How to use the createStructuredSelector function from reselect
Find comprehensive JavaScript reselect.createStructuredSelector code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
reselect.createStructuredSelector is a function that creates a selector that returns an object with keys mapped to other selectors.
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initialState: newObject(initialState, InitialState), InitialState: initialState, generatorKey: reducerName, constants: constants }); var mapStateToProps = useHook || !_mapStateToProps ? null : reselect.createStructuredSelector(_defineProperty({}, "".concat(reducerName, "_data"), MakeSelectAuthenticationState())); var authenticationReducer = !isMounted[reducerName] ? injectReducer({ key: reducerName, reducer: reducer }, createReducer) : undefined;
+ 16 other calls in file
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variableToType: selectors_1.getVariableToType }); exports.VariableEditorComponent = react_redux_1.connect(mapStateToVariablesProps, { onChange: actions_1.editVariables })(VariableEditor); var mapStateToHeadersProps = reselect_1.createStructuredSelector({ value: selectors_1.getHeaders }); exports.HeadersEditorComponent = react_redux_1.connect(mapStateToHeadersProps, { onChange: actions_1.editHeaders
How does reselect.createStructuredSelector work?
is a function in the reselect
library that creates a selector function that returns an object of values, where each value is a result of a corresponding input selector function. It allows creating more efficient and flexible selectors for managing derived data in a Redux store. The function takes an object of input selectors and returns a new function that accepts the entire Redux store state and returns an object of selected values. The selected values are the results of the input selectors executed with the store state. The returned function is memoized and only recomputes the selected values if the inputs selectors' outputs change.
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setDocsVisible: actions_1.setDocsVisible, changeWidthDocs: actions_1.changeWidthDocs }, dispatch); }; var mapStateToProps = reselect_1.createStructuredSelector({ docs: selectors_1.getSessionDocs, sessionId: selectors_2.getSelectedSessionIdFromRoot }); var ConnectedGraphDocs = react_redux_1.connect(mapStateToProps, // @ts-ignore
Ai Example
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import { createStructuredSelector } from "reselect"; const selectCartItems = (state) => state.cart.items; const selectUser = (state) => state.user; const selectCartAndUser = createStructuredSelector({ cartItems: selectCartItems, currentUser: selectUser, }); // usage const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({ cartItems: selectCartItems, currentUser: selectUser, }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Component);
In this example, createStructuredSelector is used to create a selector function that returns an object containing the cart items and current user data from the Redux store. The selectCartItems and selectUser selectors are defined separately, and then passed as arguments to createStructuredSelector along with the keys that should be used for the output object. The resulting selector function can then be used in a mapStateToProps function to easily access the selected data for use in a React component.
reselect.createSelector is the most popular function in reselect (34 examples)