How to use the race function from rxjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript rxjs.race code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
GitHub: caosbad/api

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exports.never = rxjs.never; exports.of = rxjs.of; exports.onErrorResumeNext = rxjs.onErrorResumeNext; exports.pairs = rxjs.pairs; exports.partition = rxjs.partition; exports.race = rxjs.race; exports.range = rxjs.range; exports.throwError = rxjs.throwError; exports.timer = rxjs.timer; exports.using = rxjs.using;
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const a$ = timer(10).pipe(mapTo('a')); const b$ = timer(5, 5).pipe(take(3)); const result$ = race([ a$, b$ ]); a$.subscribe(rxObserver('a$')); b$.subscribe(rxObserver('b$')); result$.subscribe(rxObserver('race(a$, b$)'));
+ 3 other calls in file