How to use the gt function from semver
Find comprehensive JavaScript code examples handpicked from public code repositorys. is a function in the semver library that checks if one semver version is greater than another.
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} function getSemverVersions(baseVersion,versions) { return versions.filter(version => semver.satisfies(version,`^${baseVersion}`) ).sort((a,b)=>,a)); } async function getNpmSemverVersion(baseVersion,npmName,registry) { const versions = await getNpmVersions(npmName, registry);
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GitHub: ioBroker/ioBroker.admin
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return Promise.all(promises); } // Helper methods function upToDate(v1, v2) { return, v1); } function writeUpdateInfo(adapter, sources) { if (!objects['system.config'] || !objects['system.config'].common) {
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How does work?
is a function that compares two semantic version strings and returns true if the first one is greater than the second one, otherwise false. It does this by comparing the major version numbers first, then the minor version numbers, and finally the patch version numbers. If any of these numbers are equal between the two versions, it will move on to compare the next one until it has determined which version is greater.
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try { if (isMac) { const {data} = await axios.get(RELEASE_URL) const {tag_name: tag, prerelease} = data if (!prerelease &&, appVersion)) { setTimeout(() => { sendMainWindowMsg(AUTO_UPDATE_EVENT, 'ui-update-ready', { version: tag, })
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GitHub: tidev/node-appc
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* @param {String} v1 - The first version to compare * @param {String} v2 - The second version to compare * @returns {Boolean} True if the first version is greater than the second version */ = function gt(v1, v2) { return, 3, 3), format(v2, 3, 3)); }; /** * Converts two versions into 3 segment format, then checks if the first version is greater than or
Ai Example
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const semver = require("semver"); const version1 = "2.0.0"; const version2 = "1.9.9"; if (, version2)) { console.log(`${version1} is greater than ${version2}`); } else { console.log(`${version1} is not greater than ${version2}`); }
Output: csharp Copy code
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let title =`Dingding Worktab-Plugin v${current}`); if (error) { (0, logger_1.debug)(error); title += '\n' +'Failed to check for updates'); } if (checkUpdate &&, current)) { let upgradeMessage = `New version available ${chalk_1.default.magenta(current)} → ${}`; try { const command = (0, getGlobalInstallCommand_1.default)(); let name = require("../../package.json").name;
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error: null }; try { // won't repeatly check in a day if (daysPassed > 1) { res.latest =, pkgVersion) ? localConfig.latestVersion : pkgVersion; } else { const latestVersion = yield (0, getRemoteVersion_1.default)(pkgName); localStore.setAll({
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GitHub: aspectron/kdx
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const version = info?.version; if(!version) { console.log('unable to obtain current update version'); return; } let is_gt =, pkg.version); console.log('UPDATE CHECK','pkg.version',pkg.version,'server version:',version); console.log('UPDATE REQUIRED:', is_gt); if(is_gt) {
+ 6 other calls in file
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'info', `INFO: Dependency ${name} in your lock file already ` + `matches URL version (${version}).` ); } else { const gt =, version); if (gt) { addLog( 'warn',
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res.render('admin/dashboard', { version: version, lookupFailed: latestVersion === null, latestVersion: latestVersion, upgradeAvailable: latestVersion &&, version), currentPrerelease: versions.isPrerelease.test(version), notices: notices, stats: stats, canRestart: !!process.send,
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if (dependencies.hasOwnProperty( && semver.valid(dependencies[])) { pluginMap[].latest = dependencies[]; } else { pluginMap[].latest = pluginMap[].latest || plugin.version; } pluginMap[].outdated =[].latest, pluginMap[].version); }); const pluginArray = Object.values(pluginMap);
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{ errorClass: 'Error', message: '', stacktrace: [ { method:, '1.6.0') ? 'Spec.<anonymous>' : '<anonymous>', file: 'spec/reporter-spec.js', lineNumber: lineNumber,
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GitHub: nasolodar/test
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const currentSansPatch = semver(config.ungitDevVersion); currentSansPatch.patch = 0; res.json({ latestVersion: latestVersion, currentVersion: config.ungitDevVersion, outdated:, currentSansPatch), }); } }) .catch((err) => {
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notificationVersion = `${ghostMajorMatch.groups.major}.0.0`; } else if (notificationVersion){ notificationVersion = notificationVersion[0]; } if (notificationVersion && blogVersion &&, blogVersion[0])) { return true; } else { return false; }
+ 10 other calls in file
GitHub: sottiz/solidity_tp
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var versionToSemver = function () { return translate.versionToSemver(version()); }; var isVersion6 =, '0.5.99'); var license; if ('_solidity_license' in soljson) { license = soljson.cwrap('solidity_license', 'string', []);
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const tsVersion = execSync("npm show tone@next version").toString(); const masterVersion = execSync("npm show tone version").toString(); // go with whichever is the latest version let version = masterVersion; if (tsVersion &&, masterVersion)) { version = tsVersion; } // increment the patch
GitHub: datasense-gh/atom
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}); }, isUpdateAvailable() { let availableVersion = window.localStorage.getItem(AvailableUpdateVersion); return availableVersion &&, atom.getVersion()); }, showStatusBarIfNeeded() { if (this.isUpdateAvailable() && this.statusBar) {
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// filtering and comparisons node.queryContext.versions = availableVersions // next we further reduce the set to versions that are greater than the current one const greaterVersions = availableVersions.filter((available) => { return, node.version) }) // no newer versions than the current one, drop this node from the result set if (!greaterVersions.length) {
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if (semver.eq(code, database)) { debug.db(`Current database (${database}) and Pending code sversions (${code}) are the same.`); return false; } else if (, code) && (['patch', 'prepatch', 'prerelease', 'minor'].indexOf(semver.diff(database, code)) === -1) ) { unlock(function() { throw new Error(
semver.gte is the most popular function in semver (528 examples)