How to use the QueryTypes function from sequelize
Find comprehensive JavaScript sequelize.QueryTypes code examples handpicked from public code repositorys.
sequelize.QueryTypes is an enumeration in the Sequelize library that defines different types of SQL queries.
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const { id } = req.query; let comments = []; const selectCommands = await db.query("SELECT id,value,author_id,timestamp FROM cms_post_comments WHERE post_id = ? AND type = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC", { replacements: [id, 'article'], type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); if (selectCommands.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < selectCommands.length; i++) {
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}); }; } const user = await db.query("SELECT id,username,motto,figure,last_online,online,rank,vip_points,credits,activity_points,seasonal_points,vip FROM players WHERE id = ?", { replacements: [], type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); var userArray = [];
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How does sequelize.QueryTypes work?
works by defining a set of constants that represent different types of SQL queries that can be executed using Sequelize.
The enumeration provides constants for the following types of queries:
: A SELECT query that retrieves data from a database table.INSERT
: An INSERT query that inserts data into a database table.UPDATE
: An UPDATE query that updates data in a database table.DELETE
: A DELETE query that deletes data from a database table.UPSERT
: An UPSERT query that updates data in a database table if it exists, or inserts it if it does not.BULK_INSERT
: A bulk INSERT query that inserts multiple rows of data into a database table in a single query.SHOW
: A SHOW query that displays information about a database or database object.
By using sequelize.QueryTypes
, developers can easily specify the type of query they want to execute when using Sequelize's query
method. This can be useful when working with more complex queries that cannot be easily expressed using Sequelize's other query methods.
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status_code: 400, message: i18n.__('registerGenderRequired') }); } else { const getTotalIp = await db.query("SELECT ip_last FROM players WHERE ip_last = ?", { replacements: [ requestIp.getClientIp(req)], type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); if (getTotalIp.length < config.get('cms_config').registerSettings.maxAccountsPerIp) { if (hCaptcha) {
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} else { if (searchString == '') { res.status(200).send({ data:{success : false, message: "Search string is required"} ,errorNode:{errorCode:1, errorMsg:"Error"}}); } else { // var searchProductList = await sequelize.query("SELECT id, title, slug, price, specialPrice, size FROM `products` WHERE storeId = "+storeId+" and `title` LIKE '%"+searchString+"%' and status = 'active' and isConfigurable = 0",{ type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); var searchProductList = await sequelize.query("SELECT id, title, slug, price, specialPrice FROM `products` WHERE storeId = "+storeId+" and LOWER(`title`) LIKE LOWER('%"+searchString+"%') and status = 'active' and isConfigurable = 0",{ type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); if(searchProductList.length >0){ ////////////////////////// catelog price rule start /////////////////////////////////////
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Ai Example
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const { Sequelize, QueryTypes } = require("sequelize"); const sequelize = new Sequelize("database", "username", "password", { dialect: "mysql", }); async function getData() { const sql = "SELECT * FROM `users`"; const results = await sequelize.query(sql, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }); console.log(results); } getData();
In this example, we use sequelize.QueryTypes to execute a SELECT query on a database table using Sequelize's query method. We first create a new Sequelize instance and define the connection parameters. We then define a SQL query string that selects all rows from a users table. We use sequelize.query() to execute the query, passing { type: QueryTypes.SELECT } as an option to specify the type of query to execute. The function returns an array of result rows, which is then logged to the console. By using sequelize.QueryTypes in this way, we can easily execute more complex SQL queries that cannot be easily expressed using Sequelize's other query methods.
GitHub: dangbba/Unity
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const query = 'SELECT score FROM game1 WHERE user_id = :userId'; const result = await sequelize.query(query, { replacements: { userId: userId, }, type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); const nowScore = result[0];
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OR ( = acb.NodeAffinity2 AND acb.NodeAffinity2 IS NOT NULL) OR ( = acb.NodeAffinity3 AND acb.NodeAffinity3 IS NOT NULL) OR ( = acb.NodeAffinity4 AND acb.NodeAffinity4 IS NOT NULL) OR ( = acb.NodeAffinity5 AND acb.NodeAffinity5 IS NOT NULL) ${id ? `WHERE = ${id}` : ''} `, { type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }) const mappedCharts = charts.reduce((prev, curr) => { const treeList = prev[curr.treeId];
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// console.log(Uname) Uname = Uname[0].name // console.log(Uname[0].name) let Uphone = await sequelize.query(`select mobile from users where email = "${data.Email}"`,{ type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }) // console.log(Uphone) Uphone = Uphone[0].mobile let Uemail = data.Email
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"isUpdated":"yes" }); } } var crossSellProductList = await sequelize.query("SELECT, products.sku, products.title, products.slug, products.price, products.specialPrice, products.size, products.status, products.isConfigurable FROM `relatedProduct` left join products on = relatedProduct.selectedProductId WHERE relatedProduct.storeId = "+storeId+" and relatedProduct.productId = "+productId+" and relatedProduct.type = 'Cross-Sells'",{ type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); if(crossSellProductList.length>0){ for(var i = 0; i < crossSellProductList.length; i++){ let upsellThumbnailProductImages = await models.productImages.findAll({attributes:['id','productId','file','imageTitle'],where:{productId:crossSellProductList[i].id, isPrimary: 'Yes'}});
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var user = users.toJSON(); var reportingId = []; if (users.storeId != null) { //*****Assign Reporting Users Start //1var adminIds = await sequelize.query("SELECT ID.level, FROM(SELECT @ids as _ids,( SELECT @ids := GROUP_CONCAT(id) FROM admins WHERE FIND_IN_SET(parentId, @ids) AND cid = "+user.cid+") as cids, @l := @l+1 as level FROM admins, (SELECT @ids :="", @l := 0 ) b WHERE @ids IS NOT NULL AND cid = "+user.cid+") id, admins AS DATA WHERE FIND_IN_SET(, ID._ids) ORDER BY level, id",{ type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); var adminIds = await sequelize.query("SELECT FROM(SELECT @ids as _ids,( SELECT @ids := GROUP_CONCAT(id) FROM admins WHERE FIND_IN_SET(parentId, @ids) AND storeId = " + user.storeId + ") as cids, @l := @l+1 as level FROM admins, (SELECT @ids :=" + + ", @l := 0 ) b WHERE @ids IS NOT NULL AND storeId = " + user.storeId + ") id, admins AS DATA WHERE FIND_IN_SET(, _ids) ORDER BY level, id", { type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); //3var adminIds = await sequelize.query("WITH RECURSIVE descendant AS (SELECT id,cid,parentId,0 AS level FROM admins WHERE id = "" AND cid = "+user.cid+" UNION ALL SELECT,ft.cid,ft.parentId,level + 1 FROM admins ft JOIN descendant d ON ft.parentId = WHERE ft.cid = "+user.cid+" )SELECT AS id,d.cid AS cid,d.level FROM descendant d JOIN admins a ON d.parentId = ORDER BY level",{ type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); adminIds.forEach(function (admin) {
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offset: 0, }) user.dataValues.sessions_recent = sessions_recent; let bytes_total = await sequelize.query("SELECT SUM(initiator_rxbytes) as total_rx,SUM(initiator_txbytes) as total_tx FROM enclaves where initiator_role LIKE $role and initiator_uid=$user_id group by initiator_uid", { bind: { role: 'U', }, type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); if (bytes_total.length) { user.dataValues.bytes_total = bytes_total[0]; } else { user.dataValues.bytes_total = { "total_rx": 0 , "total_tx": 0 };
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}] }) service.dataValues.enclave_list = enclave_list; let bytes_total = await sequelize.query("SELECT SUM(responder_rxbytes) as total_rx,SUM(responder_txbytes) as total_tx FROM enclaves where responder_role LIKE $role and responder_uid=$service_id group by responder_uid", { bind: { role: 'S', }, type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); if (bytes_total.length) { service.dataValues.bytes_total = bytes_total[0]; } else { service.dataValues.bytes_total = { "total_rx": 0 , "total_tx": 0};
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WHERE Quest = ${req.body.questId} AND StepNumber IN ( SELECT MAX(StepNumber) FROM xenoblade2_guide.questSteps WHERE Quest = ${req.body.questId} AND ${findStepsInRoute(req.body.lastCompletedStep, req.body.startedRoute)} ) AND ${findStepsInRoute(req.body.lastCompletedStep, req.body.startedRoute)}`, { type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }); if (req.body.lastCompletedStep === lastStep[0].id) { await sequelize.query(` UPDATE xenoblade2_guide.quests
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sequelize.col is the most popular function in sequelize (1002 examples)