How to use the tap function from rxjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript rxjs.tap code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
GitHub: openforis/sepal

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
).pipe(swallow()) ) const execute$ = (command, description, args = []) => { return terminal$(command, args).pipe( tap(({exitCode, stream, value}) => { if (exitCode) log.debug(msg(`Exit code ${exitCode}`)) else if (stream === 'stdout') log.debug(msg(`stdout\n${value}`))
GitHub: openforis/sepal

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? cancel$(taskId, 3).pipe( map(() => true) ) : of(false) ), tap(wasRunning =>`EE task ${wasRunning ? 'cancelled' : 'completed'} (${description}, ${taskId})`) ), catchError(error => { log.error(`EE task failed to cancel. Trying again, without loading status first (${description}, ${taskId})`, error)
GitHub: openforis/sepal

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
error: error => log.fatal('Pool lock stream failed:', error), complete: () => log.fatal('Pool lock stream completed') }) unlock$.pipe( tap(instance => instance.locked = false), mergeMap(instance => timer(maxIdleMilliseconds).pipe( takeUntil(lock$.pipe( filter(currentInstance => currentInstance === instance)
+ 13 other calls in file
GitHub: openforis/sepal

77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
return concat( of(initialState), progressState$.pipe( takeUntil(cancel$.pipe( tap(() => finalState$.next(cancelState)) )), catchError(e => concat(finalize$, throwError(() => e))) ), finalize$,
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
from(fs.promises.mkdtemp(Path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'test-'))) beforeEach(() => firstValueFrom( mkTmpDir$().pipe( tap(path => emptyDirPath = path) ) ) )
GitHub: openforis/sepal
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
}).pipe( catchError(error => { log.error(msg(id, `could not notify state change: ${state}`), error) return EMPTY }), tap(() => log.trace(() => msg(id, `notified state change: ${state}`)) ), switchMap(() => EMPTY) )
+ 3 other calls in file
643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652
concatMap((ip_address) => zip([from(ipEvents("ipv4", ip_address, user_id)), from(ipEvents("ipv6", ip_address, user_id))]).pipe( rxmap(flatten), tap((value) => console.log("size ->", size(value))), rxmap(pipe(lofilter(ClickFunnels.utilities.has_ad_id))), tap((value) => console.log("size <- ", size(value))), concatMap(identity), rxmap((event) => ({ ad_id: pipe( paths([["fb_ad_id"], ["h_ad_id"], ["fb_id"], ["ad_id"]]),
+ 3 other calls in file
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const downloadPath = `${downloadUrl}/${setName}/${lang}/data/${filename}`; let cardSet = await rxjs.lastValueFrom( new http.HttpService() .get(downloadPath) .pipe( // rxjs.tap((response) => {console.log(`Request GET: ${downloadPath}`)}), => ), ); if (appendOnly) { // caso seja só append, adiciona o resultado no objeto
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// const p2 = e => new Promise(res => res(e)) const f = payload => of(payload) .pipe( delay(1000), // tap(e =>'before', e)), mergeMap(_ => from(p(payload))), // tap(e =>'after', e)), catchError(e => { console.error('fn errored', e)
+ 5 other calls in file
GitHub: lobotomisador/algorithms
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
mergeMap(e => { if (e.status === 401) { // throw new Error(e.statusText) return of(1) .pipe( tap(() =>'inside of')), map(e => {status = 200; throw new Error('trigger a retry')}), ) } return of(e)