How to use the col function from sequelize
Find comprehensive JavaScript sequelize.col code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
sequelize.col is a method in Sequelize that allows you to specify a database column as an expression.
GitHub: keenwon/eazydict
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let count try { const wordbookModel = await new WordbookModel() const findOptions = { attributes: [[sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col('id')), 'num']] } if (typeof historyId === 'number') { findOptions.where = {
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indexes: [ { unique: true, name: 'files_unique_file_constraint', fields: [ col('infoHash'), fn('COALESCE', (col('fileIndex')), -1), fn('COALESCE', (col('imdbId')), 'null'), fn('COALESCE', (col('imdbSeason')), -1), fn('COALESCE', (col('imdbEpisode')), -1),
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How does sequelize.col work?
sequelize.col is a method in the Sequelize ORM library for Node.js that creates an SQL column expression to reference a specific table column within a query. It takes a string argument that represents the name of the column and returns a column expression object. This column expression can be used in queries to perform operations or filtering based on the specified column.
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upload_date: { []: yearAgo, }, }, attributes: [ [Sequelize.fn('date_trunc', 'month', Sequelize.col('upload_date')), 'month'], [Sequelize.fn('count', '*'), 'count'], ], group: 'month', });
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const { clone_name } = req.body; const user_id = getUserIdFromSAMLUserId(req); let ids = await this.gcHistory.findAll({ attributes: [[Sequelize.fn('MAX', Sequelize.col('id')), 'id']], where: { clone_name, had_error: 'f', user_id: user_id,
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Ai Example
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const { Sequelize, Model, DataTypes } = require("sequelize"); const sequelize = new Sequelize("sqlite::memory:"); class User extends Model {} User.init( { firstName: DataTypes.STRING, lastName: DataTypes.STRING, }, { sequelize, modelName: "user" } ); const users = await User.findAll({ attributes: ["id", "firstName", [sequelize.col("lastName"), "surname"]], });
Here we're using sequelize.col('lastName') to create a reference to the lastName column in the user table, and we're giving it the alias surname using the array syntax. This will result in a query that looks something like this: sql Copy code
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where: { UserId: query.userId, EventId: query.eventId, }, attributes: [ [Sequelize.fn('ST_AsGeoJSON', Sequelize.col('shape')), 'shape'], 'distance', 'area', 'id', 'startTime',
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{model: models.Users} ], attributes: { include: [[ sequelize.fn('ST_DWithin', sequelize.col('geolocation'), sequelize.literal(`ST_Point(${req.body.latitude}, ${req.body.longitude})::geography`), 1000), 'nearby' ]] }
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callback(err); }); } exports.countAll = function(callback) { Item.findAll({ attributes: [[Sequelize.fn('COUNT', Sequelize.col('id')), 'no_items']] } ).then(function(n) { callback(null, n[0].get('no_items')); }).error(function(err) { callback(err); });
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"jumlah", ], [ sequelize.fn( "sum", sequelize.col("prodtrans.total_purchased_price") ), "total_biaya", ], [
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GitHub: James-H007/Air-BnB
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// }, // { model: Review, // attributes: [] // }] // query.attributes = { // include: [[Sequelize.fn("AVG", Sequelize.col("Reviews.stars")), 'avgRating']] // } // = ['', '', "Reviews.spotId"]
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} const locations = await event.getLocations() const tablesGroupedCount = await Table.findAll( { attributes: ['LocationId', 'EventId', [Sequelize.fn('count', Sequelize.col('LocationId')), 'count']], group: ['LocationId', 'EventId'], having: { 'EventId': event.get('id') } } )
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//unread message count router.get('/unread_messages', (req, res, next) => { console.log(req.query.userId) MessageRecord.findAll({ where: { TMESSAGES_Record_UID: req.query.userId, TMESSAGES_Record_Read_Status: "Sent", TMESSAGES_Record_IS_Delete: false }, attributes: ["TMESSAGES_Record_Chat_Room_ID", [Sequelize.fn('count', Sequelize.col('TMESSAGES_Record_Chat_Room_ID')), 'Unread_msg_count']], group: ['TMESSAGES_Record_Chat_Room_ID'], }) .then(unreadMsgCount => { console.log(unreadMsgCount)
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} } ], attributes: { include: [ [Sequelize.fn('SUM', Sequelize.col('orders.OrderProducts.quantity')), 'soldProductCount'] ], separate: true }, group: ['orders.OrderProducts.productId'],
GitHub: bbueno96/clinica-api
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} const order = sort.length ? sort.reduce((items, s) => { const customField = allFields.find(({ dest }) => dest === return [...items, [customField ? sequelize.col(customField.source) :, s.order || 'ASC']] }, []) : undefined if (filters.length && filterItems.length) filters[0].items = [...filters[0].items, ...filterItems]
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contractId: [sequelize.col(''), 'contractId'], patientCpfCnpj: [sequelize.col('contract.customer.patientAdherer.cpfCnpj'), 'patientCpfCnpj'], patientName: [sequelize.col(''), 'patientName'], paymentMethodDescription: [sequelize.col('paymentMethod.description'), 'paymentMethodDescription'], paymentMethodNumberInstallments: [ sequelize.col('paymentMethod.numberInstallments'), 'paymentMethodNumberInstallments', ], paymentMethodFine: [sequelize.col('paymentMethod.fine'), 'paymentMethodFine'], paymentMethodInterest: [sequelize.col('paymentMethod.interest'), 'paymentMethodInterest'],
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GitHub: mike-650/AirBnB
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// Find average of stars and set avgStarRating property const reviewAvg = await Review.findAll({ where: { spotId }, attributes: [[Sequelize.fn('AVG', Sequelize.col('stars')), 'avg_rating']] }) formatSpot.avgStarRating = reviewAvg[0].dataValues.avg_rating;
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attributes: [ 'sbi', 'crn', 'customer_name', 'business_name', [fn('LOWER', col('business_email')), 'businessEmail'], 'business_address', 'last_updated_at', 'waiting_updated_at', 'access_granted'
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throw new AppError('No groupe found with that Id', 404); } // const nombreSeance = await groupe.getPresences({ // attributes: [ // "datePresence", // [sequelize.fn("COUNT", sequelize.col("")), "count_players"], // ], // include:[{model:Student , left:true}, // {model:Groupe , left:true} // ],
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namesConcated: sequelize.where( sequelize.fn( "concat", sequelize.col("firstName"), " ", sequelize.col("lastName") ), { [sequelize.Op.iLike]: `%${req.query.term}%`, }
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} ///////////////////////////////////// brand is checked end /////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// option value is checked start /////////////////// if(option_value !='' && option_value != null){ // var optionTitle = await models.products.findAll({attributes: [[Sequelize.fn('DISTINCT', Sequelize.col('optionTitle')), 'optionTitle']], where : { optionTitle: !null, storeId : storeId, status : 'active' }}) var optionTitle = await sequelize.query("SELECT DISTINCT optionTitle FROM products where optionTitle is not null and optionTitle != '' and storeId = "+storeId+"",{ type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); if (optionTitle.length > 0) { var multiOptionValue = '' var option_value_arr =",");
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GitHub: JooMello/farm
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vendas.forEach((venda) => { = moment('DD/MM/YYYY'); }); //////////////////////Quantidade var amountQ = await Venda.findOne({ attributes: [sequelize.fn("sum", sequelize.col("quantidade"))], raw: true }); var quantidade = (Number(amountQ['sum(`quantidade`)']))
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sequelize.col is the most popular function in sequelize (1002 examples)