How to use the timer function from rxjs
Find comprehensive JavaScript rxjs.timer code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
rxjs.timer is a function that creates an observable that emits a sequence of numbers after a specified delay or at regular intervals, depending on the arguments provided.
GitHub: openforis/sepal

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retryWhen(error$ => error$.pipe( mergeMap( error => { log.warn(`Reconnecting in ${delay}ms after error: ${error}`) return timer(delay) } ) ) )
GitHub: openforis/sepal

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mergeMap( ([error, retry]) => { if (error.statusCode < 500 || retry > retries) return throwError(() => error) else return timer(Math.pow(2, retry) * 200) } ) ) })
How does rxjs.timer work?
Sure! rxjs.timer is a function that creates an Observable that will emit a sequence of numbers after a specified delay or at regular intervals, depending on the arguments provided. The function takes up to three arguments: the first argument is the initial delay (in milliseconds) before the first value is emitted, the second argument is the interval (in milliseconds) between subsequent emissions, and the third argument is the scheduler (which is optional and determines the execution context of the timer). If only the first argument is provided, the Observable will emit a single value after that delay. If both the first and second arguments are provided, the Observable will emit values at regular intervals starting after the initial delay. If only the second argument is provided, the Observable will emit values at regular intervals with no initial delay. The returned Observable will emit an infinite sequence of increasing integers starting from zero, unless the third argument is provided to use a different Scheduler, which determines the timing and execution context of the emissions.
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const { zip, share, take } = require('rxjs/operators'); // our source will be a basic timer // making 5 ticks, every 5ms const source$ = timer(0, 5).pipe( take(5), zip(from(palette), Marble) // add color to items );
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const { rxObserver } = require('api/v0.3'); const { timer } = require('rxjs'); const { mapTo } = require('rxjs/operators'); const { query, some, mute } = require('rx-rql'); const a = timer(200).pipe(mapTo('a')); const b = timer(0, 50).pipe(mapTo('b')); const c = timer(800).pipe(mapTo('c')); a.subscribe(rxObserver('a'));
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Ai Example
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const { timer } = require("rxjs"); const source = timer(1000, 2000); const subscription = source.subscribe((value) => console.log(value)); // Output: 0 (after 1 second), 1 (after 3 seconds), 2 (after 5 seconds), and so on...
In this example, we first import timer from the rxjs library. We then create an Observable source using timer(1000, 2000), which emits the first value after 1 second and subsequent values at 2-second intervals. We subscribe to this Observable and log each emitted value to the console using subscription. After one second, the Observable emits the first value 0. After another two seconds, it emits the second value 1. This pattern continues indefinitely, with each subsequent value being emitted at 2-second intervals. Therefore, the console will log 0, 1, 2, and so on, until the subscription is terminated.
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const {rxObserver} = require('api/v0.3'); const { timer } = require('rxjs'); const { map, tap, retryWhen, delayWhen } = require('rxjs/operators'); const source$ = timer(0, 100).pipe( map(val => { if (val == 1) { throw 'Err'; }
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GitHub: jeffbski/wait-on

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let lastResourcesState = resources; // the last state we had recorded const timeoutError$ = timeout !== Infinity ? timer(timeout).pipe( mergeMap(() => { const resourcesWaitingFor = determineRemainingResources(resources, lastResourcesState).join(', '); return throwError(Error(`${TIMEOUT_ERR_MSG}: ${resourcesWaitingFor}`)); })
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GitHub: openforis/sepal

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}) unlock$.pipe( tap(instance => instance.locked = false), mergeMap(instance => timer(maxIdleMilliseconds).pipe( takeUntil(lock$.pipe( filter(currentInstance => currentInstance === instance) )), map(() => instance)
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return of(''); }), concatMap(() => { return timer(UPDATE_TIMEOUT).pipe( tap({ next: () => { if (checkerSubject) { try {;
GitHub: openforis/sepal
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} return EMPTY } const poll$ = timer(0, pollIntervalMilliseconds).pipe( takeWhile(() => state.enabled) ) trigger$.pipe(
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```js const { rxObserver } = require('api/v0.3'); const { timer } = require('rxjs'); const { takeUntil } = require('rxjs/operators'); const source$ = timer(0, 100); const terminator$ = timer(550); source$.subscribe(rxObserver('source$')); terminator$.subscribe(rxObserver('terminator$'));
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const { finalize, tap } = require('rxjs/operators'); // you'll need to open console // for this example const sub = timer(10) .pipe( finalize(()=> console.log(`Finished @ ${ }ms`) ),
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const T = 5; of(1).pipe( expand(value => value < T ? timer(T, T).pipe( take(value + 1), mapTo(value + 1) ) : EMPTY
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) ); // visualization source$.subscribe(rxObserver('source$')); exhaustMap$.subscribe(rxObserver('exhaustMap( timer(0, 3).take(3) )')); // helpers function colorize(color) {
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GitHub: caosbad/api

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exports.pairs = rxjs.pairs; exports.partition = rxjs.partition; exports.race = rxjs.race; exports.range = rxjs.range; exports.throwError = rxjs.throwError; exports.timer = rxjs.timer; exports.using = rxjs.using; =; exports.scheduled = rxjs.scheduled; exports.EMPTY = rxjs.EMPTY;
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const { expand, mapTo } = require('rxjs/operators'); of(1).pipe( expand(value => value < 5 ? timer(5).pipe(mapTo(++value)) : EMPTY ) ) .subscribe(rxObserver());
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const source$ = fromDelayed([ 5, 10, 20 ]).pipe( zip(from(palette), Marble) // colorize each item ); // target$ that we'll be mapping to const target$ = timer(0, 3).pipe(take(3)); const mergeMap$ = source$.pipe( mergeMap(x => target$.pipe(colorize(x.color))) // colorize as source$ value );
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const { rxObserver } = require('api/v0.3'); const { timer, race } = require('rxjs'); const { mapTo, take } = require('rxjs/operators'); const a$ = timer(10).pipe(mapTo('a')); const b$ = timer(5, 5).pipe(take(3)); const result$ = race([ a$, b$ ]);
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console.log( `Attempt ${retryAttempt}: retrying in ${retryAttempt * scalingDuration}ms` ); // retry after 1s, 2s, etc... return timer(retryAttempt * scalingDuration); }), finalize(() => console.log('We are done!')) ); };
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GitHub: lpaolini/AccentaG4

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const mergeHeartbeat = (heartbeatDelay, heartbeatValue) => observable$ => merge( observable$, timer(heartbeatDelay, heartbeatDelay).pipe( mapTo(heartbeatValue) ) )
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