How to use the valid function from semver
Find comprehensive JavaScript semver.valid code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
semver.valid is a function that checks if a given string represents a valid semantic version number.
GitHub: qooxdoo/qooxdoo
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nargs: 1, describe: "Install a library/the given library from a local path" }, "qx-version": { check: argv => semver.valid(argv.qxVersion), describe: "A semver string. If given, the maximum qooxdoo version for which to install a package" } }
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GitHub: benzino77/tasmocompiler
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if (tcVersion.includes('dev')) { return [edgeBranch]; } const allTags = await git(tasmotaRepo).tags(); let tags = allTags.all.filter((t) => t.startsWith('v')); tags = tags.filter((t) => semver.valid(t) && semver.gte(t, minVersion) && semver.lte(t, maxVersion)); return [...tags]; } catch (e) { debug(e.message); debug(message);
How does semver.valid work?
semver.valid is a function provided by the semver library that checks if a given string represents a valid semantic version number. To determine if a string is a valid semantic version number, the function first checks if it matches the basic format of a semantic version, which is "major.minor.patch". If the string matches this format, the function then checks if each component is a non-negative integer. If all three components are non-negative integers, then the string is considered a valid semantic version number and the function returns it. If the string does not match the format or any component is not a non-negative integer, then the function returns null to indicate that the string is not a valid semantic version number. The semver.valid function is useful for validating user input or ensuring that a version number provided by a package or module follows the semantic versioning standard.
GitHub: cnpm/npminstall
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exports.findMaxSatisfyingVersion = (spec, distTags, allVersions) => { // try tag first let realPkgVersion = distTags[spec]; if (!realPkgVersion) { const version = semver.valid(spec); const range = semver.validRange(spec, true); if (semver.satisfies(distTags.latest, spec)) { realPkgVersion = distTags.latest; } else if (version) {
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const urlsToCheck = []; function isValidFullRelease(tag) { // Is valid semver and does not contain any pre-release labels return semver.valid(tag) && !semver.prerelease(tag); } async function writeBoltVersionUrlsToJson(versionData) { const config = await getConfig();
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Ai Example
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const semver = require("semver"); const version1 = "1.2.3"; const version2 = "2.0"; const version3 = "1.x"; console.log(semver.valid(version1)); // '1.2.3' console.log(semver.valid(version2)); // null console.log(semver.valid(version3)); // null
In this example, we use the semver library to check if three different version strings are valid semantic versions using the semver.valid function. The version1 string matches the basic format of a semantic version ("major.minor.patch") and has three non-negative integer components, so the function returns the string '1.2.3'. The version2 and version3 strings do not match the basic format of a semantic version or have non-integer components, so the function returns null for both of them. This example demonstrates how you can use semver.valid to validate version numbers in your code or to parse user input to ensure that it follows the semantic versioning standard.
GitHub: SAP/fundamental-ngx
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const run = async () => { const release = await bumpedVersionType();`${release.reason}, therefore release type should be ${release.releaseType}`); const newVersion = semver.valid(release.releaseType, undefined) ||, release.releaseType, prereleaseRequested, 'rc');`new version is ${newVersion}`); if (writeFile) { packageJson.version = newVersion;
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GitHub: qiqiboy/tiger-new
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name: 'version', type: 'input', message: '请输入项目版本号(version):', default: answers.type === 'application' ? '1.0.0' : '0.0.1', validate: function (input) { return semver.valid(input) ? true : chalk.cyan(input) + ' 不是一个有效的版本号'; } }, { name: 'name',
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if (versions[semverRange] != null) return versions[semverRange] } // get all the valid version numbers, sort by semver in descending order const versionNames = Object.keys(versions) .filter(versionName => semver.valid(versionName)) // might be crap in there .sort(semver.rcompare) // find the first version that satisfies for (let versionName of versionNames) {
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const semverExtension = { base: Joi.string(), type: 'semver', validate: function (value, { error }) { return semver.valid(value) ? { value } : { errors: error(`${extensionName}.valid`) } }, messages: { [`${extensionName}.valid`]: '{{#label}} needs to be a valid semver expression', [`${extensionName}.gt`]: '{{#label}} needs to be greater than {{#exp}}',
GitHub: athombv/node-homey
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manifest = App.getManifest({ appPath: this.path }); manifestFolder = this.path; } switch (true) { case semver.valid(version): manifest.version = version; break; case ['minor', 'major', 'patch'].includes(version):
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} }; var sortBySemver = function(versions) { const cmp = function(a, b) { const a_valid = semver.valid(a); const b_valid = semver.valid(b); switch (false) { case !a_valid || !b_valid: return semver.rcompare(a, b); case !a_valid: return -1;
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if (invalidVersions.length > 0) { log.warn('pickVersion', 'The package %s has invalid semver-version(s): %s. This usually only happens for unofficial private registries. ' + 'You should delete or re-publish the invalid versions.',, invalidVersions.join(', ')) } versions = versions.filter(function (v) { return semver.valid(v) }) if (dep.type === 'tag') { var tagVersion = pkg['dist-tags'][dep.spec] if (pkg.versions[tagVersion]) return thenAddMetadata(pkg.versions[tagVersion])
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GitHub: Jokerfive7/-Duelyst-
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return umask.validate(data, k, val) } function validateSemver (data, k, val) { if (!semver.valid(val)) return false data[k] = semver.valid(val) } function validateStream (data, k, val) { if (!(val instanceof Stream)) return false
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pluginMap[].version = plugin.version; pluginMap[].settingsRoute = plugin.settingsRoute; pluginMap[].license = plugin.license; // If package.json defines a version to use, stick to that if (dependencies.hasOwnProperty( && semver.valid(dependencies[])) { pluginMap[].latest = dependencies[]; } else { pluginMap[].latest = pluginMap[].latest || plugin.version; }
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}); } function getInstallPackage(version, originalDirectory) { let packageToInstall = 'react-scripts'; const validSemver = semver.valid(version); if (validSemver) { packageToInstall += `@${validSemver}`; } else if (version) { if (version[0] === '@' && !version.includes('/')) {
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GitHub: wuguokai/gpt_bot
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return _.orderBy( glob.sync('migrations/*.js', { cwd: rootPath }).map(filepath => { const [rawVersion, timestamp, title] = path.basename(filepath).split('-') return { filename: path.basename(filepath), version: semver.valid(rawVersion.replace(/_/g, '.')), title: (title || '').replace(/\.js$/i, ''), date: Number(timestamp), location: path.join(rootPath, filepath) }
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if (!session.version) { logger.error('Missing version information in session'); return true; } var sessionVersion = semver.valid(session.version); if (!sessionVersion) { logger.error('Invalid version information in this session:', session.version); return true;
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node: { extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.ts', '.tsx'], }, }, react: { version: semver.valid(semver.coerce(PKG.dependencies.react)), }, }, env: {
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const spec = res.rawSpec.trim() // no save spec for registry components as we save based on the fetched // version, not on the argument so this can't compute that. res.saveSpec = null res.fetchSpec = spec const version = semver.valid(spec, true) const range = semver.validRange(spec, true) if (version) { res.type = 'version' } else if (range) {
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} if (args[0] === 'from-git') { retrieveTagVersion(silent, data, cb_) } else { var newVersion = semver.valid(args[0]) if (!newVersion) newVersion =, args[0], npm.config.get('preid')) if (!newVersion) return cb_(version.usage) persistVersion(newVersion, silent, data, cb_) }
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} else { return null; } } return semver.valid(version); }
semver.gte is the most popular function in semver (528 examples)