How to use the UnauthorizedError function from restify
Find comprehensive JavaScript restify.UnauthorizedError code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
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} return employeeQueryService.getEmployeeByUserName( (employee) { if (employeeId === { res.send(new restify.UnauthorizedError()); next(); return; }
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* response body (because the `docker` CLI prints that body) and (b) always * have that body be "Unauthorized" to not accidentally leak auth details. */ function UnauthorizedError(cause) { if (cause) {, cause, 'Unauthorized'); } else {, 'Unauthorized'); } }
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next(); return; } response.header('WWW-authenticate', 'Basic realm="kartlytics"'); next(new mod_restify.UnauthorizedError()); response.end(); } /*
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GitHub: diamondpkg/registry

121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130'/user/login', async (req, res) => { if (!req.params.username || !req.params.password) return res.send(new restify.BadRequestError('Missing username and/or password')); const user = await User.findById(req.params.username); if (!user) return res.send(new restify.UnauthorizedError('Unauthorized')); if (!user.get('verified')) return res.send(new restify.UnauthorizedError('Unauthorized'));, user.get('password'), (err, match) => { if (err) return res.send(new restify.InternalServerError('Internal server error')); if (!match) return res.send(new restify.UnauthorizedError('Unauthorized'));
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} else if ( === 'NotFoundError') { // Docker registry client image not found error. return new restify.ResourceNotFoundError(err, errMsg); } else if ( === 'UnauthorizedError') { // Docker registry client unauthorized error. return new restify.UnauthorizedError(err, errMsg); } else { // Unexpected error - wrap it into an internal error. return new restify.InternalError(err, errMsg); }
GitHub: j12y/content-service

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* @description Extract an API key from a request's parsed Authorization header. Emit an error if * no such header is present, or if it's not formed correctly. */ var parseAuth = function (auth, callback) { if (!auth || !Object.keys(auth).length) { return callback(new restify.UnauthorizedError('An API key is required for this endpoint.')); } if (auth.scheme !== 'deconst') { return callback(new restify.InvalidHeaderError('Your Authorization header specifies an incorrect scheme.'));
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return function curOrganization(req, res, next) { assert.equal(typeof req, 'object', 'req must be an object of group'); assert.equal(Array.isArray(req.organizations), true, 'req.organization must be an array'); if (!req.organizations.includes(req.params[param])) { throw new restify.UnauthorizedError(`No organization for field ${param}`); } req.currentOrganization = req.params[param]; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign return next();
restify.createServer is the most popular function in restify (1059 examples)