How to use the auditLogger function from restify
Find comprehensive JavaScript restify.auditLogger code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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var _t = Math.floor((1000000 * t[0]) + (t[1] / 1000)); timers[] = _t; }); restify.auditLogger({ log: req.log.child({ route: route }, true), body: body, timers: timers })(req, res, route, err);
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/** * Request / Response Logging */ server.on('after', restify.auditLogger({ log: Logger })); /**
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null, mod_path.join(filespath, 'index.htm'))); klServer.get('/resources/.*', dirServer.bind(null, '/resources/', mod_path.join(filespath, 'resources')));'/kart/video', auth, upload); klServer.on('after', mod_restify.auditLogger({ 'log': klLog })); klServer.listen(klPort, function () {'%s server listening at %s',, klServer.url);
+ 3 other calls in file
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self.server = restify.createServer({ name: app_name, log: logger }); self.server.on('after', restify.auditLogger({ name: 'audit', log: logger }));
+ 3 other calls in file
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req.ufds = self.ufds_client; next(); } }); server.on('after', restify.auditLogger({log: log})); // Show server.get('/customers', customers.operators, customers.list); server.head('/customers', customers.operators, customers.list);
GitHub: TritonDataCenter/sdc-papi

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var auditLogger = new Logger({ name: 'audit', streams: [ { level: 'info', stream: process.stdout } ] }); server.on('after', restify.auditLogger({ log: auditLogger })); } /* * Set handers for routes.
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var init_restify = function (_, next) { server.use(mod_restify.acceptParser(server.acceptable)); server.use(mod_restify.queryParser()); server.use(mod_restify.bodyParser({ 'mapParams': false })); server.on('after', mod_restify.auditLogger({ log: log.child({ component: 'AuditLog' }) })); server.on('uncaughtException', mod_common.restifyPanic);
+ 3 other calls in file
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pkg_server.get(RegExp('^' + pkg_prefix + '/.+'), staticfunc); /* * Enable logging. */ pkg_server.on('after', mod_restify.auditLogger({ log: mod_bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'audit', stream: process.stdout })
+ 2 other calls in file
GitHub: RizenPanelV1/Blaze
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req.headers['X-Access-Token'] = req.headers['x-access-token']; // eslint-disable-line } return next(); }); RestServer.on('after', Restify.auditLogger({ log: RestLogger, })); // Export this for to make use of.
+ 4 other calls in file
GitHub: ptotem/UAB-BitNudge

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// properties: { // foo: 'bar' // }, // serializers:bunyan.stdSerializers // })); // server.on('after', restify.auditLogger({ // log: bunyan.createLogger({ // name: 'auditLogger', // stream: process.stdout // })
restify.createServer is the most popular function in restify (1059 examples)