How to use the minVersion function from semver
Find comprehensive JavaScript semver.minVersion code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
semver.minVersion returns the lowest version that satisfies the given semver range.
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return latest; } async function main() { const nodeVersionComparator = `${ semver.minVersion(require('../package.json').engines.node).major }.x`; const latestElectronVersion = await getLatestElectronVersionMatchingNodeVersion(nodeVersionComparator);
GitHub: athombv/node-homey-lib
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} // validate sdk v3 apps have compatibility of at least >=5.0.0 if (appJson.sdk === 3) { // lowest version that satisfies the compatibility const minVersion = semver.minVersion(appJson.compatibility); // lowest version must be greater than or equal to 5.0.0 for sdk v3 apps if (!, '4.2.0')) { throw new Error(`Invalid compatibility (${appJson.compatibility}), SDK version 3 apps must have a compatibility of at least >=5.0.0`);
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How does semver.minVersion work?
semver.minVersion is a function in the semver package that accepts a string argument and returns the minimum version that satisfies the given range or version string. It first parses the given string into a Range object or a SemVer object using the semver.coerce() function, and then returns the minimum version that satisfies the range or the exact version if it is a SemVer object. If no minimum version is found, it returns null.
GitHub: apify/apify-cli
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}; const isNodeVersionSupported = (installedNodeVersion) => { // SUPPORTED_NODEJS_VERSION can be a version range, // we need to get the minimum supported version from that range to be able to compare them const minimumSupportedNodeVersion = semver.minVersion(SUPPORTED_NODEJS_VERSION); return semver.gte(installedNodeVersion, minimumSupportedNodeVersion); }; const detectNpmVersion = () => {
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} } let minVer try { minVer = semver.minVersion(version, { includePrerelease: true, loose: true }) if (minVer.raw !== version && minVer.raw === '0.0.0') { minVer = undefined } } catch (_error) {}
Ai Example
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const semver = require("semver"); const versionRange = ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"; const minVersion = semver.minVersion(versionRange); console.log(minVersion); // output: '1.0.0'
In this example, the semver.minVersion function is used to determine the minimum version in a version range. The versionRange variable is a string that represents a range of versions, and the semver.minVersion function is used to determine the minimum version that satisfies this range. The result is stored in the minVersion variable, which is then logged to the console. In this case, the minimum version that satisfies the range is 1.0.0.
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'web.immediate', // Always define Symbol.observable before libraries are loaded, ensuring interopability between different libraries. 'esnext.symbol.observable', ], // See corejs: semver.minVersion(require('./package.json').dependencies['core-js']), }, ], ]), '@babel/preset-typescript',
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45'- Generating project...'); execSync(`npx -p @angular/cli@${cliTag} ${ngNewCmd}`, { cwd: tmpDir }); await copy(`${tmpDir}/${projectName}`, `${projectPath}`, { overwrite: true }); const pack = JSON.parse(readFileSync(`${projectPath}/package.json`, 'utf8').toString()); const angularVersion = semver.minVersion(pack.dependencies['@angular/core']); const angularCLIVersion = semver.minVersion(pack.devDependencies['@angular/cli']);`- Versions: @angular/core: ${angularVersion}, @angular/cli: ${angularCLIVersion}`); await copy('src/app', `${projectPath}/src/app`, { overwrite: true });
GitHub: shenqiuhui/sqh-cli
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const conflicts = []; const misses = {}; this.iteratorObject(target, source, (depKey, depTarget, depSource) => { this.iteratorObject(depTarget, depSource, (key, targetVersion, sourceVersion, flag) => { if (!semver.eq(semver.minVersion(targetVersion), semver.minVersion(sourceVersion))) { conflicts.push([ chalk.magentaBright(depKey), chalk.greenBright(key), targetVersion,
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let versionHash = nanoid.customAlphabet(alphabet, 10)(); // Hash appended to base version to create unique version for every build. let version = semver.minVersion(`${baseVersion}-${versionHash}`).version; let newPackage = { name: PACKAGE_NAME, version,
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manifest.version =, 'minor'); } else { manifest.version =, 'major'); } } else { manifest.version = semver.minVersion('').version; } await fs.writeJSON(manifestFilePath, manifest, { spaces: 2 });
semver.gte is the most popular function in semver (528 examples)