How to use the combineLatest function from rxjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript rxjs.combineLatest code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
rxjs.combineLatest is an RxJS operator that combines the latest emitted values from multiple observables into an array or an object.
GitHub: langhuihui/rx4rx

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} = rxOp var inc = source.pipe(filter(isPositive), map(returnPlus1)); var dec = source.pipe(filter(isNegative), map(returnMinus1)); var count = rxjs.merge(inc, dec).pipe(scan(addXY, 0)); var label = rxjs.of('initial', 'Count is '); var view = rxjs.combineLatest(label, count).pipe(map(renderWithArgs)); runners.runRx6(deferred, view); }, options) // .add('bacon', function(deferred) { // var source = bacon.fromArray(a);
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GitHub: caosbad/api

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exports.ObjectUnsubscribedError = rxjs.ObjectUnsubscribedError; exports.UnsubscriptionError = rxjs.UnsubscriptionError; exports.TimeoutError = rxjs.TimeoutError; exports.bindCallback = rxjs.bindCallback; exports.bindNodeCallback = rxjs.bindNodeCallback; exports.combineLatest = rxjs.combineLatest; exports.concat = rxjs.concat; exports.defer = rxjs.defer; exports.empty = rxjs.empty; exports.forkJoin = rxjs.forkJoin;
How does rxjs.combineLatest work?
rxjs.combineLatest is an operator function in the RxJS library that combines the latest values from multiple observables into an array, emitting a new array whenever any of the source observables emit a new value. When invoked with one or more observables, combineLatest will subscribe to each observable and wait until all have emitted at least one value. After that, whenever any of the source observables emits a new value, combineLatest will emit an array of the latest values from all source observables. If multiple source observables emit values at the same time, combineLatest will wait until all have emitted before emitting the latest array.
GitHub: jeffbski/wait-on

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if (reverse) { log('wait-on reverse mode - waiting for resources to be unavailable'); } logWaitingForWDeps(resources); const resourcesCompleted$ = combineLatest($)); merge(timeoutError$, resourcesCompleted$) .pipe(takeWhile((resourceStates) => resourceStates.some((x) => !x))) .subscribe({
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} if (Array.isArray(value)) { value = value.filter((x) => x && fp.isString(x)) return value.length ? Observable.combineLatest( => observe(id, options))) : Observable.of([]) } return null
Ai Example
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import { combineLatest, of } from "rxjs"; const obs1$ = of("hello"); const obs2$ = of("world"); const obs3$ = of("!"); combineLatest([obs1$, obs2$, obs3$]).subscribe(([value1, value2, value3]) => { console.log(`${value1} ${value2}${value3}`); });
In this example, combineLatest is used to combine the emissions of three Observables obs1$, obs2$, and obs3$. Once all three Observables emit at least one value, the values are combined into an array and emitted by the combineLatest Observable. The output of the above code would be: Copy code
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delayWhen((_) => timer(RECONNECT_INTERVAL)) ), }) ); return combineLatest({ upbit, binance }); }) ); const btc = categorizeTickers.pipe(
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} }); // close the stdio target if we have one defined if (stdioTarget) { Rx.combineLatest([ Rx.fromEvent(this._process.stderr, 'end'), Rx.fromEvent(this._process.stdout, 'end'), ]) .pipe(Rx.first())
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class ReactiveComponentManager { _events = {}; _registerEvent$ = new ReplaySubject(1); listeners = this._registerEvent$.pipe( map((listeners) => Object.entries(listeners)), switchMap((listenersList) => combineLatest(> nameAndListener[1].onEvent.pipe(startWith(undefined)))) .pipe( map((args)=>{ let names => nameAndListener[0]) return {...Object.assign({},, index) => ({[names[index]]: listener})))}
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GitHub: goofts/yamami
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this.kbnServer = undefined; } } async createClusterManager(config) { const basePathProxy$ = this.coreContext.env.cliArgs.basePath ? rxjs_1.combineLatest(this.coreContext.configService.atPath('dev', dev_1.DevConfig), this.coreContext.configService.atPath('server', http_1.HttpConfig)).pipe(operators_1.first(),[devConfig, httpConfig]) => new http_1.BasePathProxyServer(this.coreContext.logger.get('server'), httpConfig, devConfig))) : rxjs_1.EMPTY; require('../../../cli/cluster/cluster_manager').create(this.coreContext.env.cliArgs, config.toRaw(), await basePathProxy$.toPromise()); } async createKbnServer(config, deps) {
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var modifyScroll = scrollModifiers[direction](step); var normalizeScroll = scrollNormalizers[direction](end); var isScrollValid = scrollValidators[direction](modifyScroll(end)); () { _this.animationSubscription = rxjs_1.combineLatest(rxjs_1.of(start), rxjs_1.interval(0, rxjs_1.animationFrameScheduler)).pipe( (stream) { return stream[0]; }), operators_1.scan(modifyScroll), operators_1.takeWhile(isScrollValid), (x) { return _this.scrollTo(x); }); }); }; VirtualizationComponent.prototype.scrollRange = function (indexOffset, direction) { var containerScroll = this.containerScrollPosition;