggerMiddleware, to the store. The thunkMiddleware allows for dispatching asynchronous actions in Redux, while loggerMiddleware logs each action and state update to the console.
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const redux = require("redux") const createStore = redux.createStore const bindActionCreators= redux.bindActionCreators const reduxlogger = require("redux-logger") const logger = reduxlogger.createLogger() const applyMiddlewere = redux.applyMiddleware //actions const CAKE_ORDERED = "CAKE_ORDERED" const CAKE_RESTOK = "CAKE_RESTOCK"
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