How to use the allSettled function from rsvp
Find comprehensive JavaScript rsvp.allSettled code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
rsvp.allSettled is a method in the RSVP library that returns a promise which is resolved when all of the provided promises are settled, i.e., either fulfilled or rejected.
GitHub: nuprl/TypeWeaver
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var work = handlers.splice(0, handlers.length); return RSVP.Promise.resolve(lastTime). then(function() { var firstRejected; return RSVP.allSettled( { return RSVP.resolve(, code)).catch(function(e) { if (!firstRejected) { firstRejected = e; }
+ 67 other calls in file
How does rsvp.allSettled work?
rsvp.allSettled is a method in the RSVP library for JavaScript that returns a promise that is fulfilled when all promises in an iterable have been settled (either fulfilled or rejected), and returns an array of objects representing the fulfillment or rejection of each promise. The returned objects have the shape {status: "fulfilled/rejected", value: / }.
Ai Example
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const promise1 = Promise.resolve(1); const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(reject, 100, "Error") ); const promise3 = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200, "done")); rsvp.allSettled([promise1, promise2, promise3]).then((results) => { console.log(results); });
This example creates three promises, one that resolves immediately with a value of 1, one that rejects after 100ms with an error, and one that resolves after 200ms with a value of 'done'. It then uses rsvp.allSettled to wait for all three promises to settle, and logs the results. The output would be an array with three objects representing the settled state of each promise.
rsvp.resolve is the most popular function in rsvp (883 examples)