How to use the parse function from semver
Find comprehensive JavaScript semver.parse code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
The semver.parse function is used to parse a version string in semver format into its constituent parts.
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var getTaggedVersion = function() { var gitTagResult = shell.exec('git describe --exact-match', {silent:true}); if ( gitTagResult.code === 0 ) { var tag = gitTagResult.output.trim(); var version = semver.parse(tag); if ( version && semver.satisfies(version, currentPackage.branchVersion)) { version.codeName = getCodeName(tag); version.full = version.version;
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let v = version.slice(indexOfGtEq + 2) const indexOfLt = v.indexOf('<') if (indexOfLt >= 0) { v = v.slice(0, indexOfLt) } const found = semver.parse(v, { loose: true, includePrerelease: true }) if (found && found.version) { return found.version }
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How does semver.parse work?
The semver.parse function is a part of the semver package, and it is used to parse a version string in semver format into its constituent parts. To accomplish this, the function accepts a single argument, which is the version string to be parsed. If the version string is in semver format, the function returns an object that contains the following properties: major: the major version number minor: the minor version number patch: the patch version number prerelease: an array of prerelease identifiers, if any build: an array of build identifiers, if any If the version string is not in semver format, the function returns null. By using the semver.parse function, developers can programmatically parse a version string into its constituent parts, which can be useful in scenarios where they need to compare or manipulate versions. This can include tasks such as checking if a version is within a certain range, finding the latest version of a package, or comparing the versions of two dependencies to see if they are compatible.
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* Output version details * @param {string} version version number * @param {string} bump version bump name (major, minor, patch) */ const setVersionOutputs = (version, bump) => { const output = semver.parse(version) core.setOutput('version', output.version) core.setOutput('version-with-prefix', `v${output.version}`) core.setOutput('major', output.major)
GitHub: Serzhanov/Studies
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const versionDiff = semver.diff(info.installed.version, version); if (versionDiff !== 'patch' && versionDiff !== 'minor' && /^@(?:angular|nguniversal)\//.test(name)) { const installedMajorVersion = (_a = semver.parse(info.installed.version)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.major; const toInstallMajorVersion = (_b = semver.parse(version)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.major; if (installedMajorVersion !== undefined && toInstallMajorVersion !== undefined && installedMajorVersion < toInstallMajorVersion - 1) { const nextMajorVersion = `${installedMajorVersion + 1}.`;
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Ai Example
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const semver = require("semver"); const versionString = "1.2.3-beta.4+build.5"; const version = semver.parse(versionString); console.log(version);
In this example, we're using semver.parse to parse the versionString variable into its constituent parts. We call semver.parse with the versionString variable as its argument, and we store the result in a version variable. We log the version variable to the console to see its constituent parts. The console output will be: yaml Copy code
GitHub: Jokerfive7/-Duelyst-
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var path = require('path') var url = require('url') var Stream = require('stream').Stream var semver = require('semver') var stableFamily = semver.parse(process.version) var nopt = require('nopt') var os = require('os') var osenv = require('osenv') var umask = require('../utils/umask')
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GitHub: tuantvtvip/bottuan
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///////////////////////////////////////////// //========= Check node.js version =========// ///////////////////////////////////////////// // const nodeVersion = semver.parse(process.version); // if (nodeVersion.major < 13) { // logger(`Your Node.js ${process.version} is not supported, it required Node.js 13 to run bot!`, "error"); // return process.exit(0); // };
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return []; } const majorVersions = {}; tagResults.stdout.replace(versionMatcher, (_, tag) => { const version = semver.parse(tag); // Not interested in tags that do not match semver format. if (version === null) { return;
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throw new Error('get_node_abi requires valid runtime arg'); } if (!versions) { throw new Error('get_node_abi requires valid process.versions object'); } const sem_ver = semver.parse(versions.node); if (sem_ver.major === 0 && sem_ver.minor % 2) { // odd series // return runtime + '-v' + versions.node; } else {
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// If we're currently in a pre-release we need to manually execute the // patch bump up to the next version. And we also need to make sure we // resume the releases at the same pre-release tag. const currentPrerelease = semver.prerelease(pkg.packageJson.version); if (currentPrerelease) { const parsed = semver.parse(targetVersion);'patch'); parsed.prerelease = currentPrerelease; targetVersion = parsed.format(); }
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// get the current package.json version const { version } = require('./package.json'); const semver = require('semver'); // extract the major (left-most) number const { major } = semver.parse(version); module.exports = { entry: './src/index.tsx', mode: isProduction ? 'production' : 'development',
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throw new Error("get_node_abi requires valid runtime arg"); } if (!versions) { throw new Error("get_node_abi requires valid process.versions object"); } var sem_ver = semver.parse(versions.node); if (sem_ver.major === 0 && sem_ver.minor % 2) { // odd series // return runtime+'-v'+versions.node; } else {
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//这里用来解决UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning的问题 }); }; function getVersionWithoutPatch(version) { const sVer = semver.parse(version); let verWithPatch = sVer.prerelease.length > 0 ? "-" + sVer.prerelease[0] : ""; verWithPatch = sVer.major + "." + sVer.minor + verWithPatch; return verWithPatch; }
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githubToken, oldReleaseNotes ) { let oldVersion = null; let oldVersionName = null; const parsedVersion = semver.parse(releaseVersion); const newVersionBranch = getBranchForVersion(parsedVersion); if (githubToken) { changelog.setGithubAccessToken(githubToken);
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const { execSync } = require('child_process') const semver = require('semver') const path = require('path') const getMajorVersion = (input) => semver.parse(input).major const getMinorVersion = (input) => semver.parse(input).minor // INFO: String templates to generate the tags to update const LATEST_TAG = (strings, major) => `latest-${major}`
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var semver = require('semver') var version = semver.parse(require('../package.json').version) console.log('v%s.%s-next', version.major, version.minor)
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if (version) { const { minor, patch, } = semver.parse(version); if (patch < maxVersion) { manifest.version =, 'patch'); } else if (minor < maxVersion) {
GitHub: 807sreekanth/ekart
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// migrations for @angular/core@13 can be executed using Angular/cli@13. // This is same behaviour as `npx @angular/cli@13 update @angular/core@13`. // `@angular/cli@13` -> ['', 'angular/cli', '13'] // `@angular/cli` -> ['', 'angular/cli'] const tempVersion = coerceVersionNumber(updatingAngularPackage.split('@')[2]); return (_b = (_a = semver.parse(tempVersion)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.major) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 'latest'; } // When not updating an Angular package we cannot determine which schematic runtime the migration should to be executed in. // Typically, we can assume that the `@angular/cli` was updated previously. // Example: Angular official packages are typically updated prior to NGRX etc...
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</td> </tr> `).join('\n')} ${[...this.changedPackages].filter(pkg => !excludedPackages.has(pkg) && this.existingPackages.has(pkg)).map(pkg => { let json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`packages/${pkg}/package.json`, 'utf8')); let version = semver.parse(json.version); return ` <tr> <td><code>${pkg}</code></td> <td>
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fileName.endsWith(firmwareString) ) { const startIndex = title.toLowerCase().length + 1; const endIndex = fileName.indexOf("." + firmwareString); const version =, endIndex); fileInfo.version = semver.parse(version); return fileInfo; } }); return firmwareList;
semver.gte is the most popular function in semver (528 examples)