How to use the ls function from shelljs
Find comprehensive JavaScript code examples handpicked from public code repositorys. is a method provided by the ShellJS library that allows you to list the contents of a directory in Node.js.
GitHub: spotify/reactochart
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const fs = require('fs'); const sh = require('shelljs'); const { fileExists, dirExists } = require('./utils'); const srcContents ='src'); // We don't want to commit built files, so it is useful to have a `clean` script which deletes them if they exist. // However, Reactochart is built in the root directory // (so that modules may be required with eg. `require('reactochart/LineChart')`).
GitHub: mendix/widgets-tools
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} console.log(`[${widgetName}] Tested!`); async function prepareWidget() { const filesToRemove = ls(workDir) .filter(file => file !== "node_modules") .map(file => join(workDir, file)); if (filesToRemove.length) { rm("-r", ...filesToRemove);
+ 4 other calls in file
How does work?
is a method of the ShellJS library that allows you to list the contents of a directory. When called with a directory path as an argument, it returns an array of filenames contained in that directory. If no argument is provided, it returns an array of filenames in the current working directory. It also provides various options to customize the output.
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// Try to auto-detect java in the default install paths. var oldSilent = shelljs.config.silent; shelljs.config.silent = true; var firstJdkDir =['ProgramFiles'] + '\\java\\jdk*')[0] ||'C:\\Program Files\\java\\jdk*')[0] ||'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\java\\jdk*')[0]; shelljs.config.silent = oldSilent; if (firstJdkDir) { // shelljs always uses / in paths.
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GitHub: pritamprasd/therapyApp
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.setMaxSdkVersion(platformConfig.getPreference('android-maxSdkVersion', 'android')) .setTargetSdkVersion(platformConfig.getPreference('android-targetSdkVersion', 'android')) .write(); var javaPattern = path.join(locations.root, 'src', orig_pkg.replace(/\./g, '/'), '*.java'); var java_files = { return shell.grep(/extends\s+CordovaActivity/g, f); }); if (java_files.length === 0) {
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Ai Example
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const shell = require("shelljs"); // List all files in the current directory. const files =; console.log(files);
This code will print the names of all files in the current directory to the console.
GitHub: TomMalbran/Runner
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*/ function files(options, source) { if (source) { return, source); } return; } /** * Create the directory if it doesnt exists
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GitHub: aniketkudale/Torch-App
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} } // remove the default resource name from all drawable folders function deleteDefaultResourceAt(baseDir, resourceName) {, 'res/drawable-*')) .forEach(function (drawableFolder) { var imagePath = path.join(drawableFolder, resourceName); shell.rm('-f', [imagePath, imagePath.replace(/\.png$/, '.9.png')]); events.emit('verbose', 'Deleted ' + imagePath);
+ 33 other calls in file
GitHub: lbear9090/wediapp_ionic
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function copyJsAndLibrary(projectPath, shared, projectName) { var nestedCordovaLibPath = getFrameworkDir(projectPath, false); shell.cp('-f', path.join(ROOT, 'framework', 'assets', 'www', 'cordova.js'), path.join(projectPath, 'assets', 'www', 'cordova.js')); // Don't fail if there are no old jars. setShellFatal(false, function() {, 'libs', 'cordova-*.jar')).forEach(function(oldJar) { console.log("Deleting " + oldJar); shell.rm('-f', oldJar); }); // Delete old library project if it existed.
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// get the path for the directory of the current file let folderDirectory = path.dirname(file); // loop each file in the folder and copy it if it has not been created yet => { let originalFilePath = folderDirectory + '/' + copyFile; let copyFilePath = DEPLOY_FOLDER + '/' + originalFilePath; if (!shell.test('-f', copyFilePath)) {
+ 42 other calls in file
GitHub: Mohamed6995/ayan
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
's': 1, }; // Contains the list of tests which should be built and profiled const profileTests = => fs.statSync(path.join(baseDir, filename)).isDirectory()); // build tests shell.exec( `yarn bazel build ` +
+ 9 other calls in file
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.then(() => { // Create destination path const destinationDirectory = `${destDirectory}/${folderName}`; // Remove old files => { const extension = fileExtension(file); if (this.includes(extension)) { const fullPath = `${destinationDirectory}/${file}`; shell.rm(fullPath);
+ 12 other calls in file
GitHub: itjackjw/desktop
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const logDir = '~/AppData/Roaming/slobs-client/node-obs/logs'; let tail; let currentLog; setInterval(() => { const logs =; const lastLog = logs[logs.length - 1]; if (lastLog !== currentLog) { if (tail) {
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const web3 = new Web3(truffleProvider); const chainId = await web3.eth.getChainId(); const networkId = await; const [ozFile] =`.openzeppelin/*-${chainId}.json`); const { admin: { address: adminAddress } } = JSON.parse(; const admin = new web3.eth.Contract(proxyAdminAbi, adminAddress);
GitHub: RadioAc/shell-pr
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
// sh.rm('-rf','out/Release');//强制递归删除`out/Release目录` // sh.cp('-R','stuff/','out/Release');//将`stuff/`中所有内容拷贝至`out/Release`目录 //'lib');//进入`lib`目录 // //找出所有的扩展名为js的文件,并遍历进行操作 //'*.js').forEach(function (file) { // /* 这是第一个难点:sed流编辑器,建议专题学习,-i表示直接作用源文件 */ // //将build_version字段替换为'v0.1.2' // sh.sed('-i', 'BUILD_VERSION', 'v0.1.2', file); // //将包含`REMOVE_THIS_LINE`字符串的行删除
shelljs.exec is the most popular function in shelljs (4615 examples)